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Everything posted by Thanos68

  1. Hi, you can also consider the freeware LGTS, LGAL, LGZA and LGMT that can keep you busy while shopping. LGSK is a great addition and so is the LGSM mentioned above, 2 of the most challenging approaches. GAYA LGKO was very heavy in P3D and have not bothered in MSFS. You may want LGKR by FT too, or the small LGHI by inibuilds which is on sale i reckon. And the Holy Grail of all addons... the one that creates free time to enjoy the hobby. (sorry no link😄) Happy flying ! Thanos Anogiatis
  2. This is what i have used for the DC6 and works without any issues whatsoever https://youtu.be/gTsDNwhAsVE
  3. Hi, For me, I noticed it happened immediately after the FSLABS non-compatibility error during startup. I uninstalled FSLABS, restarted sim and all ok. Will reinstall after compatibility is restored. Thanos PS. For some unknown reason the upper left information text is red again although the information.html file has text defined white.
  4. Greetings to all. This is how I have been able to use RTSS with the FSLABS, found it by luck but works every time, including the on screed display. RTSS 7.3.1 - option to start with windows checked MSI Afterburner Latest FSLABS and P3D5 and frames unlimited in the sim Load the airbus and once all its internal testing is complete and the aircraft is initialised go to P3d menu, Options, graphics and then just cancel it. When back in the sim, you are limited to your RTSS limiter settings and you can also activate the on screen display. Has been working for me every time and I hope it does for you too. Best regards Thanos
  5. Hi all, I was wondering if there is a way to maintain different control assignments based on the aircraft you are flying. I have a sidestick and a yoke and having setup different fsuipc profiles for the controllers I am actually looking to use separate pov hat switches for the tilt and the pan functions based on the loaded plane. At the moment I am redefining each time, not exactly a hardship but would be nice to have 🙂 Thanks and regards, Thanos Anogiatis
  6. Hi Keven and all, have recently left FSXSE for P3D, a move which was combined with getting a new PC (8700k, 1080Ti, 32Gb, Win10 home). Installed CP (all my settings were transferred from the cloud) and made the necessary exclusion on firewall as well as deleted the duplicate button assignments for panning in P3D (normal mode and slew/observer mode). Currently (last week) using CP with A2A C182 and PMDG 744 (just installed) and I noticed serious stuttering in camera transition and panning. Disabled game mode as per some relevant forum posts, i have not however tried any affinity mask settings, have not concluded to the proper way to find my values. I have tried single or dual monitor setups in different resolutions and frequencies however none of the above approaches solved the problem. I just noticed however that if the CP window has the focus (as in task switch), panning is fine and so are the camera transitions when i mouse click on the presets. When P3D has the focus and i use the assigned buttons or pan with the hat switch then i am greeted again with heavy stuttering and jumps in movement. The same is true for the Cinematic movements as well. I uninstalled CP and tried the same planes and there are no stutters or jumps in panning, however I have reached the point where CP is mandatory for me to properly enjoy the sim and the specific planes. Any and all ideas are welcome, I hope I am missing an obvious setting/choice somewhere. CP v0.4.217 Exp, P3d 4.3, latest nvidia 398.36 Best, Thanos
  7. Thank you both for your input, I think that I will go ahead with the iocards.I understand them better and the fact that I can have them assembled at a reasonable price is of major importance to me.In any case this is not carved in stone yet as I think that some further reading is in order.Decisions, decisions ...Thanks and best regardsThanos Anogiatis
  8. Greetings to all!After many years of enjoyment with FS I am ready to take the next step and create my own hardware for controlling my flights (avoiding on purpose the word cockpit, since it is so ...far away at the moment).I will try to build myself as much as possible with some help of friends and fellow enthusiasts. The mcp and the fmc will be the first priorities.Having done my homework for the last months I have come at the crossroads where I need to make a decision between iocards and fsbus.I have to admit that I am leaning towards the iocards solution but my main concern is the problems that a lot of users are having with rotaries "skipping" inputs.Your opinion is appreciated not only for this specific concern but also as to what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of each approach.Any and all answers and advices are greatly appreciated.Best regards,Thanos AnogiatisAthens, Greece
