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Everything posted by chiswick72

  1. Thanks Roi ! Glad you noticed the new takeoff sounds ...... More sound improvements coming in the next update .... coming soon! 😀
  2. If your problem is that after takeoff the engines go past max power into the red zone then the solution is easy ...... It is MSFS that is the culprit! Goto Options > Assistance Options > Piloting .... and make sure everything is OFF.
  3. Glad I could be of assistance! Funnily it happened to me before beta testing began .... I lived with it for two weeks thinking its a known issue, so didn't bring it up with the team. Then Beta 1 came out and while still happening to me, no one in the Beta team were reporting this, so I finally asked one of the Devs and he was like ... you need to top her up!!! I was WOW really? It's amazing that this sort of functional depth was built into this incredible machine!
  4. Headphone simulation should always be OFF - it is a terrible feature - all it does is activate various filters and sound processing supposedly to improve the headphone sound experience. But with the 737 it messes up all the cockpit engine sounds in a bad way - so bad that it feels like the sound guy didn't do his job right! Unfortunately seeing a lot of Youtube videos like that and of course it sounds awful!
  5. Rhett - indeed! I have a feeling that all sound sliders are not set to 100.
  6. Hey! That shouldnt happen! Have a look at the two screenshots here - make sure all of the settings in red are set then restart MSFS. Then report back to see if it helped! https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/pmdg-737-for-msfs/180056-no-sound-with-new-737?p=180307#post180307
  7. Bill - Hmm - The wind sounds should be loud - please refer to my link in this post that takes you to the recommended sound settings for the best sound experience, especially the two config settings of Headphone Simulation and Spatial Sound = OFF. We have FIVE different wind sound layers implemented in this aircraft!!!!! Now - if you followed my recommended settings and still you feel the wind sounds are not loud enough, then its a simple matter of turning down the "Engine", "Cockpit" and "Miscellaneous" MSFS sound sliders to relatively increase the wind sounds. Btw, the wind sounds are linked to the "Environment" sound slider.
  8. Indeed - Please turn off Headphone simulation - the difference is night and day! See here for all recommended sound settings! https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/pmdg-737-for-msfs/180056-no-sound-with-new-737
  9. Just bare in mind that the MSFS Sound settings need to be setup correctly for optimal sound experience! Especially the two settings related to Headphone simulation and Spatial Sound. I also noticed a lot of videos which didn't have these settings, and hence the sounds didn't sound correct. See here for the settings! https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/pmdg-737-for-msfs/180056-no-sound-with-new-737 Thanks!
  10. Not a hack but a d**k! Anyone can setup a forum account with a similar name and profile pic ...... Just note that Robert always pins his announcements to the top of the forum page - anywhere else is straight away dodgy!
  11. Thank you very very much Steve for your kind words!! We finally got there after many many long days of work and continuous improvements!! Your contribution was very appreciated and very helpful!!! Thanks to you and the rest of the team, we've got a soundset which is easily the best we have ever made in our entire history! I can't wait for everyone to hear it for themselves!!!! 😀 And thank you too David! I'll copy from a quote made recently on this forum .... "I expect everyone here to be flying the 737 in hours, not days." 😆
  12. Simon, Have a listen to the demo I posted above, the sounds you are hearing at the current wing views are already using internal sounds! So there is no waiting needed for the sounds! As you mentioned, it has been a nightmare trying to make sounds for the wing views in FSX and P3D because they are all using outside sounds - we don't have that problem anymore in MSFS as it is up to the developer to choose internal or external sounds in the cabin views via a simple config setting. Of course, we have already set internal sounds for all our wing views - you can notice, no more high pitch frequencies (outside sounds) in all our of wing views. The sounds that are high pitched are the packs!
  13. I am from the PMDG Dev team! I make all the sounds, so was at the wing views every day making sure every wing view has a unique sound environment experience! Here is a nice demo of the pack sounds and engine start from all views including the wing views: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1y_9oYjdA7dMOFbDM9ZeHx96rH_NouBUQ Turn the volume up LOUD for the best experience!!!!!
  14. Hi Simon, My understanding is that the current virtual cabin is part of the outside model, however, all the wing views are part of the inside model and contain cabin graphics only at those fixed wing view locations. The future update will add the full high quality cabin model to the inside model in all areas.
  15. Robert did make a comment on Pricing here ..... https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/175587-07may22-pmdg-737-700-release-schedule-announcement/page2#post175657
  16. No problem Dean - glad you sorted it out ! :smile:
  17. Hi Dean, It sounds like certain high frequency sounds are too prominent in your setup. Have a look in the sound folder and identify the particular high frequency sounds that are too loud for you and use a simple audio tool to lower the volume of just those sounds. And don't forget to back up your files before proceeding.
  18. Hi Steve, I had a listen to the two versions and they are both fine. Kyle's recording was made in the middle of the beta phase and since then I have continued to evolve the sounds - the main changes I made was to add more high frequencies in the mix balance. That explains the difference in the recordings. So there is nothing wrong, you are listening to different versions of the same soundset. Now, if you prefer less of the high frequencies, you can always manually adjust the individual sound file volumes to get the sound mix that you prefer, but always back up you files before making any changes. And finally, go with the recommended sound settings so that the panel sounds and voices balance correctly with the engines.
  19. In my experience, the sound that you hear and feel on your own computer is heavily dependent on the sound card and speaker hardware that you use. You are never going to get the immersive sound experience that we designed through a built in laptop speaker, or a pair of 50 dollar desktop speakers that came with free with your PC. Investing in a mid range speaker system with a sub woofer will significantly enhance the sound experience that you hear and feel, because a lot of the sound work focused on adding mid bass and sub bass layers that you will never experience unless you have the appropriate sound hardware. Also, I have noticed that other factors like onboard sound effects running on your sound card can also harm the sound experience. Many sound cards have reverb effects, 3D sound effects, noise cancelling effects and others which are on by default without the users knowledge, these also impact the sound experience you will get, and that's why we recommend that you check your systems for these effects and turn them all off. And also, use the recommened sound levels that are provided, this will give you the optimal sound balance between the engines, panel sounds and AFE sounds. If still your engines are not loud enough then turn up the master speaker volume. So in summary, for the best sounds experience use good hardware, turn off all effects and use the recommended volume settings.
  20. I don't think that most people are aware that the sound system implemented and provided by MSFS / P3D is vastly more functional than XPL. Functionality like 3D sound, direction based sounds, distance based sounds are all built into MSFS and P3D, all a sound engineer needs to do is use that functionality to add those effects to an aircraft, and for all of our MSFS / P3D aircraft we have added all these features. However, XPL has nothing like this, it does not even have a basic usable sound system. If you want to do anything in XPL you have to first build your own custom sound system, this is done by application programmers and not sound engineers. We are very lucky that Chris built a comprehensive sound system very similar in behaviour to FSX / P3D, to allow me to then design and implement the XPL sounds. We decided that since this is our first ever XPL project, that we would add the other sound functionality people are used to in FSX / P3D in future releases, because Chris will have to implement this into the sound system first and then I can use it to design the 3D and distance based sounds. But it is important to note that if you want to do anything in XPL related to sounds, you have to build your own sound system to do it, and not have the luxury of using the sound system that is already provided by the flight sim platform creator.
  21. The sounds for engine 4 only playback through the right speaker. Can you try to start engine 4 only, do you hear the sounds only out of the right speaker?
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