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Testing Approximately All of the Things

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While I haven't posted much about testing, I've been testing the 748 quite extensively in conjunction with Global Flight Operations. For once, however, I remembered to snap a few pictures.

A lot of the things I've been doing in Global Flight Ops require having a flight in the air to test the work. With some of the other devs occasionally checking planes out, I can sneak in work while they're up, which is usually accompanied by crews getting random messages...


Today, though, I saw that N748PM was still hanging out at ATL and decided to take it over to AMS as I did some work. One of the things I really love about GFO is that you can tell the planes have been lived in. It'll sound a bit odd until you experience yourself, but there's a certain appreciation that we all have for imperfection. Even if someone followed the checklists, and did their best to park the plane as neatly as possible, you can pick up on the subtle variations, or slight deviations here and there. From the other angle, sometimes you end up grabbing a plane that you had left somewhere and notice some of your own habits appearing in various places. In this case, I'd brought 748PM down to ATL a few weeks ago, and felt at home as I recognized some of my signature shut down moves around the flight deck (I also remembered that I'd brought the 748 in later in the evening, as some of the flight deck lighting was still on, and the displays dim).

Here, you can see some of the ground vehicles departing as the final flight preparations are made (KATL - ImagineSim) :




This is an angle I'm more familiar with, having worked the ramp for so long (note the mechanic van, and then have a look at it in the last picture - two-timer...) :




While this one is in the middle of the push back, the parking cues are always reminders to me that a human - either myself, or one of the other devs - was how the plane ended up in the spot where I picked it up:




In this screenshot, you'll find new features, and features unique to the 748 in the 747 product line:



I'm still amazed at the level of detail that we've been able to achieve in our own work, but I'm equally impressed by the level of work that scenery devs can put into their products (and thankful that 64 bit sims are a thing). What caught my eye was the airport gate on the far left side of the image. It has a surprising amount of detail for something that could otherwise be left as a simple fence object. It's stuff like this, though, that really makes you feel like you're there. Of course, the detail on the Delta hangar, and the Renaissance hotel in the background don't hurt, either!




Sterile flight deck procedures can be waived for a moment for the line-up shot...right?





Something-something Golden Hour?





With the relief crew up front during the crossing, I was able to get a bunch of work done. I'll leave the specifics up to an official post from RSR, but lots of good stuff. Soon after I made my way back up front, we started down into AMS. Here, you can see the Dutch coast:




Given the late arrival, we were put out on the Polderbaan, so it took us a good 20 minutes to get to the gate. Luckily, the 748 has the ground map feature modeled, as it's been a long time since I've flown through Schiphol. The taxi route to E20 isn't exactly difficult, but the map definitely helped. The level of immersion that it brings by helping you avoid using the top down view, or having to pull up a browser to look at a chart online (or even Google Maps) is pretty significant. Having switched back to the 744 a couple times in my GFO testing, however, it does cause a little bit of frustration when you realize you the feature isn't there, and you don't have the EFB right by your knee for your other charting needs.




Finally, the lookback. It's a habit I got into back when I first started flying. For about the first year, I would actually snap a picture (on 35mm film, I might add) as I walked away from the plane. I fell out of the habit of snapping a picture, but I still turn back after getting a few paces away, just to take a moment to appreciate the machine that allows me to both change my perspective on the world, while also transporting me to some of my favorite places in it. Incidentally, I found a little bit of inspiration in this shot, in terms of where to go next... (EHAM - FlyTampa) :


Kyle Rodgers

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Really nice, how does it handle different scenery on same airport? The plane can end up anywhere with bad luck. 🙂

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Great screenshots! Thanks for share and waiting anxious for release. 

have a nice day.

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Looks great kyle. I got a chuckle out of the ACARS message and just can’t wait the see the frown wiped off the faces of the nay-sayers!!!  Like I said before - if you never used it or been part of real world ops - you have no idea how much this will add to the sim!


Great work

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I will take it now as it is 😀looking really great.😊


Zdenek  Cebis

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5 hours ago, Spencer Yackee said:

But the real question is... will we be hearing this noise in the 747-8?


I absolutely fell in love with that little noise in the 777. Sad I haven't heard it in a while because of all the 747-400 flying.

Yeah, you get the HI-LOW chime a few times in the preflight at the very least. I think the first time is when you get DATA available when logging into ACARS, and then again when SATCOM comes up (usually a separate event, as SATCOM comes up only after the plane figures out where it is in the world after the IRS alignment finishes).

Kyle Rodgers

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Hi Kyle,


I was wondering if you could elaborate further on how (or how much) the ACARS/CPDLC/SATCOM can be used, or interacted with, when we only purchase the -8 without purchasing/using the GFO mode?


For example, when not using GFO, would random (or not so random) messages still come though ACARS?  What about interactions with Activesky so we could request wx?.  I assume the CPDLC does not for example, give climb limits or other functions of ATC with a pretend controller?  And assuming we're not actually talking to anybody, other than perhaps a 3rd-party ATC or company addon, the SATCOM functions would also be typically 'unused' unless running in GFO mode?


Would you be able to talk about how or what happens with these new functions when GFO is not being used?



Subin Jacob.

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5 hours ago, Subs said:

I was wondering if you could elaborate further on how (or how much) the ACARS/CPDLC/SATCOM can be used, or interacted with, when we only purchase the -8 without purchasing/using the GFO mode?

Yeah, that's what I wanted to know myself. I asked for clarification, but never got it completely cleared up. It almost sounded like if you didn't purchase GFO, you couldn't use it at all.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway 4 left, cleared for take-off.

Live streams of my flights here.

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7 hours ago, Subs said:

For example, when not using GFO, would random (or not so random) messages still come though ACARS?


7 hours ago, Subs said:

What about interactions with Activesky so we could request wx?

Still available. You have to go through the motions of logging into ACARS to get access to the data functions (origin, dest, flight no, and a flight no on the RTE page; then your ETD, ETE and operator IATA on the ACARS page). It'll still work locally (the existing wind requests and performance data requests that you already have), but external (new) functions won't work.

7 hours ago, Subs said:

I assume the CPDLC does not for example, give climb limits or other functions of ATC with a pretend controller?

Very basic functions will be automated.

7 hours ago, Subs said:

And assuming we're not actually talking to anybody, other than perhaps a 3rd-party ATC or company addon, the SATCOM functions would also be typically 'unused' unless running in GFO mode?

VHF and SATCOM are the methods by which ACARS sends/receives data. We have a full VHF and SATCOM reception range simulation. You won't really notice any of this unless you're part of, and flying a flight in, GFO.


Short version: you'll continue to be able to use the existing data functions (wind requests and performance data). Anything else requires GFO.

1 hour ago, Captain Kevin said:

Yeah, that's what I wanted to know myself. I asked for clarification, but never got it completely cleared up. It almost sounded like if you didn't purchase GFO, you couldn't use it at all.


Kyle Rodgers

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We need an update from RR regarding the -8 and the GFO.  More information please....:)

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15 hours ago, scandinavian13 said:


Here you go, sir.

You said you might have misunderstood me, so I clarified what I was trying to say and never got a response after that. And the thread is also locked, so couldn't respond again, either.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway 4 left, cleared for take-off.

Live streams of my flights here.

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