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The elevator trim wheel rotates backwards however, the elevator trim indicator plate rotates correctly. 

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VSI is wrong....WAY wrong.  Shows 4500 FPM when aircraft is actually climbing at 2500 FPM. 

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The autopilot oscillates.

Can not follow nav or hdg bug. Plane will eventually crash.

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Framerate wise running very smooth on my P3Dv3.

But after take off the left engine lost power, no chance to get him back

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Frame rates are terrible in FSX plus stutters and high graphic card loads (in the VC only). Have never seen performance this bad with other Carenado aircraft or any other for that matter.

Percent RPM not responding to torque reductions in flight.

This aircraft is a huge disappointment at this point.

Jesse Cochran
"... eyes ever turned skyward"

P3D v5.3 Professional, Windows 10 Professional, Jetline GTX, Gigabyte Aorus X299 Gaming 7 mobo, i7 7740X @ 4.9 GHz, Corsair H115i Liquid Cooling, 32Gb SDRAM @ 3200MHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX1080Ti @ 11 GB

ORBX Global + NALC, ASP3D, ASCA, ENVTEX, TrackIR, Virtual-Fly Yoko Yoke, TQ6+, Ruddo+ Rudder Pedals

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Jesse, read MANY of your posts. Thanks for the warning. Sure like the Old Carenado P46T Malibu JetProp DL with all the communities repairs. Thought this would be on that line. The P46T gets excellent frame rates on my now old computer. Why is this one so DAMAGING to the flight sim experience???????  Is it to much HD VC visuals???  My computer has a Nvidia GTX645 4gb with 16 GB ram. Should have got an i7 processer but got the i53550 3ghz. I CAN upgrade to I think a i74770 without any other alterations. Next computer is going to have to cost Minimun $2500.00  DERN!

 I do use the Avidyne in some of the other Carenado and DO NOT see a terrible decrease in frame rates??  Thanks, Keith

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FORGOT to mention, I was a minute from purchasing the Cheyenne 11 when I remembered, " I better check the forums first". A lesson for all 1st buyers

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Has somebody else the same problem that after 5 min flight the left engine torque droppes down to 0 ? Right engine works normally....

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Here's what I have so far:

-VSI scale is wrong above 1000 fpm

-Glitch with trim wheel motion

-"Percent RPM" gauges are showing power turbine/prop RPM not NG (aka N1) as it should be.

-Annunciators flash even after Master Caution is cancelled

-Map Light switch illuminates the switch backlights (wrong) and also causes an erroneous light splash on the cockpit side panels that should be tied to something else


Overall, not too bad as far as Carenado releases go.  Pretty standard stuff for them.  I think I will enjoy this one a lot once they patch it...it's much more in their wheelhouse than the jets with glass, etc. 

I don't care for the sounds.  I have the Digital Aviation Cheyenne (it's pretty dated and I haven't used it in years), so I copied over the sound pack and it worked well after a couple mods...for instance the starter sounds were triggered by code with the DA, so I had to add those to the sound.cfg myself.


56 minutes ago, JesC said:

Frame rates are terrible in FSX plus stutters and high graphic card loads (in the VC only). Have never seen performance this bad with other Carenado aircraft or any other for that matter.

Percent RPM not responding to torque reductions in flight.

This aircraft is a huge disappointment at this point.

Jesse, I don't know what's going on with your FPS.  I run FSX w/ DX10 fixer and I don't have that issue.  My PC specs are similar, but with 16GB RAM.  What max texture size are you running?  I usually run 2048.   The "percent RPM" issue due to the problem I noted above.

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Hi Folks,

How disappointing - it's not even a glass panel - stutters - really ??? At least it was tested by "real pilots"... I should have known better than to get my hopes up...


I'd suggest get those tickets in and get them in early - from experience you only have a short window before they move to the next project leaving us to fend for ourselves and I don't think they even read the forums...




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(this is with the GTN 750 integrated and the Dyna-whatever turned off. P3D latest version.)

The fold-out table on the left hand side of the passenger cabin has its axis wrong. Try it to see what I mean. Kinda funny that nobody caught this during testing.

The Nav radio #2 small numbers get messed up sometimes; you get, for example, 111.79 when trying to tune 111.80. Not a consistent bug.

The N1 doesn't move during startup until the condition lever is move forward. This is contrary to the incredibly sparse documentation. In fact, just push them forward before start. 

The engine failure described above are probably related to the ol' "one tank doesn't flow" issue. This is found in a number of aircraft (F1 Mustang, XP Lear, etc) where you have to have your default flight with 2 tank selectors with both selected on. I use the stock Barron cold and dark.

