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Everything posted by Leen3131cs

  1. When you open a texture in DXTBmp and export it to your painting-program it will open in your paintingprogramm as a BMP (named norm.bmp) When you have finished your editing just SAVE the bmp ( NOT saving it to another format, just save and then import in DXTBmp again ) Your problem comes from the fact you save-AS in Gimp, you should just SAVE ( the norm.bmp as it is ) DXTBmp puts the texture into the GIMP as BMP and wants to get it back as a BMP. If you follow this flow there will be no colorproblems.
  2. You started this topic friday 6.17 PM You ran the demo saturday 1.27 AM You deleted the demo at 2.09 AM You just needed 42 minutes to explore XP11, leads me to the conclusion. You got so overwhelmed and anthousiast you bought the package right away OR just simply missed 99% . OR your machine could not cope with XP11. It would be nice to hear your experiences. Once a topic is started with a questionis vital to have an answer/conclusion in the end I think. Cheers Leen
  3. Things have been said and points of view expressed. As the discussion is based on one side of the whole story and we do not get a reaction from the vendor who`s actions are discussed here........ Its time to close this topic. So I did. PS If the vendor involved wants to give his reaction here on this topic, he just has to send me a PM, asking me to re-open the topic.
  4. Not really clear to me is: Did you contact the vendor after you discovered your livery being used? I may be mistaken, I get the impression , the vendor informed you about your livery being removed from the next version, because he has seen fuzz about it on a forum (this forum?) You wrote : Well , it seems that the developer came up with a solution all by himself I get the impression you had no private contact with him before complaining here at this AVSIM-forum, in wich case I can imaginge him being irritated and skipping your livery. I cannot imagine when you would have contacted the vendor privately, saying "You used a paint I made without mentioning me as the maker of it in the manual. I would appreceate to see my name stated in the manual" I can imagine his reaction would be way different. Zoals we in Nederland zeggen "het is de toon die de muziek maakt" aka " it is not what you say, it is the way you say it ." Just my 2 cts Leen
  5. Today a devoper made me very unhappy ( or he just trried , in an XP11 related discussion ) He wrote: I think custom liveries will disappear when real PBR textures will be released. since they are impossible to properly produce without having the source object it will be the end of home-made liveries. I say that proper editing of PBR files are made using 3D tools such as substance painter (which requires the 3D model), not photoshop or similar. All is in the term "proper", which for instance does not apply to the XP11 version of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX by XXXXXXXXX If this is true it will mean repainting will not be possible anymore , as painters do not have the source 3D model. The same time for many new models there will be no third-party free liveries available anymore. Developers will go selling their liveries and many simmers will leave the scene. If PBR means that in the end , PBR is bad for our hobby. I hope I am wrong , personally I think repainting will be possible afterall as long as there are diffuse textures and normals to fiddle with. Saying we will not be able to do proper painting I have serious doubts about that. Exaggeration is also an Art. I think he just told bull-S Leen de Jager
  6. I have the Chipmunk by Khamsin for a few years now. Great plane love it. Now a new version for XP11 is available V1.2. This is about the same verion as the one for XP10. I could not withstand the temptation of making a bare metal levery. Just added the command NORMAL_METALNES to three OBJ files and made some textures and normals. https://www.dropbox.com/s/c1g8qbcljjem5pm/Desktop 07.19.2017 - Download and play in your best video-player ,
  7. I cannot imagine adding a headset is just a question of placing another dds-texturefile. To get a headset on the head of the pilot you need another 3D file for the pilot ( or just the headset) as well
  8. Try this. Replace the files wich do not show by the same files from another (working) livery. Probably they show OK on the plane, in that case your files are most likely saved to an incorrect filetype or otherwise not compatible. If those files do not show correctly either, recheck the way the livery has been assembled.
  9. In other words Paint Shop Pro7 and DXTBmp do perfectly for Sim-Painting. (never used anything else myself) 10 dollar a month is no big deal for someone who has dollars enough to spend, thats however not a thing we can everyone expect to have. All tools we need for sim-painting (software-wise-spoken) are available free ( or very cheap) on the internet.
  10. Forgot to say. See "The Painting FAQ`s" question & answer nr 22. For starting painters there is a lot of information at "The Painting FAQ`s"
  11. Yes, unless you can create or have a "totalfuse" to paint on ,with markings on them showing you how to cut and where to paste the individual parts on the various texturesheets.. Making such thing is work for specialists, who can make it does not really need it for himself. Its great when it comes with a paintkit, most paintkits have to do without. Trial and error is the word.
  12. Yes there is not problem in that, just move the logo in the tail (or fuse) into the good direction. save the paint,launch it in the sim and see. Its a question of trial and error ( just estimate the amount of pixels you need to move left or right to get in line) Practise makes perfect. ps No need to say you must use a layerfile to perform this action. You must move JUST the logo not the entire tail-texture.
  13. I can imagine my answer is not really "giving the key to..." I am sorry for that, nevertheless my answer IS an answer . A straight answer to the question "how can a make a paint like Guerinca" cannot be given either. Its all about skills and experience. This all does not take away the fact its always a good habit to give a response to an answer given to a question you put on a forum. EVEN when this answer does not fullfill your needs. This is a forum for friends by friends , at least we have to act in a bit positive way. No reaction at all ??? Ohhh thats so.................. Cheers Leen
  14. Painting gloss on the diffuse texture is not really a good idea, when light disappears or chages its position the "painted-gloss" stays in the same position wich is really unreal. Adding details and nuances to a paint, wearing,scratches and things like that. Its a question of trial and error, using layers and layer-properties and effects.
