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Thank you mate, I will give this a try, much appreciated!


I think something is going wrong with the install for navigraph, I cannot find a Navigraph G1000 Manual PDF in C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Carenado\EMB505_Phenom300

(I have also installed the navigraph into my P3DV2.5 install and I do see the PDF in the folder)

When I load up the Phenom in P3DV3 I do not see the loading navdata screen @ all 


What I ended up doing was copying the files from P3DV2.5 to the V3 folder and it seems to work now.. 


Thank you again for your help guys!


757FO, the credit for the tip with the Cmeteo dll is due to tomtor, I just tried it out and it worked for me :-)


I installed the latest Carenado aircraft which do not yet have a 3.0/3.1 installer with the migration tool. Files looked all complete by doing so. I still had to change the permissions though. 


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Where can I find the dll.xml file to edit? I have moved the Carenavigraph.dll into my main P3d directory, and can still not access the upgraded database. I see understand I need to make an edit to the dll.xml file, but I am not sure what the full file name is or where to find it. Thanks so much for the help!


hi guys can anyone point me  to  a good tutorial with voice for the phenom300 please but not FS Mania

I don't know of any tutorial for the Carenado Phenom 300. The AVSIM review of the EMB505 will be available any day now and you might find some tips and pointers in it. I did recommend adapting 3 existing tutorials for somewhat similar small jets because Carenado chooses not to provide a flight guide or flight manual with their add ons.





When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .


Okay, I ended up finding the appropriate file to make the edits to, and still no luck. Is there anything else anyone can think of that I'm doing wrong? I appreciate the help.

You want to make sure you have moved over to the P3D/FSX folder the C:\CarenadoNavigraph folder.  This will update the navdata after you start it up.  Here are the two entries you need to add in your dll.xml.  The CMeteoXml.dll is for the weather radar and goes in your main P3D/FSX directory.





    <ManualLoad>True</ManualLoad>       NOTE:  One of our members above posted this fix as the CMeteoXml entry causes a CTD.  This line will prevent it until Carenado publishes an update.









You can go on Navigraph and update your NavData as the NavData provided by Carenado was 2013 vintage.  When you update it, make sure the updated navdata is in the CarenadoNavigraph\Navigraph\NavData.  Then when you restart the Phenom300, you will see it updating the data again.


When you try to make a flight plan, you should be able to see all the runways for an airport available and SID/STARS for departures/arrivals.  If not, it is not installed properly.


Best regards,

Jim Young | AVSIM Online! - Simming's Premier Resource!

Member, AVSIM Board of Directors - Serving AVSIM since 2001

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thanks for that Ray ,you must be the Ray Marshall that Terry @FS Mania mentions in his video.  I have been critical of his tutorial video as  I am used to PMDG  and their FMC VNAV and LNAV and because I need as much automation as possible. I am still having one huge problem

when I hover my mouse over a switch it should  highlight it in green signifying it can be adjusted​ but  it does not 80% of the time which is very frustrating......................any ideas? and above all  else, I am a newbie




I have highlighted all the steps you have suggested for me to take, still no luck. Please let me know if I have made any mistakes. Thank you so much for your continued help.





Please let me know if I have made any mistakes. Thank you so much for your continued help.



Your setup looks great to me.  Make sure you also have the file shown below in the Navigraph folder:




When you first start up the Phenom 300 with old or new NavData you should see the following screen show up:




This image was extracted from the Loading_ScreenEMB505 gauge in the Gauges folder so you want to make sure you have the other gauges as follows: GaugeEMB505, GaugeEMB505N, and NAVIGRAPHEMB505 gauge.


Hope this helps.


Best regards,

Jim Young | AVSIM Online! - Simming's Premier Resource!

Member, AVSIM Board of Directors - Serving AVSIM since 2001

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I7 8086K  5.0GHz | GTX 1080 TI OC Edition | Dell 34" and 24" Monitors | ASUS Maximus X Hero MB Z370 | Samsung M.2 NVMe 500GB and 1TB | Samsung SSD 500GB x2 | Toshiba HDD 1TB | WDC HDD 1TB | Corsair H115i Pro | 16GB DDR4 3600C17 | Windows 10 





I do have that database file included inside the CarenadoNavigraph folder. The only thing left to figure out seems to be with the guages you have mentioned. I do believe I saw them inside the Carenado Installer folder and have not moved them anywhere. Is there a specific folder in which those should be placed? Thank you!




I do have that database file included inside the CarenadoNavigraph folder. The only thing left to figure out seems to be with the guages you have mentioned. I do believe I saw them inside the Carenado Installer folder and have not moved them anywhere. Is there a specific folder in which those should be placed? Thank you!

In the installer folder it will show you.  If it says gauges, then move the files inside over to the P3d\Gauges folder, the Effects over to the Effects folder, etc., etc.  The gauges are from the Phenom 300 installer.


Looks like you're getting there.  Or at least closer.


