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Cant turn off engine fire suppression

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looked everywhere...can't seem to find the way to turn OFF fire suppression.   I clicked then just out of curiosity...now have spent 45 minutes trying to turn it off.

Bombardier is the aircraft btw.


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CRJ700?  What is the indication that the engine fire surpression is activated?

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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2 hours ago, charliearon said:

CRJ700?  What is the indication that the engine fire surpression is activated?

There's a pop up panel that has ignition, start engine (left & right) and a button for fire suppression for each engine.

Easy to turn on....but I can find no way to turn it back off without closing FSX completely.

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Do you mean the "lit" stop buttons in the picture (green arrows), (2D panel overhead). 
There's a little trick to unlight/reset these. The other buttons will un-light with just one click but the stop buttons need some coaxing.
For the Start L & R / IGN & APU start/stop, occasionally these buttons need a little longer with the left mouse click to alter condition, but generally a slightly longer click-time will extinguish the light.

You need to move your mouse pointer over the lit button until the tooltip says "Engine 1 or Engine 2 Starter (Off)" displaying the Mouse-hand, then with left mouse-click over the lit button move your mouse-hand to the right, into the area of the blue spot on my picture or just beyond the white vertical line where the hand becomes a pointer, then release the left mouse button, the light will extinguish for the chosen button. You will also see the button change to depressed state.

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He doesn't mean engine start, bu fire suppression.

The odd thing about that is, I don't know if it's possible to easily turn off.  I've had trouble with it myself in various aircraft, it might be a bug in the code.

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R U talking about the engine fire push switch/light (can be pressed out IRL) or the bottle armed push to disch switch/light (no reset IRL)?

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12 hours ago, KFXE said:

There's a pop up panel that has ignition, start engine (left & right) and a button for fire suppression for each engine.

Hi Andy,

Not quite sure what the OP means yet, I'm only going on the above statement. I know he said "fire suppression" but then describes the engine start panel in the CRJ700 overhead. 
The CRJ700 has some sloppy click functions, but... I'm willing to admit that I may be way off track.

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Until OP returns to clarify...he did just say Bombardier, so I ASS-u-Me-d Crj700. :wacko:

UPDATE:  I decided to take a look and I see what he means.  The Engine Fire lights look like they are lit and have click spots that do not respond to any type of clicking.  Fire bottle switches are dead meat.


Engine fire.JPG

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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First of all, thanks for everyone's help in spite of the poor job I did explaining the issue.

The aircraft is the Bombardier Learjet 45

Here is a screenshot.  The Large Red Arrow shows the panel in question.  The small Red Arrow shows the button pushed to bring up the panel.  I have not found any way to turn off fire suppression once turned on.   This prevents engine start up if the engines are shut down..


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OK, now it becomes interesting!  I set an engine1 fire failure for 5 minutes (Flight time is what I suppose) and as the engine fire happened, the fire light for engine1 turned brighter and as I clicked on it, it became dim and the engine fire went out.

This was the first time I ever played with "Failures".

OK, now I will see what the Lear45 fire push buttons are all about!

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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What I have found on the Lear45 is that my fire suppression lights are off with just turning on the battery.  I set up a flight with a left engine1 fire to happen in the first few minutes.  When the engine caught fire, a red warning light saying fire came on the annunciator  panel and the left fire suppression light came on.  Pressing the fire suppression button put out the fire but the light stays on.

The trick is NOT to push the fire suppression buttons because once on, they do not turn off! Turning on the button lights is "arming" the system.

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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Thanks for that.

But let's say the lights are on and you want to start the engines......I can not find a way to start the engines without resetting the flight.

as long as those lights are on, the engines will not start...if they are not already running.

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I tried that and with both lights on I had no issues with engine start.

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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I believe it is how it is supposed to work.
It is a 1 bottle system, once used that's it.
Time for the maintenance shop to refill the bottle.. IE reload the aircraft or flight.
The light on means it has been used.
Same as Charlie, no problems starting engines once the fire bottles have been fired. (lights on)

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I'm unable to get the engines restarted without resetting the flight.

oh well.

thanks again all and happy holidays!

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