That's pretty much it beyond this not being PMDG level of simulation for $39

I found the FPS to be quite good at my locked setting (30 fps) with a very smooth flying experience. No stuttering in my 2+ hours of test flying. 

The steam gauges are very smooth and nice to look at.

The autopilot worked just fine, understanding the unit's limitations.

I liked the sounds very much.

A typical, if not slightly better than usual release from Carenado; looks great, sounds good, flys well. Has a couple of issues that may be fixed and some system problems that will probably not be fixed.

Richard Chafey


i7-8700K @4.8GHz - 32Gb @3200  - ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero - EVGA RTX3090 - 3840x2160 Res - KBSim Gunfighter - Thrustmaster Warthog dual throttles - Crosswind V3 pedals

MSFS 2020, DCS


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2 hours ago, C525B said:

 Jesse, I don't know what's going on with your FPS.  I run FSX w/ DX10 fixer and I don't have that issue.  My PC specs are similar, but with 16GB RAM.  What max texture size are you running?  I usually run 2048.   The "percent RPM" issue due to the problem I noted above.

I am a DX9 flyer because I also use windowed mode with pseudo full screen, to accommodate a second monitor for other applications. I only use 1024 textures and keep pretty modest settings in everything. No AI, low autogen, etc.

I am getting 93% GPU loads in a cold and dark VC. Once started it pegs at 100% and stays there while temps go up. This is in clear weather and very light scenery; default airports in rural ares. I normally never exceed about 63% GPU loads.

Since no one else is reporting this as an issue I think it must be something peculiar to my setup. I'm just running out of troubleshooting ideas for the moment; especially since I can't duplicate the problem in any other scenario.

Jesse Cochran
"... eyes ever turned skyward"

P3D v5.3 Professional, Windows 10 Professional, Jetline GTX, Gigabyte Aorus X299 Gaming 7 mobo, i7 7740X @ 4.9 GHz, Corsair H115i Liquid Cooling, 32Gb SDRAM @ 3200MHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX1080Ti @ 11 GB

ORBX Global + NALC, ASP3D, ASCA, ENVTEX, TrackIR, Virtual-Fly Yoko Yoke, TQ6+, Ruddo+ Rudder Pedals

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So........ I'm tempted. Open the page, looking the sharp photos...  Seeing the Cheyenne II burn and bright...  But nah......  Nothing better that opens avsim forum first and view those that fall in the temptation, and latter they realize that they do a bad choice buying this "another eye candy bright texture high definition"  that don't have soul.....  Only bugs, simply bugs that beta team can detect and fix before the release. I'll pass, I love my DA Cheyenne family (that is a plus, not only have the II, we have the I, IA, and XL) a good team a good company that really cares about the product and the customer. The Rockwell turbo Commander 690B it's the plane that sadly I'm need to buy it, cos we don't have Turbo Commander for FSX, and I am a real pilot of shrike Commander and turbo Commander family..... So don't doubt at all....  



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2 hours ago, RichieFly said:

The fold-out table on the left hand side of the passenger cabin has its axis wrong. Try it to see what I mean. Kinda funny that nobody caught this during testing.

The Nav radio #2 small numbers get messed up sometimes; you get, for example, 111.79 when trying to tune 111.80. Not a consistent bug.

The N1 doesn't move during startup until the condition lever is move forward. This is contrary to the incredibly sparse documentation. In fact, just push them forward before start. 

The engine failure described above are probably related to the ol' "one tank doesn't flow" issue. This is found in a number of aircraft (F1 Mustang, XP Lear, etc) where you have to have your default flight with 2 tank selectors with both selected on. I use the stock Barron cold and dark.


I confirm the radio bug you see.  If you look at the tooltip it will have tuned the correct frequency, i.e. reads 111.79 but is actually tuned to 111.80.

The N1 gauge is indicating prop RPM I think...move your prop levers around in flight and you'll see what I mean.  They probably just tied it to the wrong variable...N2 instead of N1 or something.  If you report it to them as such, hopefully they can get to the fix faster.

I don't see the table issue though...it's not a super smooth animation or anything but both tables seems to work as intended (?)

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1 hour ago, C525B said:


I don't see the table issue though...it's not a super smooth animation or anything but both tables seems to work as intended (?)

Are you FSX or P3D? Maybe it's a version issue. I'll check again next time I fly it.

I was hoping to see the boxed version of a Carenado aircraft on the table...like the F1 Mustang has.

Richard Chafey


i7-8700K @4.8GHz - 32Gb @3200  - ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero - EVGA RTX3090 - 3840x2160 Res - KBSim Gunfighter - Thrustmaster Warthog dual throttles - Crosswind V3 pedals

MSFS 2020, DCS


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