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Everything posted by awralls

  1. Hi, I've created a simple VS to carry out the handoff to the AP on climbout with one command rather than the several it would take if it was carried out using conventional commands. I have the FO turning on the AP, turning on heading hold, turning on altitude hold. All of that works fine. What I then added was 'set altitude five thousand' followed by 'set vertical speed up 1000'. These two commands are never actioned as part of the script, although they still work if just spoken straight after the VS is called. The purpose of this is to get the aircraft in a stable climb while I sort out throttle and prop settings since there's only one of me (aircraft is the A2A B-377 in FSX - colour me old fashioned…) Just turning on alt hold levels the aircraft out with a concommitant speed increase I'm trying to avoid. So, after all that lengthy twoddle, simple question….is there anyway to build the climb instructions into a VoxScript file? Andy
  2. Just to close this out (and to apologise for my tetchy response previously), I should add that I have resolved the issue by the simple expedient of uninstalling and reinstalling I can't say that there is any noticeable reduction in functionality but a huge improvement in stability. Basically, I no longer have any problems. Probably not what you want to read, but dem's da facts, guv'nor. Andy
  3. USB headset. I know that the attenuation routine is supposed to address the issue. For me, it doesn't always - to repeat - it's inconsistent. But I guess if nobody else has reported a probelm, mine must be entirely imaginary. FWIW, I have discovered that if I terminate the mic level check after only a couple of runs of the Peter Piper thing, it seems more reliable. Since I have the mic check to run automatically on startup of MCE, I'll see how it goes if I disable it. Since I am suffering alone, I presume you're not bothered if I fix it, so I'll leave this here. Still love the software, though. Andy
  4. Gerald, Apologies for the late response, but as I mentioned, this is an intermittent issue and I wanted to be thorough in determining if it is fixed. Sadly, it isn't. I played around with mixer settings, but none of that made any difference. To be clear, the issue is that the sound volume varies during a session. It'll start fine, fade, come back, rinse and repeat. Any way to revert to an earlier version? I never experienced the issue before upgrading. Andy
  5. I upgraded to the latest version a few days ago and since then I've suffered an intermittent issue with the FO voice fading. It will restore itself after a while and them repeat the problem. The software is going through it's startup routine of ensuring the comms is set to 'no change'. I also have the mic check implemented durimg startup. Been using MCE since 2013 and never had the issue before. Oh, this is with FSX. Any clues? Andy
  6. Tried to install 0.7.9 - informed me I needed .net 7.0.4 but the link I was sent to only has 7.0.2 which I already have. Then tried to install 0.7.8 - informed I needed to update my SD app to v6.0 - I already have Grateful for any hints as to how to proceed. Cheers, Andy
  7. Hi Henrik, Did you ever get together the list of classic-era vessels that we discussed briefly on CalClassic? Andy
  8. Superb! Yeah, I was aware of some of them. I was thinking along the lines of the many passenger types which proliferated before jet travel shrank the planet, as well as the everyday tramp steamers, colliers and early tankers that plied the oceans back then. Still, as you say, what is there is an excellent place to start learning how to build the routes and schedules. Cheers, Andy
  9. Henrik, allow me to join the legion of grateful users who have, with great justification, heaped praise on you and your fellow team members for this outstanding achievement. I've been using your models and routes since your first upload and just never fly without them enabled now. While I imagine that you have zero motivation to work on this any more right now, and just want a break from it, can I make somewhat off-the-wall suggestion for a future project? How about classic steam-era vessels i.e. ships from 1930-1960? These could be used on the existing routes, but would be a welcome alternative for those of us who like to fly classic-era aircraft and routes. I know there are a few in the existing project, but there's scope for many other variations. Andy
  10. As far as I'm aware it's always been an issue that Voxscript won't accept a command like 'flaps twenty'. 'Flags up' and 'flaps down' seems to be OK. Is there any chance that this can be fixed? Andy
  11. Same here...it's a complete pain in the proverbial. I've reinstalled every voicpack I have, but it still does it. Andy
  12. Brilliant. Don't I need to copy fsinsider.dll somewhere within \FS9?? Andy
  13. Hi, I have both FSX and FS9 co-existing happily on the same machine, and MCE is installed for FSX. Is there anyway to be able to install it to and use it with FS9 on the same box? I suspect not, but I'd be interested in a definitive answer. I don't believe it would breach the license terms since there would only be one instance in use at a time. Cheers, Andy
  14. Were you under the GS? Usual procedure for any ILS interception is to capture the LOC first while you're well under the GS and only select APP once the LOC is captured. Check the manual for AFDS operation and the following is helpful. http://www.smartcockpit.com/download.php?path=docs/&file=B737-Automatic_Flight_Systems_Summary.pdf What are the Flight Mode Annunciators on the ADI reading when you're intercepting the ILS? Without more info or a screenshot, it's hard to know what you're doing wrong. Andy
  15. Both NAV radios set to the ILS freq, both course read outs set to the inbound ILS heading per the FMS approach page, APP set on the AFDS and both A and B autopilots selected. Andy
  16. The nav radios default to AUTO mode for INS updating - select the AUTO button to manual and you should be fine. Andy
  17. ...which is the command to, er, disconnect the GPU. Except that when I try it, following a successful "cockpit to ground dialogue", the only word that's recognised is "Disc" as in the power lever setting. Accordingly, the command to the ground crew is never delivered and I have to remove it manually. I'm probably missing something fundamental, somwhat am I doing wrong? This is with 1.5 BTW. Andy
  18. I was referring to the PRO version replacing the panel.cfg rather than FS2Crew. The PRO install overwrites whatever panel.cfg you had before the install. One effect being that there are now no longer any FS2Crew entries. The PRO version is released...I'm flying it now. My question remains; does 1.3 work for the PRO version in FSX:SE without modification? Andy
  19. …and what about FSX or FSX:SE with the PRO version of the Q400? Hardly surprising, but the install replaces the old panel.cfg, taking out the FS2Crew entries. I could just reinstall the panel.cfg entries but I'm a bit reluctant since there is so much that has changed from the PILOT version. Andy
  20. I'd find it had to imagine they could work together because VOXATC injects its own AI so that it can control them directly and I would guess that that would cause all sorts of conflicts as the two applications both try to control them. Andy
  21. I have it working across a network more or less as advertised. I found that if you set the network paths in the dialogue using the browse function, it needs a backslash added to the path for it work OK, but with that exception, and one other that I can't fix, it's fine. The other issue is that even though I've used the paths dialogue to copy the wpnavrte.txt file, it still cannot allocate aircraft to jet routes. I've reported it to Roland. I'm using UT2 so I don't know if that's an issue. UT2 has been enabled in the options and the spawn distance adjusted to 70 miles, but still no joy on jet route allocation. All other functions seem fine. A thoroughly brilliant piece of work and deserving of some sort of contribution from the users. Andy
  22. Dave, thanks for your work. Just an observation, not a criticism - in reality, the sound through headsets used by flight deck crews to talk to ground engineers is far less distorted than this given that the other end is plugged directly into the flight deck audio. It's broadcast audio and far clearer than ground to air comms. I was doing this in the 80s talking to RAF transport crews, and I would imagine the technology is far better now. Cheers, Andy
  23. It does make you wonder why anybody actually asks for any advice. Andy
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