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Note to all VRi MCP1 Users

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I have recently answered several queries from owners of the original VRInsight MCP1 panel. They report that LINDA is not working with their MCP1 with advanced aircraft like the PMDG 737NGX and Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321.

The reason is twofold. First, the config-mcp.lua file has been generated from the default aircraft configuration for SPD/HDG/ALT and these are not suitable for more complicated aircraft like PDMG and Aerosoft products. You need to go through the specific module menu and assign functions specifically written for your aircraft. Second, because your MCP panel is no longer sold, neither I nor Guenselli, have this panel to create a specific config-lua.default file for MCP1 users.

However, I have been working on this problem. Using 2.9.x there is now a method of copying the MCP2 configuration to work with your MCP1 panel.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Open LINDA and manually select PDMG737NGX or other aircraft from the dropdown.
  • Go to Setup MCP.
  • Select MCP2(Boeing) and save.
  • Select the Combo MCP page.
  • Click twice on the EFIS Mode 3 tick box at bottom (or make any other change) to highlight save button.
  • Hold down CTRL key and click on SAVE. You will see a confirm message that MCP1 config-hid.lua file has been created.
  • Go to Setup MCP and change back to MCP1 panel and save.
  • Start your flight sim and load the above aircraft.
  • Select FSXSync ON (orange box).
  • You should now have functioning SPD/HDG/ALT knobs and buttons.

Please note that not all LINDA aircraft modules will have a config-mcp2.default file. The default aircraft supplied with your flt sim (eg. Beechcraft 58) will work with the default functions included in the default template  and the library LIB-FSX Default.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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can you ex[lane  the line " Select FSXSync ON (orange box)."

i don't understand what is the orange box ?



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For LINDA to connect to the Flt Sim, the user must click on FSX-Sync at top of window. Connection is indicated by an orange box around the aircraft dropdown box.


Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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Hello together

I've installed WIN7, P3DV3.4,  LINDA 3.0.1, Aerosoft Airbus 318-321, VRInsight MCP2 panel.

MCP2 Panel is connected with COM3 and it is working.

When i need the Airbus, the panel isn't working correct. Many switches and knobs dosen't work.

Can you tell me, what is wrong?

Many thanks for the reply Peter


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10 hours ago, hapiair54 said:

Hello together

I've installed WIN7, P3DV3.4,  LINDA 3.0.1, Aerosoft Airbus 318-321, VRInsight MCP2 panel.

MCP2 Panel is connected with COM3 and it is working.

When i need the Airbus, the panel isn't working correct. Many switches and knobs dosen't work.

Can you tell me, what is wrong?

Many thanks for the reply Peter


Hi Peter

Welcome to LINDA and the forum.

I believe the problem you are having is that you have the wrong config-mcp2.lua configuration for the MCP2. You can check this by opening the MCP Combo page and selecting the MCP (centre sub-panel). The SPD/HDG/ALT/VVS knob function should all have the AB_ prefix.

I recommend you ensure you have the latest Aerosoft Airbus 4.4 v3 module which contains a config-mcp2.default file in /linda-cfg/aircrafts/aerosoft airbus/ folder. If it exists, delete the current config-mcp2.lau file and restart LINDA. This should copy the default configuration to your current installation.

You may need to make your own assignments for various buttons and switches as when I created the default MCP configurations I did not have a MCP2 to work with. 

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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I recently purchased a used MCP Combo 1 and this was the trick to getting it to work with my  PMDG 737NGX. Thanks for figuring out a workaround and posting it. Can you tell me if this will also enable me to use other modules like for the PMDG 747 or 777?

Thanks again.


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Mister ScotFlieger,

Thanks for the explanation about MCP1. Unfortunately it did not work for me.

Its okay with all planes except my favorite PMDG B737-800/900. The confirm message is in my case: "Config saved as VRi MCP Combo (original) version" and a second one for the Airbus version. This in stead of "MCP1 config-hid.lua".

In FSX no problems, but in my Prepar3d V4.2 I am not able to get the MCP working. I use FSUIPC 5.124 payware and Linde 3.0.5. I think I followed your installation instruction to the letter.

I hope I am doing something wrong and you can tell me what! ;-)

With kind regards,

Harmen Weistra,


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Hi Harman

Sorry to hear of your problems. There should be no “MCP1 config-hid.lua” file. In the /Linda-cfg/aircrafts/PMDG 737NGX folder you should have:

  • config-hid.lua (your Joystick config)
  • config-MCP.default
  • config-MCP2.default
  • config-MCP2a.lua
  • config-MCP.lua (if you have saved your MCP configuration)

If your MCP is not working, delete the config-MCP.lua file and restart LINDA and P3Dv4. If the .default files are missing, please download and install the latest version of the module.

As you say that everything was working with FSX then you can copy your old config-MCP.lua file to the above folder.

Make sure you have the correct MCP type and Com port set.


Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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Not sure if this is right place to ask for advice, but have some issue with my mcp combo.., Tried above but didnt solve my issue.



If I change for example changing the headings switch in the virtual cookpit it will be updated on the mcp combo, but if I turn heading switch on my mcp nothing happens in the plane. Looks like there is only one-way communications. Is there an easy way to reset config for the pmdg 737-800 NGX or how do I diag this further? To clarify only has this issue with the pmdg 737nxg. If loading any other planes mcp works just fine.