Best regards,

Jim Young | AVSIM Online! - Simming's Premier Resource!

Member, AVSIM Board of Directors - Serving AVSIM since 2001

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I7 8086K  5.0GHz | GTX 1080 TI OC Edition | Dell 34" and 24" Monitors | ASUS Maximus X Hero MB Z370 | Samsung M.2 NVMe 500GB and 1TB | Samsung SSD 500GB x2 | Toshiba HDD 1TB | WDC HDD 1TB | Corsair H115i Pro | 16GB DDR4 3600C17 | Windows 10 



thanks for that Ray ,you must be the Ray Marshall that Terry @FS Mania mentions in his video.  I have been critical of his tutorial video as  I am used to PMDG  and their FMC VNAV and LNAV and because I need as much automation as possible. I am still having one huge problem[/size]

when I hover my mouse over a switch it should  highlight it in green signifying it can be adjusted​ but  it does not 80% of the time which is very frustrating......................any ideas? and above all  else, I am a newbie


Hello Patrick,


Yes, I am indeed that Ray Marshall. One in the same at your service.


I'm guessing you are referring to TIM at FSMania, not Terry. Please keep in mind that Tim at FSMania neither works for PMDG or Carenado and has mothing to do with how each of those companies code their add ons for FSX/P3D. Further, Tim makes these tutorial videos out of the goodness of his heart and receives no payment whatsoever from anyone, although he spends his personal money to purchase the add ons and the expensive equipment to make the free videos.


So maybe you should not be so critical of him and his freely donated work.


Just because PMDG does things a certain way when they only have a new add on every couple of years and a fairly large staff of programmers, doesn't at all mean some other company that sells a $49 add on could, or should be expected, to code their add on using the same criteria as PMDG.


When I was a newbee at this flight sim stuff (Aug 2008, I think) I also started with a PMDG product but since have collected hundreds of add ons and I can tell you that no two developers do things the same way. There are no standards as such to cover a hovering mouse and the indication that such movement will or should generate.







When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .


Problem has been SOLVED Jim. After placing the gauges into the appropriate folder, I still had no luck. The final task that needed to be completed was to move the panel and model folders found within the Carenado Installer file, to the model and panel folders of the SimObjects file within P3D. Thank you so very, very much for your patience and thorough responses. I hope Carenado patches the installers soon so people do not need to go through this guess work!


Your setup looks great to me.  Make sure you also have the file shown below in the Navigraph folder:





This image was extracted from the Loading_ScreenEMB505 gauge in the Gauges folder so you want to make sure you have the other gauges as follows: GaugeEMB505, GaugeEMB505N, and NAVIGRAPHEMB505 gauge.


Hope this helps.


Best regards,

Hello Jim. 

This is what I did:

I installed the navigraph 1601 database . The carenado navigraph folder is in my main P3D folder. But for some reason I cant find the carenvaigraph.dll . It is not in my system, I've searched for it everywhere, its not there. Including the carenado navigraph file that's supposed to be in my C drive, it also isn't there

also, I cant find the GaugeEMB505N, and NAVIGRAPHEMB505 gauge.  in my gauges folder.. Hope you can help. Thanks




On my computer I retrieved all the necessary files from a folder named "Carenado Installer"... For me, this foler was found within C:/Program Files... If you happen to see that folder listed on your C drive, it should contain all the necessary files you need to properly install the navigraph update. Hope this potentially helps.


Hello Jim. 

This is what I did:

I installed the navigraph 1601 database . The carenado navigraph folder is in my main P3D folder. But for some reason I cant find the carenvaigraph.dll . It is not in my system, I've searched for it everywhere, its not there. Including the carenado navigraph file that's supposed to be in my C drive, it also isn't there

also, I cant find the GaugeEMB505N, and NAVIGRAPHEMB505 gauge.  in my gauges folder.. Hope you can help. Thanks

You have to install the program as Rob states above.  I run the installer for the Carenado addon, enter my license, and then select "Browse to" and browse to my main P3dV3 folder.  The installer will not install it there but the files will be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Carenado Installer.  Just move the files over to the appropriate files in the P3D folder.


Best regards,

Jim Young | AVSIM Online! - Simming's Premier Resource!

Member, AVSIM Board of Directors - Serving AVSIM since 2001

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Important other links: Basic FSX Configuration Guide | AVSIM CTD Guide | AVSIM Prepar3D Guide | Help with AVSIM Site | Signature Rules | Screen Shot Rule | AVSIM Terms of Service (ToS)

I7 8086K  5.0GHz | GTX 1080 TI OC Edition | Dell 34" and 24" Monitors | ASUS Maximus X Hero MB Z370 | Samsung M.2 NVMe 500GB and 1TB | Samsung SSD 500GB x2 | Toshiba HDD 1TB | WDC HDD 1TB | Corsair H115i Pro | 16GB DDR4 3600C17 | Windows 10 


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