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About Ausflight

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    Flight simulators cockpit building and aviation.

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  1. Hello Steve,I don't know how to do that Steve but I am running win 10 and the sim is running perfectly fine and the only addon I have is Pmdg 777 fully updated from Aerosoft because I have the DVD version.It happens in the vc cockpit but not in the 2d and Thae when I go to the pedestal view where the cdu is I also get the green bits of numbers and letters from the cdu showing up in the sims task bar.As I said in my previous message I have to do bit more tinkering because it hasn't came up when I had the shadows in the sim disabled.So it's probably got to do with shadows all enabled although I'm not sure about the task bar at on top of the screen showing up bits of the numbers and letters from the cdu Mmm.I will do bit more tinkering Steve and let you know if that's alright. Sorry for all this writing must be my old age. Zdenek.
  2. Hello Steve, Just purchased your wonderful program today for my FSX.Im still tinkering and reading the manual and I haven't made any changes to the settings as yet but when i have enabled all the shadows in FSX i seem to have a constant wavy shadow in the vc default Cessna cockpit. Thankyou Steve for a quality product. Zdenek.
  3. I run FSX on FX-4100 only without any fsx config tweaking and Iam getting a decent frame rate.Just don't have fps ticked in fsx settings.Fsx is a prehistoric flight sim it doesn't require a that much of a high end computer. Danny cebis.
  4. Ausflight


  5. Ausflight


    Full uninstall old version then install new version. Danny cebis.
  6. Hello Steve,When your DX10 Scenery fixer is available again can you make it available thru PC Aviator as well please. Thankyou in advance. Zdenek.
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