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Everything posted by BrzI

  1. So the only changes are to the sky colours ? What about ground textures and aircraft model textures ?
  2. I have FSX crashing very often with enbr. Do you know if this product is moe stable ? Does it use the same files ? Thanks btw.. what scenery is that ? Looks photoreal...
  4. I agree. That is why I am looking at bypassing those textures...by flying in areas that have more appeal and customized textures. You bet I will !
  5. I thought I was too old to use this word but here goes : Awesome.
  6. Thanks for looking. Once again, apologies for flooding. Hope you enjoy the shots. They would be much nicer if I did not have to compress them.
  7. Thanks for looking Mods : leaving for a week early in the morning so I am kinda flooding the forum. Normally, I would not post more than one topic at the same time. Hope you don't mind. Thanks.
  8. Yes...I was...until PMDG released their 737NGX with a 2D panel that has great performance. Now I finally have something that gives me great FPS. Was never a fan of VCs for performance reasons. Not to forget *******' fsx.cfg tweaking web site. Together with disabling widescreen mode I now get FPS similar to FS9. I am now officially 50/50 with leaning to FSX. And then there is the new LGAV.
  9. Here is a quick demo of the FSAltitude package for Australia installed over FTXAustralia SP4. On the last screenshot you can see how the FTX terrain textures show under the aircraft. I will test some Simsavvy stuff and compare the two products. Hope this helps those of you that are contemplating FSAltitude, FPS impact is negligible on my system i7 920 3.65GHz / 6 GB PC1400 / ATI HD 6890 1 GB / Vista Business 64 Thanks for looking
  10. I use 2D panels in FSX 95% of the time for performance reasons (at least double FPS). When I have the d3d9.dll in the FSX root folder (regardless of whether it is active or not) my 2D gauges lose their crispness...numbers become blurred and are difficult to read. My question is this : I would like to control colour saturation only. Do not care for bloom, depth of field, extra shaders etc. Can this be done ? Can I just have this entry in the .ini file ? [colorCORRECTION]DarkeningAmountDay=19ScreenLevelDay=60ScreenLevelNight=14DarkeningAmountNight=-30GammaCurveDay=-2GammaCurveNight=6ColorSaturationDay=1ColorSaturationNight=-1UsePaletteTexture=0 Any other tips are welcome...
  11. Aside from pressing "W" I see no other way to use the HGS in 2D panel mode. Am I correct ? Thanks
  12. The man is entitled to his opinion. Not everybody knows that big letters are equivalent to shouting (and some people do not see too well either). Like the guy said - let us behave like gentlemen. Enjoy the bird. I certainly do.
  13. Move eyepoint closer ( I think it is Ctrl+Backspace)
  14. Absolutely stunning panel mod...I am sure lots of people will ask you to share - let me be the first one Great shots
  15. Not on purpose. Just did not bother with it. Still trying to figure out my performance issues...:-)
  16. . . . of being converted to FSX. This 2D panel has a lot of charm. However, even the VC performs very well. Had to disable enbr but I can live without it. Just having some fun around YMML. Waiting for my FS Altitude Australia to round out this part of the world. Then I will reassess FSX one more time. Hope you like the shots. Thanks for looking
  17. I get CTDs with this file almost every flight. Happens when I switch between cockpit and FSX setting screens. I have enbr but the flights load with enbr turned off - usually stays off throughout the flight. Vista Business 646gb RAM DDR3i920 o/c to 3.65GHzOrbx FTX AUSTRALIA SP4 (Canberra, Melbourne, Coffs Harbour)ATI 6890 1GB Thanks
  18. I have controller buttons assigned to views 5 to 9 in my fsx.cfg file. They work fine with other add-ons but they do not pickup NGX CameraDefinitions.xxx settings. Is there a difference between CameraDefinition.xxx and CameraDefintion.x ? I am making another attempt to like FSX. Still an FS9 fan so I am not overly familiar with the way it works - hence the question. Thanks PMDG for the 2D panel. Great marketing decision if you ask me.
  19. How do you open the cargo doors on the Vitamin ? The clickspots on the engineer's panel do not work at all... :-(
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