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Eamonn Watson

RTWR 2019 Interest

RTW2019 Race  

12 members have voted

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  1. 1. Should we hold a RTW2019 Race?

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  • Poll closed on 01/01/2019 at 03:59 AM

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To all racers,

Hope everyone had a great summer!!

With the race coming up in a few months, we are trying again to gauge interest in the race.  As you know, the race will require approximately 10 pilots and I know historically at AVSIM, we have had more than that.  So are we interested in holding an event this year?

Also, Duenna version 3.  Please download it and test it on your PC if you wish to join in the race, the more notice I can get for any potential issues the better. 

If you wish to add ideas on how to reinvigorate this event, please post in the official race forums at http://www.fsrtwrace.com



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Count me in.  Have a new PC and am running FSX:SE.  Very stable now, which is a nice change of pace, and everything works like it's supposed to.

Speaking of which, did something happen to the team forum, or my membership therein?  I no longer see a link for it when I log on here at AVSIM.

Craig Taylor


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Craig, PM Jeff, I believe he is the only mod of this forum and I believe he can either change that or knows who to contact.  I had a similar issue a couple months ago.


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Count me in as well.  I need to hop back in and knock off the rust! 🙂






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I would love to participate but unfortunately I'm away during that weekend in mid February!



Gunter Schneider

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15 hours ago, Viking01 said:

I would love to participate but unfortunately I'm away during that weekend in mid February!


Shame you won't be able to make it. We could use a REAL pilot on the team.

As far as I know I will be available, and looking forward to another race.

I can't seem to find the race dates anywhere...what are the dates in Feb. 2019?

Kind Regards,


i7-6700k Gigabyte GA-Z170X-UD5 32GB DDR4 2666 EVGA FTW ULTRA RTX3080 12GB

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Traditionally, the RTWR starts on the first weekend after Valentine's Day. If things follow form, that would probably mean a start at about 0001 UTC on Saturday February 16, 2018. (While the past has served as a guide, things may change if absolutely necessary.)

--Mike MacKuen


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The one problem with this is availability.
The race executive team requires that an aircraft "type" be available to anyone - from FS9 thru P3Dv#, freeware or payware. 
Restricting to failures would negate all the above because almost 90% of the aircraft that have extensive failures are payware and are very limited (if at all) to FS9 aircraft.  


20AUG21_Avsim_Sig.png?dl=1  FS RTWR   SHRS F-111   JoinFS   Little Navmap 


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I will be travelling internationally again this year.  Blame Iceland Air and their low fares.  If I were available, I would jump in with one of the other forums in order to fly more.  


AMD 3900 / RTX 2060 Pro

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