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[21DEC17] A quick wander through a few reflections...

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1 hour ago, 777200lrf said:

A letter? It's probably manuals for the Max direct from Boeing - David Lee

If manuals will fit into this letter, probably no one should buy a MAX anymore then :D

Regards, Timm
V1 Simulations | SimAware


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Merry Christmas and thanks for the two great ones this year,the 747V3 and especially the DC6 in FSX!

Vic green

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1 hour ago, xTiMm_ said:

If manuals will fit into this letter, probably no one should buy a MAX anymore then :D

That is not a letter, the envelope is bulging - David Lee

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1 hour ago, jetpilot82 said:

Hello All,

why a 737 MAX? :bengong:  there is no such a big difference to the NG... as a side project, I would appreciate a max or new NG, but as Major Project, I would wish from PMDG something totally new... what about a Airbus A380 or 350? I guess, If you don't do it, there will be no 380 in SIM until the real aircraft diappear from the skys.


Or what about an old iron?  I wait for a least 15 years for a good 747-100/200/SP or a DC-10.

Or what about a 767-200/300/400?


The one from CS is an absolutely bad low Level Simulation, and LevelD is so old, and outdated.

If you wanna do another 737, please do a 300/400/500, there isn't a good one in the sim world for so many years, an Qwings finally stopped there Project.



I demand a PMDG Pony and demand they stop making airplanes I do not care about - David Lee

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I will add to some conspiracy theories.  The end of the post spoke about their deliveries for 2018.  I can't help but notice the MAX on the front of the envelope, which others have spoken about, but there is also the wing of a 747 classic (I can't tell if the JT9D's are -3A's for the -100 or -7's for the -200) in the frame and I could see that as not being an accident.  While highly unlikely, it would still be a good story.  There is also the nose of another 747 at the top which could be a regular -400 or -8 which would be accurate for a delivery in 2018.  That's all I have...

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Merry Christmas sir!  I had no idea you were in VA. I am a Regional Director for Mattress Warehouse and frequent MD,VA often. If you ever need a mattress let me know I’ll take care of you. With that thank you for making my time away from a cockpit so enjoyable and please enjoy your well deserved time off. 


Happy holidays to the PMDG team. 


Follow me on : Instagram

See my Trailer: A Year Of Flight

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18 hours ago, Alan_A said:

Happy holidays to all of you near the Masonic Temple from all of us near the Mormon Temple, up at the opposite end of the Beltway.

Oh, and... as the graffiti on the nearby railroad bridge used to say...  "Surrender, Dorothy!"


During my (too) many years of commuting on that section of the Beltway, that wonderfully defiled railroad bridge near the temple was always a source of welcome diversion and amusement...it's sad that it's gone (right?).

I'll be spending the next 4 days within sight of the Masonic Temple and will keep this fine outfit and its promises to come in my thoughts. Have a great holiday.

Wayne Klockner
United Virtual



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Great teaser and can't wait for all the juicy stuff to come.

I wish the pmdg team and fellow simmers merry christmas and a happy new year.

Enjoy it because i go to work al of these days..........

Don't feel sorry for me because i work on schiphol airport right between all of those metal beasts with engines we all love :gaul:

Marcel van der biezen

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1 hour ago, Pilotdude3407 said:

I will add to some conspiracy theories.  The end of the post spoke about their deliveries for 2018.  I can't help but notice the MAX on the front of the envelope, which others have spoken about, but there is also the wing of a 747 classic (I can't tell if the JT9D's are -3A's for the -100 or -7's for the -200) in the frame and I could see that as not being an accident.  While highly unlikely, it would still be a good story.  There is also the nose of another 747 at the top which could be a regular -400 or -8 which would be accurate for a delivery in 2018.  That's all I have...

It isn’t going to be a 747 Classic, that’s for sure. The -8 will, hopefully, be delivered in 2018 so that’s where that part is coming from. I’d be shocked if they could release the Max in this short of a timeframe.

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1 hour ago, 777200lrf said:

I demand a PMDG Pony and demand they stop making airplanes I do not care about - David Lee

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.

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3 hours ago, jetpilot82 said:

why a 737 MAX? :bengong:  there is no such a big difference to the NG... as a side project, I would appreciate a max or new NG, but as Major Project, I would wish from PMDG something totally new... what about a Airbus A380 or 350? I guess, If you don't do it, there will be no 380 in SIM until the real aircraft diappear from the skys.

There is a big difference when compared to the NG. PMDG don’t do Airbus, they leave that to the 3 other developers who develop Airbus products. Mettar Simulations is working on a study level A380 with an A350 predictied to follow it. All hope is not lost.

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3 hours ago, jetpilot82 said:

Hello All,

why a 737 MAX? :bengong:  there is no such a big difference to the NG... as a side project, I would appreciate a max or new NG, but as Major Project, I would wish from PMDG something totally new... what about a Airbus A380 or 350? I guess, If you don't do it, there will be no 380 in SIM until the real aircraft diappear from the skys.


Or what about an old iron?  I wait for a least 15 years for a good 747-100/200/SP or a DC-10.

Or what about a 767-200/300/400?


The one from CS is an absolutely bad low Level Simulation, and LevelD is so old, and outdated.

If you wanna do another 737, please do a 300/400/500, there isn't a good one in the sim world for so many years, an Qwings finally stopped there Project.



PMDG have already made up their minds. Market data points to the majority of their customers wanting to fly aircraft that they see at their airports everyday, like the 737 Max, as well as modern, glass cockpit planes. The 737 and 747 Classic just don’t fit those criteria.

By the way, welcome to the forum! Please note that PMDG require full names in the forums, first and last.

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Merry Xmas and happy New Year to all of you flight simmers and thanks to PMDG for their superb airplanes.

Claude Doyen, near EBLG

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4 hours ago, Milton Waddams said:

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.

What do you think the "P" in PMDG stands for...? :huh:

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2 minutes ago, serviceceiling said:

What do you think the "P" in PMDG stands for...? :huh:

Precision, of course.

Oh, I wasn’t talking about RSR, I was referring to David’s comment.

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