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Everything posted by dseagrav

  1. I guessed, it may not be correct -It means the deice for the system providing outside air to your flight instruments - The altimeter, vertical-speed indicator, and airspeed indicator. On a light airplane, this would be called pitot heat. On some airplanes, the static port(s) are also heated.If you also have seperate pitot heat switches, I'm wrong.
  2. I would probably buy it too if it were downloadable; Having packages sent to me is a royal pain because I live in an apartment building and I do not get a proper mailbox. If I have packages sent to me I have to drive to the post office and get them, and most of the time they don't notify me that I have a package waiting (They stick a note to the door and the notes seem to have a habit of disappearing) so I have to go daily after work and check and make sure my package isn't waiting. More than once they've gotten my name wrong and returned packages waiting for me even though I've come by looking for them. They did this to me one with a box I had ordered from Japan, and it took me almost two months to get it reshipped. Parcel services doesn't work either because they only want to come around to deliver while I am at work. At least they tend to leave notes under the door rather than stuck on the outside.
  3. If FS10 is an XBOX360 release, I will switch to X-Plane. I want a flight simulator, not a video game. I would welcome a new engine for FS10, but I want it to run on my computer, not on a cut-down piece of throw-away consumer entertainment garbage. If FS10 is going to be designed for any new platform it should be AMD64/EM64T.
  4. I worked hard to get my HF privs. Spent a lot of time with code tapes after wanting the license for years. (My stepdad was a CBer and hated hams, and swore he would die before he saw me get a license. And he did.) Had access to HF for almost 6 whole months before I lost my job and had to move. Now I live in an apartment complex and all antennas are banned. Even if I never operate again the 6 months alone were worth the effort. It's literally a world different from VHF. I'm sure you'll have a blast.
  5. Some of you guys here know about FlightInfo BBS, so I figured I would relay this... The webmaster, Mark Schaden, was killed in a midair collision over Ohio.
  6. The part I didn't read. (:() My bad.Where I work, we have an Internet policy that forbids non-work access at all hours. You aren't allowed to goof off, even during breaks or lunches. This is because we had to pay out almost a million dollars in legal fees and settlement because one of our ex-employees was running one of those music-stealing programs on his work PC after hours and the corporate IT team didn't figure it out before they were served with a lawsuit. It would have been a PR disaster (we are an IT school) so they had to settle out of court, and it wasn't cheap. Now the policy has things locked up tight with a zero-tolerance policy toward any misbehaviour.
  7. Why not, uh, you know, WORK at work, instead of wasting your employer's time on the Internet?
  8. I use the same headset I use in the real airplane, a relatively-cheap Feather-Lite stereo headset I got off EBay. One of the better uses I've made of $80 and it has the bonus of being one less thing to buy if you graduate from simulation to the real thing, too. The noise supression is decent for the airplane and when connected to the PC it kills the noise of the PC fans and cats in the background and so on and really helps with immersion. I made my own PC to headset adapter from $5 of parts at Radio Shack. The only problem is that now that I am living alone, if the phone rings and I am "flying", I can't hear it. This may not be such a bad thing in some cases... (:()
  9. Those of us who are Airbus fans would just LOVE to have an A32x/A330 done on PMDG style... We haven't had a decent Airbus since FS2002. If Anticyclone could do one years ago, I don't see why PMDG couldn't do one today!We're a market begging for a product! All you have to do is fill the hole! You can't ask for much more! :(
  10. Don't be so sure. Rumor from a usually reliable source has it that this aircraft was worked on about a week prior to the incident flight, and after the incident all of the documentation related to this work has vanished.
  11. Well, I asked because I'm considering getting an Airbus to play with, and Other VC-Only Airbus whose name I won't mention in this forum looks really complete, but the developer abandoned it and it has serious issues with FS9.1 that will probably never get solved. I know a fair amount about the real airplane so an incomplete simulation would just bug me. I'll just have to think about it some more, I guess.