  15. Hi Guys, Today I downloaded a livery for the LES DC3 uploaded not long ago and as I am very interested to see how things are made I opened the files and studied them. Though its a nice project and suitable for XP11 ( after editing a lot of OBJ files yourself) I was a bit surprised( you may say disappointed too) to see the normal files. At first sight they look quiet impressive SEE THE PICTURE ON TOP. Nevertheless something went wrong with this normal and I was thinking about a normalfile I saw a few years ago made by Aegen wich was much more impressive. Even more impressive is the normalfile for the same plane made by Klaas Kobbert very recently SEE LOWER PICTURE Let me explain why the NORMAL Klaas Kobbert made is so much better, it might be handy for all of you who want to start working with normals ,working with normals will become a standard issue for all painters working with XP11. For models with (partial) bare metal it will be a must to make the multy-colored normals ( with their alphas) for every individual livery. Its not possible to make a standard normal for all bare or partially bare variants.( a paintkit cannot help there, its one of the reasons why painting for XP11 is so more difficult) ) Under the horizontal plate-lines in the UPPER picture we see light-blue lines and they make the plate-panels look like giant "buttons" The result is the platelines look like grooves instead of overlapping plates. The rivets are really big and on many places touching eachother or even placed overlapping. The LOWER picture shows a normal really representing overlapping plates, unequal depht in the plates and realistic undulation. The rivets a significant more relistic in size and do not tough eachother nor overlap. The UPPER picture shows impressive at first sight ,when looked at better we see its not really representing a DC3 in a realistic way. Its to much Playmobil. The superb results shown on the LOWER picture can only be achieved by making the normalfile for 50% by hand and not only generating it in a painting program. I am confident this will help you making better normals. Leen
  16. Sim = X-Plane Model = By Paolo Matricardi ( reworked by AFNavarro and Leen de Jager ) Paint = by Leen de Jager
  17. Sim = X-Plane 9 >11 Airplane = Siai Marchetti SF260 by Paolo Matricardi-AFNavarro- Leen de Jager Livery = by Leen de Jager, published at X-Plane.org
  18. Due to the age of this thread I think its wise to close it.
  19. Forgot to say; "The best thing you can do at 73 to keep your mind fresh". (your words) In my opinion the best way to keep your (painting-) mind fresh, is to explore painting , learn new things and to be eager to improve yourself. I am only 66 years, I assume its not much different at 73. "When you are getting paid for your time, well fast is better." (your words) That depends on the customer. If the customer does not care for top-quality and the painter is more interested in money than in top-quality, its a perfect match.
  20. The former Nr1 from the Breitling Devils, promoting Ceccato Automobili . Sim = X-Plane Model by Paolo Matricardi (V3 by AFNavarro and LDJ) Paint by Leen de Jager (LDJ
  21. Today I downloaded several paints you made and they gave me a fair impression about your works. Let me start saying , your paints, they look very nice. ( I am not commenting in-detail paint quality here ) Nevertheless when I had seen these paints for the first time without knowing you do not use layers, my first reaction would have been, "What a pity this painter did not use layers" One of the paints I downloaded was the Chicago Southern it looks really nice ,nevertheless the vertical stabilisers ( and all other painted parts) lack all details they are death-flat green with dito characters on them. On the underside of the wings we see CS ( and the registrations as well ) painted over some hatches, on the bare wing these hatches are clearly visible, they vanish however under the CS characters and the registration. I am sorry to say, but that would not pass my quality control when I supervise painters working for a developer. Using layerfiles is essential for a painter when he wants to keep the details the way the initial painter/developer of the aircraft ment them to be. Herewith an example I took the texture from your B377-Coastguard and made an orange rectangle on it using a layer-method. As you can see all details, rivets and shadings from the original texture are clearly visible in the orange rectangle. On the right side we see your orange fuselage, its death-flat orange, no details no "life" My advice, start working with layers and the result will come much closer to "prof-paints" Making professional repaints of sim aircraft without using layers is simply impossible . I think its usefull to repeat the warning I already gave on this topic: DDS is a format to save to, no a good format to paint on. It degrades everytime its gets saved. Everytime you save a edited DDS file with DXTBmp its quality degrades. Exporting the DDS from DXTBmp to PSP7 , editing the files in PSP7 , re-loading them in DXTBmp and saving again with DXTBmp gives a degrade of quality. No need to say multiple repeats of this procedure will bring severe damage to the quality of the texture.. Better export the texture from DXTBmp to your PSP7 and save the file in PSP7 to a PSP or PSD format. Do all your editing on this (layered) PSP file. After editing save the PSP file and export a copy in a PNG (lossless) format. Load this PNG in DXTBmp and save to DDS to load for testing in the sim or viewer. Resume editing of the PSP file in PSP7 and save to PNG , import this PNG in DXTBmp etc etc etc.. When I started painting for Sim-aircraft I made all my paints without using layers too, after a few years I was confronted by a real professional with an explanation likewise the one I gave on this topic. I decided to follow his advice and it brought me to another level. Nothing about painting I invented by myself, nothing I am telling has not been told to me by others. I am just handing over knowledge and facts. ( thats why I am asked for moderating this forum)
  22. Where can I download one of your "pro" paints? Making a "pro-paint" without using layers ??? I am really curious to see what you can make without a layerfile. Personally I cannot make an acceptable paint without using layers and never sold a paint I made within a week. I hardly ever sell a paint , I am to expensive, once in a while I supervice a group of painters working for a developer, That does not take so much of my time and is more affordable for a developer. Cheers Leen pS How professional is a painter who is struggling with a corrupted DDS file and is asking about it on hobby-forum ?
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