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QW787 P3Dv4 - first impressions?

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1 hour ago, BrianW said:

I agree, but using it as a positive comment is also misleading, when someone says “it’s almost PMDG quality” that carries weight for anyone familiar with PMDG and the depth they provide. I’m not a big fan of the price vs. feature argument either because it’s a “rabbit hole”. If you use that as an excuse then this 787 has a very similar feature set to the Aerosoft Airbus which is much cheaper.

That "someone" was me. I presume you bought and flown it. So can you tell me what the differences (system wise) are compared to the PMDG 777?

For me the aircraft flies as it supposed to fly I've got no problems with VNAV or LNAV or with any other system. I highly recommend everyone to read the manuals I can not emphasize this enough.

I've flown a lot of hours with the PMDG 777 so I can compare it a bit. It flies different but it isn't the same aircraft.

Cees van der Linden

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7 hours ago, Frost said:

It's hundreds of light years for QW to get to the PMDG quality level. For any PMDG model you can take real FCOM read about any system functionality and use these knowledges in simulator. As for the QW model, no one of implemented systems reflect the functionality of the real prototype. And stupidly hope that anyone will be able to fix just pieces of missing functionality and indication on ECAM. Speaking the language of the artist, there are excellent replicas of paintings that contain some differences from the original. These are the PMDG models. QW models provide only a children's drawing.


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I'm furious.

Enough, to much...  to mush is to mush, this trade become very insane without any respect for persons who like a new aircraft...

Why this offensive?,..without senses, yes this addon is not actually perfect, but a lot have pleasures to flight with, why?... Because it is a very pleasant one !.

Compared to blackbox axxx series, CRJ, 717, this qw787 is upper placed in mine mind and compared to PMDG (actually step) is less.

No one aircraft in our sim correspond to the reality because it is impossible... the old basic base of fsx (and family softwares) is very, very less...

No, to said that PMDG is "the perfection" is not yet real, having a lot of problems with (installation protections, pln imports, etc... ) But because I like PMDG, reality is... that is a other point of view and level (very, very expensive) addons.

To have a superiority mind and keep a upper standing with PMDG comparison is insane and not serious. Respect please the others !!!!

Awaiting a B787 from PMDG (at this self prize) to be able to make a real comparison with....

Best regards and respect to PMDG lovers.

Sorry, for mine incorrect political position now.


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2 hours ago, scottsware said:

I can’t tell if your kidding.😀.  Just in case you are not kidding, you cannot in real life kill the aux panel. It is there 100% of the time. It may seem like it’s not useful but it is. Most importantly it has the flight number which we need to remind ourselves who we are. It displays the squawk code, somewhat useful.  It also tells which mic is currently in use along with the eplapsed time. The clock is also used on occasion.  Sure, it’s debatable how handy it is but it’s undeniably authentic.


I forgot to mention, below the AUX panel is where the ATIS pops up. It is also where CPDLC messages (things like the oceanic clearances and other routing/altitude clearances) appear.  

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I wish Avsim would close this thread now. It hurts reading.

My System: Intel 9700K 4.7Gz, ROG Strix Z390-E Gaming, 32 GB Corsair Vengeance 3200MHZ, Evga 3070TI  8GB, Noctua NH-D15S, Gigabyte 27" Monitor, Windows 10 64bit, 2xSamsung 500GB SSD, 1x Samsung 120GB, 1x Samsung 970, 1TB, 1TB H/D for Storage.



Helmut Berger

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6 minutes ago, helberger said:

I wish Avsim would close this thread now. It hurts reading.

You are absolutely right. It's a never ending story.

I think there are enough videos online on YouTube so that people can make up there own mind.

Cees van der Linden

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16 minutes ago, helberger said:

I wish Avsim would close this thread now. It hurts reading.

I agree. This thread is going round and round with no new 'first impressions'. Some people here are on their 10th impression.

There are the f a n b o y s who think that the 787 is perfect and think any problems are due to inexperience of the user - despite QW admitting there are issues that need a hotfix repair. Any criticism of the product is seen as a personal attack.

There are those that think it works amazingly well and will be perfect soon.

Some (including me) are hoping the 787 will be as amazing as it promised to be after it receives its fixes.

There are a small minority who hate this product because its not a PMDG - for them it will never be good enough.

Let's see how good this product is after the upcoming hotfix and we can all argue some more. For now though, after 21 pages, surely we're done?

AMD Ryzen 5800X3D; MSI RTX 3080 Ti VENTUS 3X; 32GB Corsair 3200 MHz; ASUS VG35VQ 35" (3440 x 1440)
Fulcrum One yoke; Thrustmaster TCA Captain Pack Airbus edition; MFG Crosswind rudder pedals; CPFlight MCP 737; Logitech FIP x3; TrackIR

MSFS; Fenix A320; A2A PA-24; HPG H145; PMDG 737-600; AIG; RealTraffic; PSXTraffic; FSiPanel; REX AccuSeason Adv; FSDT GSX Pro; FS2Crew RAAS Pro; FS-ATC Chatter

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Your wish is my command - I agree - this has run it's course.




RIG#1 - 7700K 5.0g ROG X270F 3600 15-15-15 - EVGA RTX 3090 1000W PSU 1- 850G EVO SSD, 2-256G OCZ SSD, 1TB,HAF942-H100 Water W1064Pro
40" 4K Monitor 3840x2160 - AS16, ASCA, GEP3D, UTX, Toposim, ORBX Regions, TrackIR
RIG#2 - 3770K 4.7g Asus Z77 1600 7-8-7 GTX1080ti DH14 850W 2-1TB WD HDD,1tb VRap, Armor+ W10 Pro 2 - HannsG 28" Monitors

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