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Modern Times...

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We ordered a pizza to watch a movie at home.  Never again.  Here's what happened.

Hello! Is this Gordon's Pizza?

No sir, it's Google Pizza.

I must have dialed a wrong number. Sorry.

No sir, Google bought Gordon’s Pizza last month.

OK. I'd like to order a pizza.

Do you want your usual, sir?

My usual? You know me?

According to our caller ID data, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with cheese, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms  on a thick crust.

OK! That’s what I want.

May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten free thin crust?

No you may not! I dont like vegetables.

Your cholesterol needs help, sir.

How the hell do you know?

We cross-referenced your home phone number with your medical records.  We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years.

Listen, I don't want your vegetable pizza, and I take medication for my cholesterol!

Excuse me sir, but you don't take your medication regularly. Our database indicates that you only filled a presciption for 30 cholesterol tablets once, at Drugsale Network, 4 months ago.

I bought the rest at another drugstore.

Not according to your credit card statement.

I paid in cash.

Sir, you didn't withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement.

I have other sources of cash.

That doesn’t show on your last tax return, unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law.


I'm sorry, sir, we use such information with the sole intention of helping you.

Goodby , I'm sick of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all this crap.  I'm moving to an island without internet, cable TV, cell phone service and  jerks watching and spying on me.

I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first.  It expired 6 weeks ago.



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The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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LOL....  It is about what our world has come to, there is not such a thing as privacy anymore, people just want to invade each other's space just so they can get a leg up on the competition.  We need to strive to survive, flourish, enjoy life, not to compete with someone's ideas, health and thoughts to get some better place than mine.  I'd rather live in a four room home, with a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room and a bathroom.  That's the basics of what we need. add bedrooms if we have a couple of children.  In the older times my two brothers and I all slept in the same room, and my parents in theirs.  We did not need that much space that some think they need today.  What did we do when we woke up?, instead of probing each other's minds we embraced the day, played card games, and rarely watched TV.  We were interested in each other, and we had fun doing it, and we pushed off those who pried into our lives wondering why we were so happy.  I love flight because it brought my family together, from two countries, here into Phoenix.  And when I want to see my distant relatives in Italy, Scotland, Ireland, or Lithuania air travel can get me there.  This fall I will fly to Florida to see an old friend, and who cares what blood type I have....

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LOL I must pass that on to friends.



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There are a lot of features of modern times that I'm not too keen on either but we must remember that the same technology that knows our pizza preferences, our cholesterol level and our financial state has also given us this great hobby!

You win some, you lose some I guess!


Edited by scianoir
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That's funny... and sad.  We are living in a world where we can expect no privacy as our information is now contained in the cloud.  Clouds can be nice... until they become severe thunderstorms.

My computer: ABS Gladiator Gaming PC featuring an Intel 10700F CPU, EVGA CLC-240 AIO cooler (dead fans replaced with Noctua fans), Asus Tuf Gaming B460M Plus motherboard, 16GB DDR4-3000 RAM, 1 TB NVMe SSD, EVGA RTX3070 FTW3 video card, dead EVGA 750 watt power supply replaced with Antec 900 watt PSU.

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42 minutes ago, scianoir said:

There are a lot of features of modern times that I'm not too keen on either but we must remember that the same technology that knows our pizza preferences, our cholesterol level and our financial state has also given us this great hobby!

You win some, you lose some I guess!


Have to respectfully disagree with this statement, on so many levels, scianior. 

This "great hobby" existed well before the i-fone, google, facebook and all the other tech """"enabled"""" data mining and control corporations existed. I was gaming and exchanging real information with others online for years, even before there was an internet. One other thing: privacy mattered to the end user and the corporate shareholder would rarely test that right.

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This is a funny story, Noel. And who knows where we are headed. But, as you know, even our Google overlords don't have access to hardly any of the information you listed.

That said, I do know where you're coming from. Because I'm in favor of an assault weapon ban, I visited the NRA website. Now that is a scary place. I filled out no form. I just clicked around to see what they are all about. Afterwards I got adds from them on my Facebook page. They tracked me down just by visiting them. 

