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About GentleGroove

  • Birthday 12/13/1980

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  1. We must be the same age then 😉 Really looking forward to these three!
  2. I wouldn't miss flying to France VFR's LFRB because of that...
  3. I really wish there was an option (desktop app or similar) that we could access the Marketplace without launching the sim.
  4. I've been simming for 20+ years. I started with FS98, then went in deeper with FS9. I skipped FSX altogether, then jumped straight into P3Dv4, and was amazed at what it could do and how it looked. When the first previews of MSFS came along, I found them spectacular, but was skeptical and cautious of how it would really work in terms of performance and gameplay. I ended up buying MSFS the week the Fenix was released. I took this step as a cautious approach, as I was pretty content with P3D and had a serious investment in terms of addons. The result? From the first day I launched MSFS I don't think I ever launched P3D again - that's how impactful the experience was for me. In the flight sim communities we have an unhealthy habit of focusing on the negative. Yes, some updates have been worse than expected, ATC still needs lots of work and some other things. But we forget many amazing things about MSFS - how good it runs out of the box (gone is the endless tweaking, unless you have unreal expectations regarding your rig), how good it looks, how it made scenery development and aircraft painting easier, leading to a huge boost in development, and many other things. And MSFS2024 seems to be a step in the right direction, improving many things So yes, Jorg and his team deserve praise - not only have they been developing a fabulous sim, they have been balancing that with keeping it profitable so that MS keeps its resources behind it. And that is essential if we want it to keep growing, it needs to be successful, not gatekeeping and becoming a niche hobby. In that respect, I think they have been doing great work.
  5. With RTX 3080 - DX11, monitor refresh rate 120 Hz, FPS locked at 40 with RTSS, in-sim refresh rate set to 33%, within LSFG, scaling factor 2x and vsync enabled. Huge difference with the Fenix, which was my most critical addon - panning extremely smooth and stutters pretty much gone.
  6. You were spot on, it worked and now they are showing correctly, thank you very much. They look great on the sim too, this developer is doing a great job with Morocco. Cheers
  7. Hi everyone I am using JouJou92's excellent GMME and GMMH freeware sceneries. However, both of them are now displaying a strange issue - both of them show a sort of "ghost" two-runway airport layout with taxiways and aprons: GMMH GMME The "ghost" layout has nothing to do with either airport (number of runways, orientation, layout, etc) and is exactly the same on both sceneries. And it's even stranger that I've had and used GMME for months and everything was normal until yesterday. Anyone has any idea on what causes this and how to fix it? Cheers
  8. You're right! I was thinking of UK2000, but they did Inverness, not Aberdeen. Oh had no idea there was one. Is it by superspud? Will check it out, thanks.
  9. Yes, Pyreegue are absolutely fabulous and the quality / performance relationship is amazing in their products. Once this is out, all the UK needs is a decent EGHH and EGJB... 🤞
  10. My bad, I was pretty sure it was, I stand corrected. Comparable resources? No. But since neither of us knows how much MS invested in this, it's pure speculation. But do I think Milviz as a company has enough resources to finish their ATR? Yes, absolutely, and it's not MS that's keeping them from doing it. Maybe when they finish the Turbo Otter, the Boeing 737-200, the A1-H, the C-130J, the F-100, F-15C, the F-4, the F-86, the T-38A, the SR-71, the T-6, the UH-1H and the UH-60 (or at least whatever doesn't end up as vaporware from this list) they can scrape a few pennies to finish the ATR.
  11. Let me point out a couple of things here: MSFS is a secondary market for Milviz. Their core business is professional simulation and (I'm quoting their own website here) their clients include: USAF, US Navy, USAF ROTC, NATO, Lockheed Martin, CAE, etc... Do you really think a company with these types of contracts does not have substantial resources? But of course, in this context it's more comfortable for them to paint themselves as poor semi-amateur developer who cannot compete with big bad Microsoft and their deep pockets. Second (and this is the third time I point this): Milviz were doing the -500 version while Asobo was doing the -600. They have totally different cockpits, different engines and different performance, so their logic makes as much sense as arguing they won't develop a 737-200 because other developer is doing the -300...
  12. Absolutely, yes! Still some things can be improved, but it's a really engaging and fun aircraft to fly. I am amazed at the mental gymnastics some people (and even more some that haven't even tried it) are doing to find every conceivable fault and dismiss this addon. Maybe if they put just half of that energy towards learning how the ATR really works they could have some enjoyment out of it...
  13. According to this thread you need to assign the "toggle switch feather" functions to cutoff.
  14. Yes, thanks for sharing the import tutorial, I will be using that from now on, since I don't own the CRJ I will configure the downloader for the ATR.
  15. Exactly. Even with P3D Milviz had a tradition of unfinished projects, which they have ported over to MSFS. And instead of focusing on one or two projects, they just keep adding on. They have no less than 11 (!) aircraft in development for MSFS right now. How many of these will actually be completed? And regarding the ATR cancellation, Milviz themselves admitted they had decided to rebuild the model halfway through development, which would add another 4-6 months. Is that Asobo's fault too? And something that is often overlooked - they were not even designing the same aircraft - Milviz was working on the earlier -500 variant, while Hans was doing the -600. Asobo killed the Milviz ATR? There was not enough room for both? Nope. Milviz just saw this as a convenient excuse to cancel their project which, more than anything else, was a victim of their own poor planning and execution.
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