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About qnh

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  1. Just remember that it is not a Boeing or an Airbus
  2. Nah, it'll buff right out! :smile:
  3. Thank you sir! Trying to fly from PANC to KMEM I started to get CTD's - renamed this file and I'm well past the point where it used to crash.
  4. Chuck, I don't recall it being overly difficult, but then I've been in various IT roles for the past 30 odd years Yell if you need some assistance, there's plenty of people here
  5. I run Win 7 on my main FS machine and Win10 on my support machine. I have ASN, FSC, a flight tracker, WideClient, PFPX all running without issue under Win 10 interfaced to my Win 7 machine via both simconnect and FSUIPC.
  6. I reckon it was that most dangerous thing, an intelligent sheep (cue Eric Idle)
  7. Some of the other interesting things that 744's carry is live sheep, on the inside, not on the wing. Seems a 744F had to divert to WIII after a fire sensor in the cargo hold went off - the story is that it was a result of a lot of sheep farting at once
  8. Niice shots. I bought Xplane 10 but it sits on the shelf - I could not get used to the interface. Maybe I've been using FSX/2004/2002 etc for too long
  9. I had problems with PMDG aircraft after going to Win 10 - back on Win 7 and all is well. I doubt I'll be upgrading my FS machine for a while yet. I do have Win 10 running on my utility computer that runs ASN, FSC, PFPX etc.
  10. qnh

    PMDG 777 & win 10

    Back to Windows 7 and all is happy again
  11. qnh

    PMDG 777 & win 10

    Strange Win 10 issue here. I can load the 777 but as soon as I hit Ctrl-F12 to bring up GSX for pushback I get a CTD - the faulting module is PMDGOptions.dll with an exception code of 0xc0000005. No problems with any other addons, GSX works fine with them. FSX:SE, Win 10 Professional x64, 16GB RAM, i4790K @ 4GHz
  12. There should be a link for a locked version as well - click the link in the message.
  13. Thanks Jim, I did try the run as admin and UAC was set to the lowest setting. I had run the Op Ctr and checked versions, but can't recall what the module was that faulted and having restored I can't see it now. I'm back on Windows 7 for now - will probably do a clean install of 10 later and try again.
  14. Strange problem here - upgraded from Windows 7 Ultimate last weekend, running FSX:SE, did a couple of flights in Aerosoft's A32x, no problems. Fast forward to this morning (AUS time) thought I'd get some 777 hours in - halfway through loading the PMDG 773 Windows experienced a problem, crash - restart, same problem. Restart, load the trike and fly around with no problems, load the 773, crash. Eventlog shows a 0xc0000005 error which is usually permissions. Went back to Windows 7 and I've been in the air for the past 4 or so hours with a problem. Will probably do a clean install once this flight is over and see how it goes.
  15. Just a heads up that fspilotshop.com appear to have had a security breach involving their email database. I began receiving spam on a unique email address that was only ever used at fspilotshop.com. After contacting them they advised We believe we have located and sealed the possible breach. We were testing our newsletter subscription process and some e-mails from the list may have been accessible for a short period of time. I have been assured that no credit card data was compromised but they did not advise whether any other data was included in the breach. If you use the same password on multiple sites you may want to consider changing them.
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