My rig:

- P3D v4.5

- Linda v3.1.1854

- fsuipc 5.156

- only issue with the pmdg ngx, (running latest version available 6/6-20)

- mcp combo (1)



please avvise


Søren Olsen

PMDG 737NGX -800/900 basepack (P3D)

PMDG 737NGX -800/900 basepack and PMDG 737NGX -600/700 (FSX)

PMDG Jetstream 41 turboprop (FSX)

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1 hour ago, User4355 said:

Not sure if this is right place to ask for advice, but have some issue with my mcp combo.., Tried above but didnt solve my issue.


If I change for example changing the headings switch in the virtual cookpit it will be updated on the mcp combo, but if I turn heading switch on my mcp nothing happens in the plane. Looks like there is only one-way communications. Is there an easy way to reset config for the pmdg 737-800 NGX or how do I diag this further? To clarify only has this issue with the pmdg 737nxg. If loading any other planes mcp works just fine.

My rig:

- P3D v4.5

- Linda v3.1.1854

- fsuipc 5.156

- only issue with the pmdg ngx, (running latest version available 6/6-20)

- mcp combo (1)

please advise

Please read and follow the Fault Diagnosis Procedure and email me your logs plus the config-hid.lua file in /linda-cfg/aircrafts/pmdg 737ngx directory. This will give me the information I need to help you.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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Hi ScotFlieger

I have now replicated the issue and send files to linda @ awginfosys.net

Thx 🙂 for your support.



Søren Olsen

PMDG 737NGX -800/900 basepack (P3D)

PMDG 737NGX -800/900 basepack and PMDG 737NGX -600/700 (FSX)

PMDG Jetstream 41 turboprop (FSX)

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Issue solved with help/assist from Scotflieger.

Feedback from Scotflieger:

"You appear to have changed the name of your PMDG 737NGX file with the suffix _old. This is not necessary. Try renaming

the /linda/aircrafts/ and /linda-cfg/aircrafts folders back to the original name."

Yes I actual did rename these original folders for pmdg because I tried to fix the issue my self, didnt help, have now renamed them back and now all works just fine 😊!!.   (strange…maybe a rename and copy/++ and then rename back to old/orignal names fixed my issue.)

or maybe this "There was an issue with the new PMDG 737NGXu module until I put a fix in LINDA 3.1.1 to allow the modules to correctly select between the old and new aircraft add-ons".

Anyhow huge thanks🙂 for your support,

* Ticket closed.




Søren Olsen

PMDG 737NGX -800/900 basepack (P3D)

PMDG 737NGX -800/900 basepack and PMDG 737NGX -600/700 (FSX)

PMDG Jetstream 41 turboprop (FSX)

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Actual my issue was back after an reboot of my pc.., reported back to ScotFlieger and he actual created/fixed an new update found here:


Install it.

- Then go to /linda-cfg/aircrafts/pmdg 737ngx/ and delete your existing config-mcp.lua file.

- Restart P3D with the 737NGX and start LINDA.

- LINDA will create a new config-mcp.lua.

- You can check this by selecting the  MCP Combo page and checking the MCP tab. It should be populated with NGX_ functions.

Great thanks again for fixing my issue 😊, fantastic support.




Søren Olsen

PMDG 737NGX -800/900 basepack (P3D)

PMDG 737NGX -800/900 basepack and PMDG 737NGX -600/700 (FSX)

PMDG Jetstream 41 turboprop (FSX)

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W10; P3D4.5; FSUIPC v6.1; LINDA v3.1.1 (32 & 64bit)...

I recently acquired a VRi MCPCombo and have been attempting to set up the unit to run with my 'travelling-kit' that I take with me to my local FS Group meetings.

The issues I am experiencing challenges with are outlined below:

1): the autopilot toggle is 'inverted' and I am attempting to correct it! On the actual panel the printed 'Disengage' is above the toggle and in fact on this upward direction actually ENGAGES the AP!

I have made the relevant changes to change the engage/disengage to their correct directions (still following me?) - click on SAVE - click Sync to Sim...(even closed LINDA and rebooted PC) - toggle is still upside down😮

2): Setting a keystroke within the Comms panel buttons (#8) - save as above - is showing in the list of commands but just does not function. Similarly assigning keystrokes F7 and F6 to buttons 3 & 4 for lowering/retracting flaps incrementally has no effect when pressing these buttons and I have to revert to the actual keyboard which does what it says on the tin 😕

Each of my 'alterations' are still there when the system is closed and reopened ~~~ so where is it/me going wrong?

I do feel that I have made some progress - just these niggling things sent to frustrate me (easily done these days!).

Advice and assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in anticipation...

Ken 😇


Old enough to know better...
...young enough to do most of it again!

System: Chillblast (Matt Davies designed) Intel i5-6600 Sklylake CPU O/C to 4.4 GHz; Liquid Cooled; Asus Z170 PRO GAMING MoBo; MSI GeForce GTX 1660Ti 6Gb; 16Gb Corsair Crucial DDR4 RAM; SSD plus SSHD drives; Windows-10.
GF MCP-Pro and EFIS + 8 other GF Modules, Honeycomb Alpha & Bravo units, Saitek Pedals, Iiyama 19" x 2, 40" smart TV.

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@Ken Hall you don’t mention the aircraft affected, the module version or the type of MCP you are using. Please read and follow the fault diagnosis procedure (under support) and operate the affected controls/buttons. Then email me the logs.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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