  9. Greatly appreciate this gesture, count me in if you would like for this draw.Cheers, Thanos AnogiatisAthens, Greece
  10. Steve, I sent you the info on private.I do not know if it is appropriate to publicly post info of a "registration only forum" on a free post one.In the same time 1. I am contacting Lee to suggest him to post here too2. If a pmdg forum admin regards it appropriate can post the info himself here (I guess after contacting a LDS admin?).I hope this helpsThanos
  11. Hi there, I had a similar problem on the europe one sky event. It was solved for me by following Lee's suggestion.http://www.leveldsim.com/forums/forum_post...p?TID=5410&PN=1you have to be registered at the leveld forum.there is a new tcas version that solves this problem. I guess it applies to the NG too...Let me know if you cannot access it.RegardsThanos Anogiatis Athens,Greece
  12. Hi Greg,thanks for replying. I bought the 74gb raptor and indeed it is fast and for me "quiet enough" since my fan is more or less louder than this hdd.I think it was a good buy. Once again thanks for your reply and happy simming.Best RegardsThanos
  13. Greg hello,I can see that you are using the WD raptor HDD. I am considering bying one so I would greatly appreciate it if you can give me your opinion on the speed and more especially the noise level of it. I was thinking of the small one but maybe I should go for the larger since it is a later version.George sorry for hijacking this thread, have a lot of fun with your new system.Thanos AnogiatisAthens, Greece
  14. Hi Armen,what you can actually do is once you are told to contact xxx, you tune to their frequency but you do NOT contact them. They are not going to contact you either :-) and nothing is cancelledNot realistic but get help you in these loooong legs.I am not a fan of ATC but I remember seeing this tip in a forum and used it once or twice....RegardsThanosAthens, Greece
  15. Well :-)I got rid of Norton Antivirus and personal firewall (AVG and Sygate personal Firewall now). Among other good effects of that action, I also have my dash 8 working fine !!!!!!!!I do not know why and how but if PSS support is interested I could create a new log file with fsuipc to compare it with the old "problematic" one.Thanks for your efforts.Thanos AnogiatisAthens, Greece
  16. >By any chance are you using ActiveCamera or another fly-by>module?>>I have found that when some of these fly-by modules reset the>point of view for the fly-by that it also causes the replay>data to be reset to that point as well.Mike,your answer made me think of what addons I am using.FSMETEO + FSRealTime.Actualy it is FSRealTime that is creating the problem with its autoupdate. Not only that, but it is also a known documented issue in the help file.##########################When attempting to view an "Instant Replay" in Flight Simulator, FS Real Time will continue to try to maintain the correct time in Flight Simulator causing the "Instant Replay" feature not to function properly. Since there is no known way for FSUIPC to detect when the Flight Simulator is in its "Instant Replay" state, this issue is not programmatically correctable. A workaround for this issue is to "pause" FS Real Time before entering the "Instant Replay" feature of Flight Simulator. To "pause" FS Real Time, simply click "Stop AutoUpdate".###########################So the replay is actualy there and all you have to do is to stop the auto update function to view it properly.Another RTFM case !Thank you both for your answersRegardsThanos
  17. It is a busy forum and went very fast to the second page !!!I will give it the chance of just one bumpity bump !Thanos
  18. Hi all,during the last month I noticed that I have lost the ability to replay parts of the flight via the default FS function.This is happening in short and long flights (45 min or three hours).Example, in cruise halfway through I can only have max of 10 seconds, at approach can give me the possibility of ~50 but definitely after the landing roll is completed I can have a max of 6 or 7.More specifically, during the landing I can have last 4-5 seconds after touchdown and before reverse is over and then if i can continue i can only have the next part (reverse till flaps retraction and so on ) but with no specific pattern.I checked it with the default cessna (30 min flight, cannot stand it more!) and there was no problem (could replay 150 or more seconds at any stage).Memory should not be a problem as I run 1 Gig of it and FSAutostart. Monitoring the whole flight with the task manager I see that I have a lot of free resources. I have also deleted and rebuild the fs9.cfg and have renamed my autogen file for fs not to use.Have not tried it with other addons (PSS, DF) as the NG is all I am flying now ! A check on the general forum has not revealed anything to me.Running on XP Pro SP1, and all PMDG NG planes are updated to the latest.Asus ATI 9600 XT, 128 RAM if it can help at all.Other than that, the product is a great enjoyment !I would just like to have my replays back so that I can see my (rare) greasers or more often ... bumps.RegardsThanos AnogiatisAthens, Greece
