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  1. Thank you very much for the module. Only way for me to get the HDG, HDG inc & dec, ALT inc & dec, and VS working on My old VRI MS Panel .... I did succeed to get all the external lights to work correctly, but not the SeatBelts No Smoking and Emergency lights. Like for the anti-ice where I have only ENG1 working, as the default control from MSFS. Perhaps I am doing something wrong ?
  2. Clouds were good : they are bad Ground was good: it is bad. Textures of houses were good : they are bad Trees were good: they are bad Colors were good: they are bad Light was good : it is bad Planes were bad : they are worse I am so happy from this new simulator ........................................................................................................................................................................😃
  3. I would be glad to know where I can find the list of the addressed bugs, because I noticed there where some very annoying which are solved. Heading from 10° to 10° on hardware potentiometers is solved , just as ALT from 1000' to 1000', also addressed. Paris's cathedral is now in place.🙂 Does somebody knows where to see that? I am not interested in complaints or arguments pro or contra, just want a list of bugs remaining, and a list of bugs addressed, does that exist ?🤔
  4. No I have also this missing texture in the VC. When you activate ShowMissingTextureAlert=1 in fsx.cfg, you get this message, because the model of the VC asks for it ! This texture is in the model, but the model do not call it, Modelconverter does not ask for it. 3 other textures are missing and asked for by Modelconverter - $gaugenine - $lightland - $thirdparty Perhaps also that they are in the .dll in the gauge directory : PMDG_737NGX,_2,_3 ??? I have not seen any missing texture on the screen
  5. A lot of airports have night_non_textured buildings in DX10. This can be solved with model converterX from Arno, importing the library of the airport and exported again in FSX mode after check of the eventual missing textures. It works for the majority of the airports, but there are some left in which that does not work (LFML 2013 for example). Perfect in DX9, but no texture in DX10, day or night. Till now, I did not find any solution for this one.
  6. Very interesting topic !TrackIR is very demanding on RAM, TrackIR 4 uses more than 70 MB, and TrackIR 5 still more than 50MB, the load of about 15 to 20 processes.If you stop using trackIR in FSX, you see immediatly the results in the FPS, just open the taskmanager/Processus and you will see trackIR in second position below FSX. TrackIR has about the same demand as FSCommander....But if your computer is abble to follow, then it's a wonderful program to use with FSX. That's why I totally agree that if it was possible to put the program on a Client using Simconnect or WideFS, it would be nice and VERY USEFULL. My FScommander is on the client, so it cannot interfere with FSX. Each FPS counts in FSX!My Server: WIN7 64 on an SSD, i7 975 Extreme at 3.9 GHz, 8GB RAM, ATI MSI R6970 2GB Lightning Frozr, ATI R6950 Frozr 2GB, resolution 6760x1200 Eyefinity for the 3x26" screens and 3 other screens for Main (26" 1920x1200, Overhead(IIYAMA prolite T2250MTS 25" 1920x1080), FMC and pedestal(same IIYAMA) (the last ones are both tactile), and 18 Goflight modules.
  7. I fear exactly the same type of problem....I have 13 Goflight modules with FSUIPC macros and Goflight config, plus GoflightDisplay to get all the LEDs working on the modules. With my usual planes (LevelD B767, PiperCheyenne, ATR72, and PMDG 747 and MD11) and TrackIR, I finally succeeded to get it work OK without conflict.I have not 18 free combinations of Keys for RC. All of those which are given in the documentation are already taken, and i get the same problem than pushing on a command in Goflight can send a bad command to RC. I would have thought that you could have clikable selections in your window in FSX (Like FSpassengersX small window for example). If you add gauges, then I could make macros to get them work with the mouse or on a single module with a flag Key, and no conflict in the keys. We really miss letters in the alphabet now for our cockpits.....Is that something which can be done in V5?RC can be a very good help for realism when there is no ATC control on IVAO at the choosen airports. :(
  8. I have the same problem when running DX10. Never succeded to solve the problem, and would be glad if anybody could find a solution...on DX9, move a window, and if it works, save the flight,move the next window. If FSX crashes, reload the saved flight and go on. After 3 or 4 trys, you will have a saved flight with all of your windows in place, and no more problem when loading the flihgt. I have five windows opened together... That is the mystery of FSX ....
  9. Hello JordanI want to thank you for your clear explanationIt works great also on my Cougar on which I assigned the spoilers to the Range knob on the throttle.Peter schould add that as example in his FSUIPC4 help file ! it would be helpful also for the other axis to program (flaps or trimm for example)I hope that will help some others too .best regards from StrasbourgPhilippe
  10. Really you made the best plane of the net. It was already so with the PIC, and this one is still better.it's a pleasure to fly with 2 screens and all the undocked windows opened together with 26 Fps (set from me!). We can land manually or automaticly without any restriction. No other plane available now can do so well with this degree of complexity and realism.The PMDG 747 will be perhaps a good plane in the future, but is completely unflyable yet on multiscreen. FPS=2 !!!! yes indeed !What to do to make it better? really only small details !- increase the possibility to read the COMM, increasing the size and reducing the buttons size, make the transponder setting available on undocked window, in order to reduce the size of the throttle window a little to make the stting of the FMC easier.- adding cargo, main and rear doors buttons on the Overhead (found the small addons on the net to get them)- reduce the right and left yellow parts on the overhead- open the VC window with the right dimensions to avoid the necessity of resizing at each load of the plane- make the glass indicators possible to enlarge on the main panel- add a good documentation on the abnormal checklists (I use the old PIC doc wich does not cover all the possible problems)SMALL DETAILS ONLY !!thank you to have offered us such a pleasure, and to be so reactive to the questions.waiting with more than interest at your further developments in progress, you're GREAT !philippe Strasbourg
  11. it would be very nice to be abble to put random failures for each of the already existent categories, but without assigning a time after which the failure occurs.could it be possible to say: random failure in the next 40 hours for example?Philippe
  12. 1/ OAT temperature on the FMC: with parameters in Kgs, the entry of the field temperature in the FMC gives an "INVALID ENTRY"2/ the engines seem to stay in Reverse after start up, and setting back the FD to stop and ON again solves the problemHas anybody an idea? it is true that i have a lot of difficulties to set up my throttle for this plane... I choose the internal FS2004 in the PMDG menu, because FSUIPC setting gave me an impossibility to accelerate on the runway:-)philippe Strasbourg
  13. very very good idea!! it was annoying to ask some questions that we thougt already answered, but mixed in this pages with all the discussions. indeed very good idea:-)
  14. I am sorry to contradict you fully on the question of the FMCFMC means: Feature Making Coffee...did yoy missed the cup in the cockpit?philippe Strasbourg:9
  15. Hi everybody,Just a small idea for the 14 Days of the downloadable release:could you mail us when this wonderful and awaited product will be downloadable?? How could i wait a day longer without having the info.737-800 will be THE best plane on the net, because the 600-700 already is!! Thank you for the hours of pleasure, flying the baby even without A/P.:-)philippe Strasbourg
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