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About KillerKlient

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  1. Is there a plan for when we will know PMDG's real plan? If that makes sense... When the 777 was in-development we always knew the 747 v3 was up next.
  2. Out of interest, what was the reg of the real world plane you surveyed? Or the airline?
  3. Yep definitely, bought the Air Canada 777-300ER and the Air Canada 777-200LR and loved both of them! It's definitely worth getting to see how the plane works and some of the neat features it has compared to the 737. I'm still considering whether to get the Turkish Airlines 777 DVD though.
  4. Are the dome lights turned on with the battery or APU? I always turn them on after I have the APU generators running in the NGX. I know in real life they use torches to look around before they turn on the dome lights.
  5. I think he is not implying that we ARE "near" release but we are getting closer to the release date, i.e. as every day passes we are getting NEARER to the release date.
  6. The main thing I'm interested in is the GE90s and the lighting effects at night, I was really impressed with what PMDG done with their NGX (especially the strobe lights). I'm also going to be interested in the 777s size and the general feel of flying it. Oh and how could I forget, the EFB is gonna be a great bonus. Are we getting a taxi camera? :D
  7. That's the same reason I like having the 2D+3D cockpit panels as well, when in flight I really want to be focusing on flying the plane and it's just a bugger to go through the slow process of looking around in the cockpit, finding the rough area of the switch you need to hit and then zooming in to make sure you hit the right one, then you have to zoom back out to align your screen view back to your preferred setting so you can carry on flying. It's so much easier just to press a sticky key and quickly tap the button and hide the 2D panel again. I wouldn't mind if PMDG removed some but things like the overhead panel and FMC are crucial, the rest are still nice to have but not so important.
  8. Ye having accurate sounds would be epic too, GE90's always sound very different to me compared to other engines, especially on start up where it's just like a incrementing vibrating/humming noise and on take-off it sounds as if a sports car engine is revving up to the max.
  9. Ahh alright :P, I guess then it would be a pretty nice feature for when I'm not flying with my VA.
  10. I wouldn't want this as my VA already has enough AFK checks on the long hauls :P, it would be annoying to cancel out the plane's AFK checks as well as my VA's AFK checks, I wouldn't get enough time to make a cup of tea!
  11. Would be pretty cool but not many VA's allow you to fly that anymore :(. I would be more in favour if PMDG looked at the Airbus series after this, there is definitely a need for their quality!
  12. I guess most of my flights will be 3 hours long (flying for Emirates ofcourse <3), probably once a week I'll fly long haul on a standard 8 hour flight and probably once a fortnight I'll fly some major tiring route like OMDB to KSFO (16/17 hours approx) so it probably averages out near 8 or 7 hours. The more I think about it, the more I can't wait. Edit: Damn I don't see 7 or 8 hours in the poll :(. OMDG to KSFO is apparently Emirate's "longest green flight in the world" which is why I'm interested :P.
  13. I could if ATC would guide me how to set up the ILS in real life :P. That's if I can figure out how real life pilots talk in their radio to communicate with ATC lol.
  14. Check my signature. You can fly for any airline, any airframe and there are literally thousands of different real world flight routes that you can bid on and fly. It's my favourite type of virtual airline because it doesn't restrict you to flying with one airline, the only restrictions are that you have to start off with smaller aircraft until you gain more hours and promotions and become high enough ranked to fly the 737. Link here again: http://www.phoenixva.org/
  15. Directly at the OP, would love to have this feature in the 777, I was really pleased when I saw the NGX having strobe lights visible from the cockpit.
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