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PMDG FSExpo Announcement

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Perpetual Motion Dynamic Graphics sim.😀 


Raymond Fry.


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I didn't call it exactly, but I think I was close...PMDG Global Operations Center extension to the OPS Center. Great announcement PMDG!

April 5 - 

I don't think a plane or a new sim, but an application to involve you more in the planning and flight particulars of PMDG (and maybe other) aircraft. I have been impressed by the amount of work that went into the Ops Center...but maybe a new extension of that technology that brings together scenario routing, cargo/passenger loading, fuel calculator, TOPCAT features,etc. that involves you more in the dispatching to flight conclusion level...brings together several tools that exist already in a PMDG slick package.

Scott Robinson

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Why would the MD-11 be part of GFO? Is no longer on sale, and I think there is only a handful of people like me that even still fly it. Going to try and not read to far in to this and assume it is a fluke that it is even on the slide, lol.

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Roadburner - not for sale anymore, but I flew the MD11 a great deal before shifting over to P3D V4.2 and if still flying FSX, would love to use GFO with the MD11...still miss it! Maybe P3D someday...

Scott Robinson

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I still have FSX installed, but it sounded like the front part of his presentation was saying the resources (I am loosely translating as computer power/simulator specs) were to far behind to implement an idea like this a long time ago. I would like to use it with the MD-11X in FSX as it would be cool, and I really like the concept Robert presented with it as it sounds like I can be an airline captain without having to be part of a virtual airline. Was overall an excellent presentation showing the 748, Rainmaker, and Global Flight Operations. Thanks to Robert and all who made it happen!

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If someone's at the conference ;

could they ask Robert if the software will implement an atc system also ?

While watching a stream ,On one of the slides I saw a cpdlc link graphic.

Would be interesting to know how that works.


Kind regards 

Jaffer hussain

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GFO sounds great!

But I don't want to fly aircraft that others are flying, from airports that they have landed at.

In P3D I always fly favorite routes (eg YSSY to RPLL) using favorite aircraft (eg PMDG 747-400).

So how about:-

  • I can create "VA" in GFO just for my own use
  • I can set routes/schedules/aircraft for that VA
  • Either I fly those routes OR when i'm offline then GFO "ai pilots" fly those routes according to my schedule

This way GFO is actually simulating the operations of my VA on a 24/7 basis and when I actually have time to fly I can pick a flight from my VA's schedule and fly it.

It would be great if GFO could have some simple economic modelling too!  Fuel / maintenance costs, landing fees, passenger revenue etc.

I presume GFO is going to be subscription based so what I outlined above adds some value to the subscription model because my VA is being simulated 24/7 by GFO when I'm not online.



Matthew S

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22 minutes ago, jafferhussain11 said:

could they ask Robert if the software will implement an atc system also ?

He briefly mentioned it will connect to online ATC with CPDLC if that's what you're wondering about. But he didn't give any detail about it.

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4 minutes ago, Chaos81 said:

He briefly mentioned it will connect to online ATC with CPDLC if that's what you're wondering about. But he didn't give any detail about it.

ah okay, so that would would most likely mean networks like vatsim,ivao etc.

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