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Everything posted by maxter

  1. Thanks Matt, and no I had not seen it.I might D/l the demo and give it a try. Cheers and thanks for the info.
  2. Well done AC, looking forward to it,Cheers and all the best,
  3. That's pretty darn impressive Matt, thanks a lot for posting those links.As with everything else, there is a certain critical mass required before things can really takeoff. I think that conceptually X-Plan probably has a greater potential thank the current iteration of MSFS, however this has not been taken up by the community. The next couple of years or so will be critical to its success. Let's see what the community can do to raise the X-P bar. I am sure that I will be willing to give it a try if people like Carenado would create their little masterpieces for X-P with all the added potential for systems modelling that X-P has.Cheers and thanks again,
  4. Thanks Michael, once again how dare you inject a sense of reality, balance and perspective into the discussion, rather than hysteria and hyperbole... Isn't it interesting to watch tribalism at it's vicious best.Cheers mate,
  5. Go to the top item on this page...FTX FreewareCheers,
  6. Hi there, these were some screenshots of the YWVA (Warnervale airport scenery)... go here for some more... WarnervaleGosh, there is some interesting discussions going on here...The point of my post and attendant screenies above was to highlight the fact that there is a middle ground that can be achieved here. One that sits between complete 100% photorealistic scenery and 100% landclass texture overlays. This is what I think the true genius of the Orbx products are.Where needed eg. around airports and specific VFR related identification points, they have created some custom landclass and implemented them over photoreal high resolution imagery. This creates in no small measure, an intense sense of being there with the added benefit of seasonal colouring and appropriate structures properly annotated, items that most photoreal offerings miss out on.Anyhow, this is a great discussion, suffice to say whichever method into the future, we as simmers are really spoilt for choices. May that continue for a long time. One can only imagine what FSXI will enable.Cheers and all the best,I will attach a couple more images to aid in the discussion and illustrate my points here...
  7. Mind you I reckon stuff like this will give it a reasonable run for it's money... when the tech is used in the NA and PNW environment.Cheers,
  8. Woops, thanks mate, much appreciated.Cheers,
  9. Where did you get that one from John?Cheers and thanks,
  10. Unbelievably, it looks like Orbx has released also this week another of their small freeware regional airfields at Port Lincoln (YPLC) in South Australia. BTW, complete with the surrounding 30 sq kms of photoreal scenery.Check it out at their freeware page.Cheers,
  11. ...and now Orbx has released the final region in their Australian scenery series, you can fly over the whole of the Continent of Australia in glorious FTX goodness
  12. Why don't you download and try the free FTX Tasmania scenery... Fully functional 16,000 square kilometers with a highly detailed regional airport (YMLT) thrown in for nix...Go here... FTX Free stuffCheers,
  13. maxter

    FS11 Wish List

    It's probably the End of year/Christmas/New Year holiday period... Or the period leading up to those holidays.
  14. Hey thanks guys, very much appreciated.Cheers,
  15. Yeah, me too... I have spent way too much time looking for the config location to increase this... Any clues folks? I'm a bit slow at the moment :( Cheers,
  16. Hi Geoff, the competition is indeed mouth watering.Interestingly, the FTX guys say that the photoreal stuff is for the areas above the tree line only. They have used this technique quite successfully IMO (combining photoreal with landclass tiles) a number of times previously... Have a look at this effort...Photoreal/landclass comboCheers,
  17. Go here... Early dev pics.FTX N America screeniesSome amazing pics, just awesome,Cheers,
  18. Mmmmmmm... Go here...You should have read this first...Cheers,
  19. Being an Australian, I am pretty partial to these guys...FTX Full Terrain ExperienceThey have a free sampler download for the whole island of Tasmania, fully featured... Get it here,AUBlue Tasmania DemoJoin the forums, it's a really friendly place to be...FTX Support forumsCheers,
  20. Now i'm really confused :( I guess if the new sim is going to appear in 18 months or so (rumour???) many/most of the tech directions would already have been made already. I do wonder however what the core direction of the new version is going to be. To clarify, I think the current version development is/was heavily skewed in favour of the GA pilot and not so much for the tubliner jockey. Maybe it was just the drain on system resources that make this apparent and the new systems midrange being released more recently will alter that balance.Interesting debate though, I just wish some of the MS guys would chip in some time.Cheers,
  21. What an extraordinary statement :( I think you must be taking the mickey :( Cheers,
  22. Thanks everybody for your extremely informative opinions and replies, they are very much appreciated...Back to the topic, so I guess there still isn't a single front person in the function of a Phil Taylor at the moment. And Geoff, can I assume there was a healthy dose of sarcasm included in the first part of your response... :( Cheers and thanks again all,
  23. Since I'm not a technophile, could someone please explain this phrase and guess what it may be replaced by?With thanks,
  24. Huh, what's new about that flyer? It's exactly what we have been discussing above... Note the expected release date Cheers,
  25. Thanks for the comments Falcon. care to share what you think those surprises may be?Cheers,
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