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Everything posted by taguilo

  1. Jan,I've never used AP ATT HOLD function so far, so I don't know how it behaves, sorry. :-( Tom
  2. >> Yeah, those are the right ones! I was focused on the and didn't notice to change it for :-hmmm Tom
  3. >When I use , rather than the>intended right button gauge click, I get the Windows "Close>Window" message.Beware that mouse events are case sensitive: LeftSingle; RightSingle; LeftDrag; etc.Also you have to test whether the event is being fired using a sintax like this: (M:Event) 'RightSingle' scmp 0 == if{ ..do what you want to .. }>Additionally, I would like the cursor to be a Hand with a "+">or "-" sign next to the index finger. What are the names for>these cursors?> for "+" sign for "-" signTom
  4. >I am using this code and the if statement always evaluates to>true:>>50 (FadeValue,number) >= if{ (L:FadeValue,number) 1 +> (>L:FadeValue,number) }>>Any ideas?>>Thanks,>SteveYep,"50 (FadeValue,number) >=" will be always true :-)Try 50 (L:FadeValue,number) >=Tom
  5. Hi lilo,>- When placing multiple Update elements I had the problem that>not all the scripts where executed. By changing the order and>looking at the G1000 gauge I found out that it is necessary to>append a white space at the end of each script. I get the>impression that internally FSX just concatenates the scripts>of all Update elements and executes them at once.In FS9 there is no reason to place multiple Updates because only the code inside the LAST one in the gauge
  6. Hi,Too many parenthesis here: ((L:EGT,number) (>L:Old,number)) ((A:Eng1 exhaust gastemperature,farenheit) (>L:EGT,number)) Just make it (L:EGT,number) (>L:Old,number) (A:Eng1 exhaust gastemperature,farenheit) (>L:EGT,number)Hope this helpsTom
  7. Hi Bill,Just intalled and tried XMLnotepad. Seems very similar to ACE editor, a tree-style format, not suitable for me (too slow to work with :-( ) ; I prefer to use UltraEdit32, a powerful text editor that accepts XML schemas; and test the file with Internet Explorer.Thank you anyway for the link :-)Tom
  8. Hi,>So a lesson learned here is that XML/RPN is *extremely*>sensitive to proper spacing. Are there any guidelines online>with valid links to them?>Actually it's not a big deal. Each value/variable/operator placed on the stack must be separated from its preceding with AT LEAST one space (ascii 32).Here you can find additional info on the subject: http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...ing_type=searchTom
  9. taguilo

