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Something to Consider When Buying an EV

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14 hours ago, Biggles2010 said:


That condescending tone is unwarranted. I choose my words carefully. I did not define anything. I referred to your use of the word 'Myths'  to dismiss those reports you personally don't agree with, of problems users have had with their electric vehicles. Some of the reports have no doubt been exaggerated by repetition, but the same applies to some of the overhyped claims in favour of electric cars,


I refered to myths, that which is provably false. You said, and I'm paraphrasing, that those myths are held due to life experience.


Do you see how that confused me? A myth is defined as false, so it's not something factual a person has experienced.

Hence why I thought you weren't aware that a myth is a falsehood.

Not an insult, a belief based on confusion. 

"To dismiss reports you don't personally agree with"

No, the myths I refer to are not ambiguous, they are beliefs that are provably wrong.

See the numerous myths/falsehoods I linked to.

Edited by martin-w

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11 hours ago, dave2013 said:
15 hours ago, birdguy said:

You say they will...try to ridicule you.  Isn't that exactly what you are doing 


If you disagree with them, they call you a "crackpot", "denier",


You/they will only be labeled a denier if you propogate anti-science, claims that we know are false.

There are unknowns in climatology, the phenomonon we are currently experiencing. If you stick to the true unknowns, you will do just fine.

Checking the list of EV myths I posted would be informative, and in addition the global warming myths, many of which you have voiced to me, in the forum and via PM.

Global warming and the role CO2 plays has been studied since the 1800's. Its not new.

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On 3/21/2023 at 7:29 PM, dmwalker said:

Solid state batteries seem to be the alternative choice of two major car manufacturers:

"In August 2020, Toyota started road testing of their prototype vehicle, LQ Concept, equipped with a solid-state battery In September 2021, Toyota unveiled its strategy on battery development and supply, in which solid-state battery is to be adopted first in their hybrid electric vehicles to utilize its characteristics And, Honda has set their plan schedule to start operation of demonstration line for the production of all-solid-state batteries in Spring 2024".


Maybe. But it looks like other technology might beat solid state to the punch.

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20 hours ago, Biggles2010 said:

The odd high mileage Tesla is not sufficient evidence.


100,000 to 200,000 is the expected milage from the battery.


"According to current industry expectations, EV batteries are projected to last between 100,000 and 200,000 miles, or about 15 to 20 years. However, even when EV batteries do age, their large initial capacity combined with minor losses in battery capacity means the aging is nearly imperceptible to drivers."


Tesla mileage is claimed to be higher. 

BYD Blade batteries the guys in the Model Y this thread was supposed to be about have a far longer lifespan. 




"your Tesla batteries are supposed to last for 300,000 to 500,000 miles, or 1,500 battery cycles. "

https://ev-lectron.com/blogs/blog/how-long-does-a-tesla-battery-last#:~:text=On average%2C Tesla owners can,years for an average person.




Think how much dosh you would have to spend on an ICE car to keep it going that long. My higher milage ICE cars cost me a fortune.



"A study on 286 Tesla Model owners across the world revealed that Tesla vehicles lose just 5% of their capacity in the first 50,000 miles. Additionally, these vehicles will exceed 150,000 miles of driving before losing 10% of their initial battery life."


Edited by martin-w

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21 hours ago, IanHarrison said:

Heat pumps have been shown not to work in the UK.


I'm not a heat pump expert, but from what I've heard, heat pumps can work in the UK, but they require proper design and installation. The home has to be very well insulated, the bore of the pipes and radiators has to be correct, rads often bigger, and a heat loss calculation needs to be done to make sure its the right size for the property.

Often very disruptive to install though and seems somewhat regressive that we took out all that pipework and tanks to fit a combi boiler, and for heat pumps it all goes back in again.

A lot of the issues I suspect are caused by bad installation, no heat loss calculation, wrong unit size for the property, minimal insulation etc.

As I say, I'm no expert on heat pump's, and the above is just what I've heard.

According to the UK's beloved government...



Heat pumps can provide an efficient alternative for householders. The technical data obtained and the users' feedback indicates that well installed and operated heat pumps can perform to a very high standard in UK homes.

https://www.gov.uk/government/news/five-reasons-to-get-a-heat-pump#:~:text=Heat pumps are significantly more,provide heating and hot water.


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22 hours ago, IanHarrison said:

Heat pumps have been shown not to work in the UK.

Oh dear,
all this time I had thought that ours was heating our 1950's
ex-council house in a small village, towards the north of England, at a reasonable
cost and now you tell me that for the last 14 years, it hasn't been working at all  😕

Edited by Reader
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I think I've found the appropriate poem to describe where this thread has gone:

The gingham dog and the calico cat
Side by side on the table sat;
'T was half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)
Nor one nor t' other had slept a wink!
      The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate
      Appeared to know as sure as fate
There was going to be a terrible spat.
            (I wasn't there; I simply state
            What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)

The gingham dog went "Bow-wow-wow!"
And the calico cat replied "Mee-ow!"
The air was littered, an hour or so,
With bits of gingham and calico,
      While the old Dutch clock in the chimney-place
      Up with its hands before its face,
For it always dreaded a family row!
            (Now mind: I'm only telling you
            What the old Dutch clock declares is true!)

The Chinese plate looked very blue,
And wailed, "Oh, dear! what shall we do!"
But the gingham dog and the calico cat
Wallowed this way and tumbled that,
      Employing every tooth and claw
      In the awfullest way you ever saw—
And, oh! how the gingham and calico flew!
            (Don't fancy I exaggerate—
            I got my news from the Chinese plate!)

Next morning, where the two had sat
They found no trace of dog or cat;
And some folks think unto this day
That burglars stole that pair away!
      But the truth about the cat and pup
      Is this: they ate each other up!
Now what do you really think of that!
            (The old Dutch clock it told me so,
            And that is how I came to know.)


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The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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And with that, It's a wrap!  That's the news...up to the minute, up to the minute, that's all of the news!  Film at 11pm!

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Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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