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About GHarrall

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    Kingston, Ontario

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  1. No, it’s textures only. It also only works on default airports or ADE’s that use default components
  2. Well, Hornet got its second update today. Its now even better than it was....... I have to say that since DCS 2.5 launched my P3D installation hasn't had a look in.
  3. The hornet has landed.......and man, it’s incredible.
  4. wow, looks fabulous. After a few years of learning the A10C, Im still trying to get to grips with flying the spitfire :) Now we have the Harrier and the Hornet and I don't have time for all this ..........lol
  5. I really like Air Hauler 2. Nice upgrade on the original and keeps me flying to places I would never normally consider. I also like the business aspect. It is early access still so you have to keep that in mind but newer versions are coming out on a fairly regular basis. Support is good too. Slopey is quick to squash bugs and is responsive to questions.
  6. http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=f1gtn Even better than the now unsupported RXP product. EDIT - Sorry, this was for xplane. I didnt notice the forum
  7. What is the wind speed and direction? Many Huds do this drift to show wind effects. Perhaps it's not doing it correctly?
  8. Agreed. Much quicker to download the whole thing from the support page than by doing it in ftx central
  9. Region switching never disabled the scenery in the library anyway. The unified lc lookup makes no difference in this regard. confirmed by support staff at ftx forum recently.
  10. Exactly , the region files contain NONE of the files that are needed for switching so why are you saying that they will need to be updated? You sir, are a complete spin artist. . Does the update to ftx central take care of doing away with region switching. Simple question. Yes or no? Go to your ftx central install folder. Tell me where the ftx versions of lc lookup and autogen descriptions are stored, right in this folder which is where ftx central updates. Not once did I say they reside in the regions folder. Quite the opposite in fact. Clearly ftx central swaps these in and out of the sim. The new version of these files which will be supplied with the new version of ftx central will be permanently replaced in the sim folders and will no longer require any swapping in and out. That is what was said in my original post. You are choosing to either not read or don't comprehend. I'm done with you. Let's leave it at that indeed.
  11. lol, I just said that they reside in the sim folders. Ftx central contains those files and swaps them in and out as necessary. Look in the folder labeled ftx central. That's where all of those files are stored, not in the regions folders. Again, you are splitting hairs. Ftx central will simply take care of it all regardless. I'm fully aware of how the sim works thanks very much. I have been at this for 20 plus years at this point. There will be no update to the core region files. I bet you a case of beer on it.
  12. Where do you think autogen descriptions and lclookup reside in orbx world? In terms of region switching these are the only things that really change. They are in FTX central and get switched in and out of the sim files accordingly. I like the way you joined the qoutes at the end to support your position. Either way, its all handled by the new version FTX central so your original post is nothing more than nitpicking anyway. Have a good one...........................................
  13. errr no. Seeing as the region switching is primarily a function of changing the cfg files (autogen, terrain,) then it will be handled by FTX Central. They have already said on the orbx forum there will be no new versions of the regions required etc. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/110405-openlc-na-and-unified-global-regions/?do=findComment&comment=993152
  14. Control input and output are the single most important thing to me in a simulator. I don't need an fps counter to tell me when it's starting to lag but I can tell you now, anything below 27-28 fps and I can instantly see it in the rendering on screen. No need to look at the counter, I can see whilst I am flying. In fact I can feel it in terms of how the controls and the aircraft react, especially on finals.
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