  19. Hello everybody!I am not an AS user (yet !) but if my memory serves me well it must be reporting KQNN because of the existence of an american military naval base over there which uses Capodichino Mil airport. At least this is what is happening with FSMeteo.Haven't use my fs for a month so maybe I am wrong.Regards, Thanos AnogiatisAthens, Greece>Hi to all!>I notice that when you fly to LIRN (Naples - Italy) Activesky>2004 loads a weather station in USA! Like KDxx (sorry but I>don't remember exactly). It's strange because the problem>disappears when you are on the ground. Has anyone else this>problem?>>Thanks!>Regards,>Max>>--------------------------------------->http://www.precisionmanuals.com/images/forum/ng_driver.jpg>--------------------------------------->http://www.dreamsky.it/dreamsky/contatti/img/logo.gif
  20. Hi everybody!Greatly enjoying the 737NG series over here!!!One question though. When in the 2D panel, I switch to one of the side views and stay there for 5-6 seconds. Upon returning to the front view the trim wheel is being activated. This is not happening in fast view switching but it always happens when I keep one of the side views active for more than 4-5 seconds.This is happening in normal cruise conditions (where AFAIK it should not happen). It is also not happening when switching from outside view to cockpit view.Has anyone else noticed this? A search in the forum has not revealed anything similar. Not that it is very important but I always wanted to ask.Thanks and best regards, Thanos AnogiatisAthens, Greece
  21. ...and I thought I was the only one doing this at work !!!!!Great product!!!Thanos Anogiatis
  22. All you beta testers....stop taking screenshots and finish your "job"...We won't be able to stand it for long...Great shots btw :-):-):-)Thanos Anogiatis
  23. John,I would just like to say that the problem still remains.I also changed my nvidia card for an ATI one (it was scheduled before -8 problem). Latest catalyst drivers and XP fully updated.I am still having the same problem of this periodic freeze.Is there sth that can be done or further examined?Pls let me know.Also if others have cured it let us also all know.Thanks and Best Regards,Thanos Anogiatis
  24. John,>I cannot duplicate any freezes with the dash8>in fact I find it flies best of all the productsThat's why I am keep trying :-)>My system is a P4-2.8 w/ 1024 sdram, GeForce4 Ti 4600 w/53.03>drivers>winXP fully updated, directx 9.0b>>Have you tried deleting FS9.cfg>That can cure alot of problemsHas been tried with no success, sorry. I also detached my second monitor. I still have ~5 seconds of activity and around 30 of fs frozen on my screen with only the sound of the engines coming up.I noticed on task manager that for every cycle of activity the mem usage of fs9.exe is increasinga little bit. Starts from 38mb and goes up till 170Mb as I am writing this with increments of ~25 mb. There it is more or less stable. When the freeze is happening there is no mouse on the fs window (as the fs task is inactive). By the way now at around 175Mb the freezing time has increased up to 2 minutesIs there anything you would like me to monitor to help you assist me? a log file that I could create? an option at winxp to debug a process? is there a debugging tool? sth that you have created in order to monitor performance?I honestly do not believe it is the system or a configuration, all the buses are ok, other payware is ok so there must be sth really wrong here.John systems very similar here,P4-3, 1024, geforceti4200 128, 5303,XPSP1...,directx 9.0b....Regards,Thanos>>>John >PSS SUPPORT>support@phoenix-simulation.co.uk>>http://www.avsim.com/pss/phoenix.jpg>>>>
  25. Jake thanks but it didn't do the trick...It was already running but just for the sake of it I also stopped the service with no luck....-8 is still in the hangar so I think it is down to PSS to deal with it....Am I right friendly PSS support ????Best RegardsThanos>>I had a problem with freezing around every ten seconds. This>was caused by not having the "Computer Browser" service>running in XP.>>This any help? - Jake>>>>Could really use your suggestions here.... Anyone else>having>>the same strange problem???? x( >>>>regards>>>>Thanos Anogiatis>
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