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Flight1 GTN or RealityXP ?

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Was just about to buy this when I noticed that although the terrain database is now worldwide, the charts/approach plates are still limited to the US only. I fly exclusively in Europe (mainly UK) so I would lose out on some important functionality.


I would not worry about it that much.  I pulled up charts today and even with the GTN750 2D popup and zooming in the charts are very hard to read.  I think this is a feature that does not translate very well to the sim.  There is a new update of the Garmin Trainer with all of the NavData from AIRAC 1504 so you will have these procedures in the GTN.  I would continue to use your old method of using the charts whether that is a second computer, second screen, IPad or print out.

Mark   CYYZ      


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Quick question about the 750 - does it use data from Navigraph?  I really don't mind building flight plans on the 750, but I would hope that the nav data can be kept updated from someplace like Navigraph. But I cannot find anything in Flight 1 literature about this. I've been flying my newly-acquired Turbine Duke all over the place, and really want this addition, if only it will keep updated with current data.

-= Gary Barth =-





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No, it uses Garmin/Jeppesen data, not Navigraph.

Which, I assume, needs to be purchased, either cyclical or as a subscription? If that is the case, I will defer. Navigraph takes care of my Aivlasoft EFB, PFPX, FS Commander, TOPCAT, Coolsky MD-80, Mad Dog, and all of my PMDG fleet. The data is world-wide, and includes all of the SID/STAR procedures. All for about $5.50 USD per individual download or about $20 annually.


Now, I'd have to spend another $50 USD for the Garmin GTN 750, and who knows what to purchase the nav data. For the Turbine Duke and maybe the Carenado C-208 I notice that the data is sold by countries and not world-wide, and without signing up for an account, I can't get a price on the data.


I love the 750 - I just can't justify the cost.

-= Gary Barth =-





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No need to purchase navdata.. 2015 navdata is available for free worldwide.


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the 2015 navdata that is available for the gtn is perfectly adequate.


Besides, the same issue was there with the reality xp gns but it didn't stop people using them or them becoming one of the most popular fs addons ever.


The simulator world is always behind the navdata anyway. How many navaids and airports get updated within fsx? Not many that's for sure.

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The nav data for the standard FMS in most of the tubeliners is updated in cycles. It is not issued by the year. If you crank up your PMDG 737NGX and start to program in the flight plan, you will be warned that the nav data is not up-to-date if you have not loaded in the current dataset. Same with PFPX, and as far as I know, Aivlasoft EFB. I think almost every FMS system in FSX relies on data from one of the nav data sites. Is there a reason for this?


Question: how does that affect the Garmin GNS 750? So there is absolutely no need to worry about updating the data? You just start up and fly? I do know that the airports in FSX probably haven't been updated for a decade or more, but there are also airports presented by FS Dream Team and others that have up-to-date runways and ILS approaches.


Consensus of opinion - current nav data is/is not essential to use in FSX?

-= Gary Barth =-





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You get exactly what a RW private pilot gets... no more, no less.


Some FSX airports are not in the database - as a matter of fact, the Garmin GTN knows nothing of FSX or FSX flight plans (!)   B)


As stated above, the 2015 Garmin navdata is just fine for GA flying.


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The nav data for the standard FMS in most of the tubeliners is updated in cycles. It is not issued by the year. If you crank up your PMDG 737NGX and start to program in the flight plan, you will be warned that the nav data is not up-to-date if you have not loaded in the current dataset. Same with PFPX, and as far as I know, Aivlasoft EFB. I think almost every FMS system in FSX relies on data from one of the nav data sites. Is there a reason for this?


Yes, and so what?


Whilst upto date data is nice, its not essential for sim flying. The aircraft and programs mentioned will still work just fine with whatever data set you have installed. In fact, most of the addons that use FMS data come with at least one cycle already installed. VATSIM will be more picky of course as they have controllers that will want everyone on the same data set.

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I asked if there was a reason for companies like Navigraph to sell data subscription services to sim flyers. Why do PFPX, Aivlasoft and FS Commander use them? I guess it depends on what you think is "reality" to you. Since I use two different flight planners that use this data, I subscribe to it. It also has to do with real flight plans, as generated by sites like FlightAware, which use the up-to-date routes, SIDs and STARs, all which come with the nav data.


I'll probably pop for the Garmin GTN750 anyway. But when I do, I'll have to forget PFPX and FS Commander, because the Garmin also can't import those flight plans.  I will admit that it does look good in the turbine Duke, which is where it will probably reside.

-= Gary Barth =-





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I believe there is a RW difference between FMS flight plans and GA flight plans.


Tubeliners have a very formal SID/STAR/Airway style of navigation, whereas GA pilots use GPS navigation as an enhanced form of VOR to VOR navigation.


Interestingly, the GPS technology also allows RNAV precision approaches, whereas commercial airlines still use ILS as their standard..


Either way, Navigraph attempts to reproduce the airliner FMS data, which is not the same as the Garmin/Jeppesen data.


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Aside from which, if one is truly that interested in being totally "de jure," it is possible to subscribe to Garmin updates for their sim GNS750/650 units...


It is absurdly expensive of course, but it is available! :Shocked:


See: https://fly.garmin.com/fly-garmin/support/pricing

Fr. Bill    

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Aside from which, if one is truly that interested in being totally "de jure," it is possible to subscribe to Garmin updates for their sim GNS750/650 units...


Leaving aside the cost (which IS, as Fr. Bill notes, prohibitive for sim use) after investigating this a while back there really doesn't appear to be a way to subscribe in order to feed the trainers with current data.  Subscriptions apparently need to be tied to a physical unit's serial number.  Of course you could always buy a 650, I guess...  B)



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Or find a pilot with recently expired navdata

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Well, since my turbine Duke and possibly my Carenado C-208 Caravan are my only two (mostly) GA aircraft, I guess I'll have to get the 750. Does it come with the global data, or only North America?


Far as the Navigraph data goes, since real-world flight plans are used quite a bit with the sim fleet, IMHO it is still a good idea to have the latest dataset. And since there is little cost involved...


Case closed.

-= Gary Barth =-





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