    MCP Speed

    > It is common among many Boeing>operators to set MCP speed to V2, suitable for engine loss.This is the right procedure, or at least is the one officially issued by Boeing on its 757 Operations Manual. That should be the reason many operators decide to follow it...Tom
  10. Hi,Just a little test that can be made to ensure that it is definitely a "real" different interpretation in FSX vs FS9, and not a "unit" problem:Replace the unit "mach" or any other in both Avars used in and with "number", or even without unit -like (A:FSvar)-, and use a test gauge to test the values.If all readings coincide, then certainly it is a conversion issue, otherwise it must be a different interpretation...:-)Tom
  11. Hi,Maybe this code could be useful as well, its shows the EXACT way a real Boeing-type altimeter works. Also is a good example of advanced XML technics.Put this macro before any of the s of the gauge: (A:Indicated Altitude, feet) sp0 l0 int 10 @2 pow % 10 @2 1 - @1 1 - - 0 max pow / intThen, inside the for the 10 thousands digit: @AltDigit(4,4) s1 9980 >=l1 100 % 80 - 20 / * @AltDigit(1,5) +For the thousands,@AltDigit(3,3) s1 980 >=l1 100 % 80 - 20 / * @AltDigit(1,4) +For the hundreds,@AltDigit(2,2) s1 80 >=l1 80 - 20 / * @AltDigit(1,3) +And for the tenths (A:Indicated Altitude, feet) abs 100 % 10 / Short and effective :-) Tom
  12. >>Now the million dollar question is, will FSXI continue to>support the original DTD, or will it - like the FS98 gauge>header - become depecrated?Bill, do you have any doubts? MS will go back to FS9 header, they are clever enough to HEAR my opinions!:-lol :-lol :-lol :-lol :-lolTom
  13. >>At least I think I'm explaining this right. :-)>I think you did it quite right :-)>>I'm still struggling to figure out why MS changed the basic>syntax of so many of these elements from FS9 to FSX.I cannot find any other reason than to adapt the structure to its new ACE Editor. There is no other visible advantage whatsoever.Further more, I think it is a serious drawback for all the people which work with complex XML code and probably don't need to use the editor at all.Tom
  14. Hi Nick,It should be N1, not CN1 (corrected). Engine Rotor gauges have a direct reading; corrected readings are used to compatibilize linked data from related tables (ie CN1vsCN2, CN2 vs Throttle, etc) as to simplify Temp influence (they normalize to ISA conditions).Which aircraft are you testing?CheersTom
  15. Hi,<<1. Why does .... >> structure can be used only to display a bitmap when the value condition is met; it does not have a stack component hence stack operation are not supported there (like the assignment "0 (>L:Overspeed, number)" in your example).<<2. Can someone explain to me how spaces and/or line spacing effects if/els statements. I tried a zillion (ok, maybe half a zillion) combinations and couldn't figure out what is correct and what isn't. All the SDK says is don't put a space between the 'if' and the '{'.>>I've explained FS XML stack's basic and advanced operation in quite a number of threads on this forum. You might search for "taguilo" in Author's field; even there is one I recall that explains in detail how spaces are treated by the XML parser.<<3. Is there a better way to be doing this? I'm assuming that the overspeed alarm on the default aircraft is built into a .gau file somewhere.>>Doug's dsd_xml_sound3 gauge is indeed a great resource, I think it has no replacement in the world of sounds within XML.<<4. Beside the fs2x.com and the guide in the library (xmlgau01.zip), what other resources are there for XML newbies like myself.>>The ULTIMATE resource: MSFS Aircraft and Panel Design Forum :-)About every aspect of FS XML has been treated here already. Tom
  16. Hi,Like Jan's perfect example shows, you can put those 30-40 elements into a parent element and then apply the effect desired to this one (ie rotate, shift,etc).pseudocode: code ... (*this will make Element-parent and ALL of its childs elements to shift at once *) -parent> Tom
  17. >I tried your code Jan and could not get it to work, however>after trying a lot of different codes I have managed to get a>timer that counts down, I do not no why it works, but it does.Russell,It would be easier for you if you try to understand how the code works; would make you save a lot of time doing blind tests :-)I did explained it in detailed pseudocode on the original thread, I hope you've read it.Now, for a countdown timer the solution is simple as well:String part:%((L:DeptimeDown, number) (L:Off1, seconds) (P:Absolute time, seconds) - abs 1 > d if{ (P:Absolute time, seconds) (>L:Off1,seconds) } (L:DeptimeDown, number) r - 1800 3 (L:OffOnReset,enum) case (>L:DeptimeDown, number) (L:DeptimeDown,number) 60 / int)%!02d!%:%((L:DeptimeDown,number) 60% int)%!02d!Mouse part:(L:OffOnReset,enum) ++ d 3 != * d (>L:OffOnReset,enum)1 == if{ 1800 (>L:DeptimeDown,number) (P:Absolute time, seconds) (>L:Off1, seconds) }And this element is not necessary, so you can delete it:(P:Local Time,seconds) (>L:Var1,number)Tom
  18. Ed, IMHO calculating the hypotenuse of the distance will lead to wrong results. Both distance to a point and ground speed are geopositional values hence altitude does not count here. For example, if ground speed is 100 nmiles per hour, in one hour the LINEAR (ground) distance traveled will be 100 nmiles no matter an a/c is climbing, descending or flying leveled. Then as gross reference, if linear distance is 100 nmiles, travelling at 100 nmiles per hour ground speed, starting at 100 nmiles high and descending at 100 nmiles per hour of vertical speed, an aircraft should reach the ground after one hour. Basic but I hope enough illustrative :-) Tom
  19. >Thanks Ed! Good to know. I hope FS9 XML understands the sqrt>function.>>Roelof>>>Just remember DistanceToThreshold is the hypotenuse, not the>>distance across the ground... or your calculations will be a>>little bit off. ;)>>>>Other than that, it's basic geometry.>I understand it is distance across the ground because distance is in nmiles and speed is GROUND speed in nmiles per hour/minute; both are linear variables.Tom
  20. <>Russell, you're focusing wrong on the problem. Your challenge should be to understand how to link the code together and NOT to use a set of because it could seem easier to program. If you can't solve the conditionals in only one , it would be difficult and a waste of time trying to solve using many of them, because each one will execute in sequence when the event is fired. Tom
  21. Hi,To avoid the effect described, just put all the controlling code into one only : if takeoff then do this if aftertakeoff then do thisetcTomAnd ensure the main conditionals are excluyent.Tom
  22. Russell,Should be easier for you to place the structure at the bottom of the gauge, after the ...... and BEFORE the end. (L:Takeoff, bool) (A:Radio Height, Feet) 900 > && if{ 1 (>L:FO_Sound_Flap1,enum) (>K:FLAPS_1) }This will play the sound and command flaps up as long as takeoff mode is active AND radio height is greater than 900 feetBear in mind that you'll have to add more control to avoid repeating the event if you press the button again after flaps are up.Tom
  23. Hi,I think you need to use another approach: test the occurence of the event and proceed accordingly.For example, if you use a joystick button tied to INCREASE_DECISION_HEIGHT event to command an action and play a sound, on the section in a gauge:(pseudocode)if takeoff and radar altitude > 1000 and whateverthen play sound, raise the flaps,etcelse do nothingThis way you don't have to care about "Decison Height" AVar's value, (all those lines posted in the message above) because it is useless under these circumstances, you only need to know that the event has been fired (ie the button pressed).Tom
  24. <> Russell, I've read your posts and would like to say that yes, XML can perfectly do what you want to do and much, much more (no limitations whatsoever in these aspects)The point is, a bit of XML programming skill would be necessary to achieve your goal, pretty much the same as probably needed to make the code in C. I see you have some basic knowledge in XML that is indeed an advantage against the idea of learning C from scratch to make the gauge, then why not give another try searching for similar code's examples, complete gauges' examples or even asking here for help on precise points of your project?Just food for thought :-)Tom
  25. Hi,You can try this:(A:Circuit general panel on,bool)%((L:V1, knots))%!03d! (* Need to put this here *)(L:V1, knots) -- 0 max (>L:V1, knots)(L:V1, knots) ++ 999 min (>L:V1, knots) Hope this helpsTom
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