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I'm going to miss you PMDG

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Is this a good time to ask about PMDG making an updated version of the MD11😁

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10 hours ago, Tony747-400 said:

Is this a good time to ask about PMDG making an updated version of the MD11😁

I can't see why not!!!  How about an X-Plane version too while we're at it???:ph34r:

Oh wait, I forgot....

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I do agree that X-Plane needs PMDG in it.. It's an awesome sim and its really new technology. Too bad that maybe they don't have a proper SDK for PMDG to develop on. 

Hope it does change in the future and we see the 747 and 777 in X-Plane 11.

Teofilo Homsany



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21 hours ago, Tony747-400 said:

Is this a good time to ask about PMDG making an updated version of the MD11😁

Where's @Boomer?

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Err, yeah, new MD11 please.



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On 5/25/2018 at 4:03 AM, DavidP said:

I really don't see the point of posts like this.

And yet you thought it necessary to share your views...

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17 minutes ago, Paul_Smith said:

And yet you thought it necessary to share your views...

Am I not allowed to do that?

David Porrett

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Earlier: "Keep it clean."
Soon thereafter: "Quit sniping at each other."
Now: *stares blankly as warnings are ignored*

*iPhone lock noise*

Kyle Rodgers

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