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Everything posted by TrevorS

  1. I "third" that !!!!I am using the PSS 777 panel and FD with the POSKY model - fantastic.Trevor
  2. Thanks, Egbert, for letting us know about this update.I've just installed the update. Brilliant - a most pleasing improvement.The 3D panel is also there - for those who only use 3D panels (both digital and analog engine instruments).Trevor
  3. JohanCould you please contact me via pm.ThanksTrevor
  4. There is a very good one available for the 732 kittyhawk model if you are interested.Trevor
  5. HiYou need to fly in "Nav" mode and not "Radio" mode.There should be a switch on the panel marked NAV RAD. Select Rad mode when using VOR and ILS.Select NAV mode when using ISG and LNAV mode.I think that should solve your problem.Trevor
  6. Hi LukePM your e-mail address to me and I'll send you what you are looking for.Trevor
  7. Finally - problem is solved. Plane flies more like the real thing now.Thanks Johan - I also corrected some power settings. Back to flying the -200 again.
  8. Is there anyone out there prepared to do a paint of the SGA A300 model in the 1970 South African Airways livery.There are links below to photos.I have searched the net for hours on end and have never come across this paint.I would really appreciate it if someone could paint this scheme or know of someone who would.ThanksTrevorairliners.net/photo/South-African-Airways/Airbus-A300B2K-3C/1651940/airliners.net/photo/South-African-Airways/Airbus-A300B2K-3C/0650277
  9. Thanks Johan. You have pointed me in the right direction - it does make a difference. I'm busy fine-tuning the fd now. Hope I get it rightTrevor
  10. BobCould you please e-mail me the fd that you are using.ThanksTrevor
  11. None of the above.I have not engaged the AP and don't use the CWS. I am talking about hand-flying.I see there is another thread where folk have been having a problem controlling the pitch with an over sensitive trim.Also- I only have this problem with the TM. All other add-on planes work just fine. If it were the controller, the problem should still be there with other planes.Has anyone who has experienced this sensitivity problem found a solution ?Trevor
  12. I've raised this one before, but was told there is no problem with the pitch.I have calibrated the joystick using FSUIPC - there is no problem there.Null zones and sensitivity settings are default.While climbing, the nose keeps coming up. I trim down and the nose comes up - I trim down again and the nose comes up .....I have at one stage just let the nose keep coming up - it just continues until the plane stalls.One should not have to trim down every 5 seconds in a climb - definitely not in this 737 - it is NOT realistic.I tried to correct this in the air file - section 1101 primary aerodynamics. The section on pitch moment coeff at AoA (trim os). The value is negative 296. Any negative value will cause the nose to come up forcing one to trim down.I change this value to a positive number and that seemed to solve this problem. However, it created a new one - now the plane requires a ridiculous amount of trim at takeoff which sets off the alarm when thrust is applied.This pitch problem also makes it difficult to make turns while hand-flying. The nose keeps bobbing up and down in a turn - this is totally unrealistic - you should be able to execute a smooth turn.Does anyone have a solution or ideas ?If you think your flight dynamics are spot on, please e-mail them to me to try out.ThanksTrevor
  13. Once at FL500, your CRZ ALT, you must engage the AT and then select the Mach hold option.Trevor
  14. You must set a new altitude eg. 55000 in the ALT window and engage ALTITUDE ACQUIRE mode. Then you engage MAX CLB.That should do it.Trevor
  15. Mike Keep the QW model. As I said above, use the QW model with the PSS panel and PSS flight dynamics. In your FS2004 main folder there is a folder "Quality Wings". In that folder is another called "sounds". Cut and remove that sounds folder and place it somewhere else (outside of FS2004). Only use the PSS sounds (RR). That should solve your "stereo" problem. Trevor
  16. I think those call-outs are linked to the "Qw757!Server" gauge and you're not going to get rid of them. If you do, let us know. Trevor
  17. Hi Mike I made this addition to the PSS panel.cfg file. In Window 00, add the following entry: gaugeXX=Qw757!Server, 1,1,1,1 // (I think it is about gauge #28 or so). Just to confirm: - you must use the PSS .air file and aircraft.cfg file which I edited- you must use the PSS panel with the above addition to Window 00- you must use the QW CONTACT POINTS and LIGHTS sections in the aircraft.cfg file (my edited file is set correctly for the QW model) Let me know if this helps Trevor
  18. The PSS 777 does not model a RR engine display - only the GE. I have recently revised the PSS 757 flight dynamics (see post) and am in the final stages of re-working the PSS 777-300ER and 777-200LR flight dynamics. If you are interested, just hang in there. I will upload them as soon as they are complete. Trevor
  19. For those of you who are interested in an accurate set of flight dynamics for the 757- I've uploaded a revised set of FD for the PSS 757 - file name "pss_757_modified_fd2.zip.This is a revision of my version1.I use the QW model (payware) with the PSS panel (payware) and my revision of the original PSS flight dynamics - a wonderful combination. These FD are more accurate than those of QW and also those of CS for FS2004.I've totally reworked the thrust settings and pitch attitudes bringing the FD in line with the figures given in the official 757 FCOM.Enjoy.Trevor
  20. For those of you who are interested in an accurate set of flight dynamics for the 757- I've uploaded a revised set of FD for the PSS 757 - file name "pss_757_modified_fd2.zip. This is a revision of my version1. I use the QW model (payware) with the PSS panel (payware) and my revision of the original PSS flight dynamics - a wonderful combination. These FD are more accurate than those of QW and also those of CS for FS2004. I've totally reworked the thrust settings and pitch attitudes bringing the FD in line with the figures given in the official 757 FCOM. Enjoy. Trevor
  21. That is NOT the PSS 777 panel for FS2004. 1 - the fonts are different2 - the icons at the bottom of the panel are not PSS icons - theirs are at the top of the screen3 - the PSS panel only has N1 readings NOT EPR The PSS package is available from Justflight as "777 Professional" What you have there appears to be a different version of the 777. Trevor
  22. V2 simply refers to their FS2004 version with the FS2002 version being their V1. It is still available from JustFlight. Trevor
  23. Johan's site is down - has been for a while now.However, he does frequent this forum - so maybe he will respond. Trevor
  24. I have managed to produce a widescreen panel bitmap for the DF727 which shows the captain's panel plus all the engine gauges as well as flaps and gear lever. However, I don't know how to re-position and re-size the gauges. FS Panel will probably do it but I don't have the program. Is anyone interested, able and willing to position and re-size the gauges if I provide you with the bitmap ????????????? Please PM me if you can help and I will send the bitmap. Help would be greatly appreciated by not only me, but by all the DF727 users with widescreens who still like using the 2d panel. RegardsTrevor
  25. Does FS9 indeed perform better on Win 7 or should one run it on Win XP for which it was designed ? Trevor
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