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Ai Controller (Sid, Jet Route, Star And Final Approach) Beta

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It is a mess, at least with P3D AIController will work with the default simconnect, which is also installed by default I believe.


I tried to use ai controoler with prep 2.4 but still it doesnt work. Here is a pic with default traffic.http://puu.sh/cfNNd/38237d956b.jpg ( in the pic the aircraft just flies straight without turning.


There must be a bug 


The way that I start everything is FSX, OPUS (whichever weather you use) AI CONTROLLER, then I go into my settings and load my AI. That way every 3rd party program affecting AI is already running before the AI get injected. Might help out your issue some Regulate.

I'll give that a try tonight.  Usually I start AI Controller when I get to the load scenario (load flight) screen in P3D, although I think I have also loaded it in the past right at the start.  I'll keep testing.  I really want to be able to start from my home airport KONT, and see the AI flights crossing from east to west enroute to KLAX south of KONT at 12,000 feet plus along the riiver2 STAR like in real life, instead of at 2,300 feet 50 miles out from KLAX like it does without AI controller. 


Hello Roland, thank you for this lovely AI-addon.


Unfortunately I have some issues with AImonitor.exe or more specifically it's GUI.


The problem is that the AImonitor.exe GUI stops working, or rather the .exe process starts and the icon appears in the task bar but

the actual GUI never launches. However if I close AImonitor.exe and AIcontroller.exe and then move the entire folder

(with all subfolders and files) to another drive it will work fine for a couple of days until AImonitor.exe GUI does not want to launch.


Then I move the entire folder (with all subfolders and files) to another drive to another drive and it works fine for a few days.

Also it does not matter if I start AImonitor.exe from a shortcut, double clicking on it in windows explorer or if I launch it via

start menu->run.  It also does not matter if I put on an internal drive or on an external drive.


As far as I can tell AIcontroller.exe is working as it should.


Hi BuboBubo,


I had the same problem. Roland pointed me to the NOTAM section in the readme file. That sorted it for me. While I'm at it, thanks Roland, for setting me straight.




Hi BuboBubo,


I had the same problem. Roland pointed me to the NOTAM section in the readme file. That sorted it for me. While I'm at it, thanks Roland, for setting me straight.




Thank you for your reply, however there is no mention of AI-mon in the NOTAM section and I've read the entire readme file (25 pages)

but can't find any reference to how to solve the problem.


I don't have the ReadMe in front of me, but here's what I did. When the GUI doesn't display, click and hold the icon on the taskbar to ensure AIMonitor has focus. Then press Alt+Spacebar. This will bring up a small dialogue. Click on maximize and the GUI should appear.




I don't have the ReadMe in front of me, but here's what I did. When the GUI doesn't display, click and hold the icon on the taskbar to ensure AIMonitor has focus.

Then press Alt+Spacebar. This will bring up a small dialogue. Click on maximize and the GUI should appear.




Ok, thanks that worked.


UR welcome. Actually, thank Roland. He pointed me (us) in the right direction.




I'll give that a try tonight.  Usually I start AI Controller when I get to the load scenario (load flight) screen in P3D, although I think I have also loaded it in the past right at the start.  I'll keep testing.  I really want to be able to start from my home airport KONT, and see the AI flights crossing from east to west enroute to KLAX south of KONT at 12,000 feet plus along the riiver2 STAR like in real life, instead of at 2,300 feet 50 miles out from KLAX like it does without AI controller. 

Keep in mind AI traffic flows take atleast 20-30 mins to fall into effect. If you use default with AI Separation and no AI controller, that falls down to more 10-15.


How can I use the program without using its STAR / SID functionalities ? When I don't specify any STAR or SID, it won't let me continue. I would like to use this program only to act as an AI Separator and AI planes / User plane separator. I actually use AISmooth, but it doesn't have the ability to separate the planes well enough on finales, and to adjust the speed on the planes to keep separation.


Is what I would like to achieve possible ?




Any news on the next version?


I apologize to everyone for not being more active on the forum  The new version pretty much has my full attention.  I'm just about finished with the revamped AIMonitor.  A lot of the changes are under the hood (automatically decompiling the appropriate .bgl files to retrieve waypoint and airport data, then exporting that data to AIController).


Here's a view of the new "Options" menu.




Here's the "Configs Path" window.  The critical data is auto-populated, but can be overwritten by the user.  

AIMonitor needs this path info to find the .bgl files corresponding to monitored airports.




Here's the new windows form to manage STAR/SID/Final Approach paths, should make things easier (especially in combination with Mattias' SIDSTAR Converter):




I've also moved sub-options management to AIMonitor (with pop-up help windows) to make things easier.  There are several option windows:





Here's one of the option windows showing the new AI Enhanced Final Approach Modes (replacing the old Autogen system) made possible by directly using FSX/P3D airport waypoint and runway data:




The "generic" final approach patterns can be more tightly controlled, such as by specifying IAF altitude, final leg distance, turn-angle onto final, etc.  The AI

will no longer have to intercept the FSX-generated IAF.  This will also help AI separation.  After landing, the AI will be able to taxi to an unoccupied

gate corresponding to the correct airline and park.


The enhanced mode can also be used to implement published finals (a revised AIConverter will be provided to convert final approaches from published STAR data).


User-written custom final approaches will remain available though.  Even the old auto-gen, final approach system will remain available (but disabled by default) for

anyone who prefers the old system.




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