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[20JUL17] Update thread for XPL users

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3 hours ago, Tail Dragger said:

Maybe they are just waiting for XP11.1 with his changes, maybe not.


Maybe, maybe not. We’ll know when they know!

By the way, welcome to the forum! Do note that PMDG require full names, first and last, to be signed on all posts!

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15 hours ago, Milton Waddams said:

By the way, welcome to the forum!

Thank you.


15 hours ago, Milton Waddams said:

Do note that PMDG require full names, first and last, to be signed on all posts!

This is a small price for that huge amount of information about the XP11 DC-6 update that I found here.

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14 hours ago, Tail Dragger said:

This is a small price for that huge amount of information about the XP11 DC-6 update that I found here.


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I would just like to know if it's even planned to make an Xplane 11 conversion. And if that worked already, I would like to know that too. As I read the release, I would say that nothing has been done - and inform us as soon as a decision has been made.

I think it's a pity that such a valuable aircraft is not available in the XP11 conversion. IXEG has already shown what is possible.

A pity, I love the DC6 from PMDG

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1 hour ago, vonKleist said:


I would just like to know if it's even planned to make an Xplane 11 conversion. And if that worked already, I would like to know that too. As I read the release, I would say that nothing has been done - and inform us as soon as a decision has been made.

I think it's a pity that such a valuable aircraft is not available in the XP11 conversion. IXEG has already shown what is possible.

A pity, I love the DC6 from PMDG

We’ll know when they know. Full names in the forums please, first and last.

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Well, put it like that - how long did P3D users have to wait after v4 release for PMDG updates? XP11 was released two months before P3D v4, and until now, PMDG couldn't even make up their mind whether they will offer an upgrade or not, where in the meantime they managed to update their P3D products to v4, release the QoSII and announce the 748. Tell you what, even if they ever come up with an upgrade offer, I won't buy it - it just sucks being a customer of a company rating you as a second class customer. In cases where this happens to me, I use to abstain from any further business with such a company, and PMDG is right now doing it.



“Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry.” — Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time

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4 hours ago, daemotron said:

Well, put it like that - how long did P3D users have to wait after v4 release for PMDG updates? XP11 was released two months before P3D v4, and until now, PMDG couldn't even make up their mind whether they will offer an upgrade or not, where in the meantime they managed to update their P3D products to v4, release the QoSII and announce the 748. Tell you what, even if they ever come up with an upgrade offer, I won't buy it - it just sucks being a customer of a company rating you as a second class customer. In cases where this happens to me, I use to abstain from any further business with such a company, and PMDG is right now doing it.

This entire argument is based on flawed logic, however...and you’re making an assertion about something we NEVER promised, which is pretty disingenuous.

We VERY CLEARLY stated that our P3D versions would continue to have updates through the 64 bit conversion, covered in the costs of the product (there’s a thread titled something similar to “P3D Pricing Policy: Some Facts”).

We NEVER stated this was the case for XPlane. Go back and look for any promise of an update to XP11 in any of our posts. You won’t find it. Why? We never promised it.

HUGE difference...

If you’d like to twist words and logic to feel second class, be my guest, but do note that it would be entirely your own inference, and your own doing.

In the future, please be sure to have your facts straight before coming into the forum and running off on some rant based on a complete falsehoods.

Kyle Rodgers

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3 hours ago, scandinavian13 said:

We NEVER stated this was the case for XPlane. Go back and look for any promise of an update to XP11 in any of our posts. You won’t find it. Why? We never promised it.

Um yeah, not sure how you're missing the bigger picture - but that's EXACTLY the problem. That PMDG is not updating to XP11. Not promising anything and standing behind "but we never promised it!" doesn't make it any better. Why? Because the ask here is pretty reasonable - to update a product we have already purchased for the next version of the platform, when clearly that's being done for other platforms.

And you know what makes it worse? That you can't even definitively say that you are not going to update it or support the XP11 platform. 

daemotron is saying that he feels like a second class customer and that's not wrong.

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1 hour ago, anubhavs said:

Why? Because the ask here is pretty reasonable - to update a product we have already purchased for the next version of the platform, when clearly that's being done for other platforms.

May I dare ask, why you feel it's a reasonable request? The DC-6 (which I assume you're talking about) was never sold to be working for XP11 - but for XP10. As Kyle already (pretty clearly) stated, PMDG never made any promises about updating it.

1 hour ago, anubhavs said:

daemotron is saying that he feels like a second class customer and that's not wrong.

Whether he feels third, second or first class, is a highly subjective opinion and feeling. To be bluntly honest, I fail to see how purchasing something for one platform, and expecting it to be updated for the next version, classifies one as being 'second class'.

But maybe that's just me...

(Ducking back and expecting the rippin')

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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33 minutes ago, Anders Bermann said:

(Ducking back and expecting the rippin')

Nah man, no rippin’! This whole thing is just a hobby. No need to get bent out of shape or get into arguments with strangers :)

For what it’s worth, I thought it’s a reasonable ask and you don’t. That’s cool. It’s subjective as you say which I can agree with.

I’ve never appreciated a product company hiding behind “but we never promised it!” (especially to their current customers. Forget about potential customers). That’s just not a good customer service. When faced with disgruntled customers, the way to address that would be calmly and respectfully communicate and explain to customers the rationale and where things stand exactly to remove any uncertainty. And that includes saying “We are sorry we are not able to do XYZ at this time.”

I didn't see any of that in Kyle’s response. Instead what we saw was a a snarky backlash.

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I am always astounded at folks like Anubhav, who will come here and jump in with both feet by pronouncing an expectation that we must respond to customer requests for information along with a script describing what we are expected to say..........and do so as the last post in a thread that provides precisely that information as it's starting point.

Anubhav, you have asked that I tell you "We are sorry we are not able to do XYZ at this time."

If you took a moment to actually read the most current information, (which is posted at the very top of this thread) you would see that I already wrote:  "We have no timeline for such decision making as yet, nor do we have a timeline for making the changes that are subject to that decision.  We will post more information here when we have it available."

The logic follows then, that we don't yet have anything else to say on the topic as yet- after all we are still quite heavily engrossed in the workload related to the previous 747 release, the pending 747 release, as well as getting our Prepar3D v4 product line to where we want them.

I'm sorry if Kyle's reply appeared snarky- but by the same measure It is unreasonable for him or me to give you information that I do not have- unless you simply want me to chew the food and spit it back onto the plate in hopes you see it as a new meal...

I think you and I are both smart enough to realize that is a waste of time- which is why, for the past two decades- we have used information threads like these.



Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

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Even if its not planned (nor never was planned) to update it for XP11, it should be done anyway out of good faith for loyal customers who have hundreds of pounds invested in other aircraft. If other dev's are able to/have updated their aircraft fleets to XP11 in a short space of time what's stopping you guys doing so? 



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