  12. I tried looking around on the PSS site for answers but didn't find em.1) Does the PSS airbusses model alternate/direct law or just normal law?2) How complete is the MDCU? Do they model holds? Alternate routing?Thanks ^^
  13. Here's all you need to do, needs to happen only a few times:When packing your distributuion ZIP file, set a password.Communicate this password to your preferred distribution sites to be posted with your ZIP file. (Put it in the file comments). This password is now a DMCA Protection Device. Explicitly state in your addon's license agreement that obtaining this ZIP password via any other distribution site is a violation of the license and the user has no right to run the addon. When snarky there posts your addon, he'll have to post the ZIP file password or repack the ZIP file to remove it - Both of which are violations of the DMCA. The US has some of the most draconian copyright protection laws in the world, and in the US the potential penalties for copyright theft exceed those of rape or murder. Many of these are enforcable overseas through international agreements. These laws were created to be of service to everyone, not just megacorporations. Get a lawyer and use them!But if that's too expensive, you can just make a version of your addon with extra bugs or spyware/other crap included, and post it as the "FSPlanet Version" on FSPlanet. Explain that FSPlanet added the bad stuff, not you. (After all, they forced you to add it - You wouldn't be doing this if they weren't distributing your files anyway!) After a while the users will learn not to go there. Or disguise anti-FSPlanet propaganda as an addon. Like an airplane with an "FSPlanet Repaint" that has different graphics or a message on the panel. If he wants to play dirty, turnabout is fair play!
  14. This was a certification test flight, they "messed up" deliberately to see what the aircraft would do at that sort of a load. I've seen this video before. They also broke the nosegear assembly and ground the leg into the runway - watch the sparks.
  15. As some of you may or may not know, the FS9.1 patch installs the Macrovision C-Dilla copy-protection system to thwart unauthorized modification or distribution of the software. This is all well and good, except that when FS9 is closed it does not properly terminate it's Macrovision process and leaves the cd-rom drive in the protected state. FS9 hangs waiting for Macrovision Cleanup to complete, and it never does.Normally, the user would not notice this until time came to reboot, when they would be prompted to terminate a non-responding FS9.EXE.I play another game which uses a different copy-protection method, GTA Vice City (don't laugh...) which uses SecuROM 4. If I forget to manually terminate a "confused" FS9.EXE and try to swap CDs and launch Vice City, SecuROM and Macrovision will become active at the same time and deadlock one another. This has the effect of shutting down Windows's disk subsystem and the machine grinds to a halt shortly afterward. If I am fast enough I can get to Process Explorer and kill FS9 and save me a reboot, otherwise the machine hard-locks and must be powered off.Does anyone else have this problem?(Edit: Grammar correction.)
  16. The crackers will likely stop if they suddenly have no audience.
  17. I would absolutely love a PMDG A318/19/20/21, if fly-by-wire were modelled. Something like the A320PIC. (The A320PIC was a great idea, but the Wilco vs. Anticyclone drama killed it.)
  18. Those of you complaining about the patch breaking your No-CD hack should be made aware that the No-CD hack is ILLEGAL. You do not own your copy of FS9, you license it from Microsoft. It's just like rent, except you don't pay a recurring fee. Just as renters are not allowed to make unauthorized modifications to rental property, you are not allowed to make illegal modifications to your licensed copy of FS9. Doing so violates your license to use the software, and in the eyes of the law makes you no better than the pirates who trade payware airplanes on Kazaa. It is not Microsoft's fault that your illegal hack stops working!
  19. >ROFLMAO. A card carrying member of the former hall monitors>society of America. :DNo, it's not that. I'm referring to the people in the other thread #### about "MS is probably just trying to be arseholes and say we can't use the patch", and crapping on MS for giving us a patch just because they can't use the No-CD hack.I don't care if you use it, I don't care if someone makes it, but don't crap on MS for giving us a patch just because it breaks your hack!I probably could have worded this better but I was mad. I'm a programmer myself and this is really insulting.
  20. Geez, you guys! I am having enough problems waiting for the 747!You guys are so mean~~~! Bunch of sadists! :(
  21. >I was just wondering how to read weather, can anyone help?>>
  22. http://www.aero-news.net/news/genav.cfm?Co...53b7f&Dynamic=1Be alert, alert others, and don't give these suckers any ammunition to work with!(The really bad part is that rather than tell people they tried and failed, they're going to keep trying until they finally get aboard someone's airplane, then blast that all over the news without mentioning they failed a few hundred times before finally getting someone. Or, now that the story's out of the bag online, they'll probably just never air anything.)
  23. If this was a smut campaign, don't you think I'd be trying to profit from it some way? I'm a student half the country away from BLM, and I'll probably never fly there, but after hearing reports from several sources of Brown's attempts at being Daley's Mini-Me, I decided I should start spreading the news around. There's a local developer with a lot of money and an interest in the GA field by my grandparents' house - If anyone can close an airport just by monkeying around with the legal system, they're next. Allowing this type of behaviour to succeed anywhere will eventually allow it everywhere. If you doubt the truth of the matter try asking Splash_One - He's a student there can probably tell you if I'm spouting "smut" or not.
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