I have an add blocker on my browser. When a page asks me to turn it off, I close the page and go elsewhere. I realize these sites depend on advertising, but I have never bought, nor will I ever buy anything from an add. 


i5, 16 GB ram, GTX 960, FS on SSD, Windows 10 64 bit, home built works anyway.

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Great post. Sums up how I feel about things lately, quite frankly I get mad at the little things, again like your analogy my pizza place knows pretty much every (small) detail. I'm pretty sure they don't know the big stuff...While my local doctor and hospital take 2hrs to find my file because there is two ways of spelling stephen 😡 and even after that  I have to spend more time explaing why I'm there again..

As for google and the rest you look up reviews of anything from m.2 drive to patio cleaner it's just constant Adwords and e-mails about those products little do they know after reading reviews I popped into my car and bought them in a local store.

And finally god forbid you look up vacations purely for the sake of getting ideas of where to go and ball park prices, you'll be hounded for months with emails form trip advisor , hotels and airlines "yet to book" "special offer"  

Personal data mining and/or narrow band A.I could be so powerful and useful in sectors such as health but it's being abused to sell us smart light bulbs, dyson air purifiers and other rubbish


Asus Z170 Deluxe, 32 GB DDR4 Dominator Platinum, i7 6700k mild overclock, GTX Titan ( Pascal ) Win10

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 Cactus - I grew up before television.  On the radio we listened to Captain Midnight and I Love a Mystery with Jack, Doc, and Reggie.  (How come I can remember that but not the name of some guy I met two days ago?)  We played board games, card games like Canasta, chess with my dad, or just sat around and talked.  In the afternoon the gang played baseball or football or went o the playground and played basketball without adult supervision, organized teams, or cheering or angry parents on the sidelines.  Sometimes we got into fights but they were forgotten in an hour.

Bob - I will be joining our school students on their march against the NRA and for more reasonable gun control later this morning.  And I am a gun owner.  

Whenever I buy anything from Amazon I get inundated with ads for the item I just purchased.  I already bought it so why are they trying to sell me another one or two or three?


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The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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Oh Stephan, I know what you mean!  My last name is Sivertson.  Invariably people will put an 'L' in it and make it Silvertson.  I tell them my first name is Noel...NO-EL meaning there is NO 'L' in my last name.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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18 minutes ago, birdguy said:

I tell them my first name is Noel...NO-EL meaning there is NO 'L' in my last name.

Ha perfect response, and a quick and witty retort. 


Asus Z170 Deluxe, 32 GB DDR4 Dominator Platinum, i7 6700k mild overclock, GTX Titan ( Pascal ) Win10

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If Noel's story made you think some, then I suggest you watch the movie "The Circle"  with Tom Hanks.  You'll probably dump all of your Social Media sites immediately.

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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I'm probably the Luddite here Charlie.  I am not enrolled in any social media groups like linkedin, facebook, twitter, or anything else.  Just Google and a couple of forums like this one.

I see a couple of specialists like a renal doctor and a dermatologist twice a year.  All my records they bring up on a terminal  and then type any results on the keyboard.

But my primary healthcare provider I have been seeing for over a decade still handwrites everything down.  He comes into the examining room with a manila folder about three inches thick.  I once commented on that and he said after he closes the office he has to transcribe it all onto the computer in his office to stay legal.  But he wants to keep up his handwritten files incase the computers go down or are hacked.

I know one day my wife's doctor called and cancelled her appointment because their computers were down and they couldn't access her records.



The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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4 hours ago, FunknNasty said:

Have to respectfully disagree with this statement, on so many levels, scianior. 

This "great hobby" existed well before the i-fone, google, facebook and all the other tech """"enabled"""" data mining and control corporations existed. I was gaming and exchanging real information with others online for years, even before there was an internet. One other thing: privacy mattered to the end user and the corporate shareholder would rarely test that right.

You make a good point Ken and I don't disagree with what you say regarding privacy as I too was using the early versions of flight simulator back in the 90s but it doesn't alter the fact that the technology which has spawned the things many of us dislike is also responsible for the great strides made in flight simulation over the past couple of decades.


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I love technology and all the advancements we’ve made in several areas, but at the same time when you break it down to the simplest ways of managing human lives, we’ve taken one step forward and three steps back. A great post!! Class 1960.

henry k

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