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About Mive1957

  • Birthday 06/30/1957

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  1. Hi Pessa, Do you run the EXE as Administrator ? Michel
  2. Hi ScotFlieger I find something comparing version 1.3 and version 2.5.7 Linda code. 1.3 extract : function Dsp0 (s) if _MCP1 () then cmd = "DSP0" else cmd = "MSG0" end 2.5.7 extract : function Dsp0 (s, f) if (_MCP2 () or _MCP2a ()) then cmd = "DSP0" else cmd = "MSG0" end If i take the logic of 1.3 version DSP0 and MSG0 must be swapped in 2.5.7 I make the change in the code for a test and now i read again the messages on the MCP1 display. Also it seems Dsp0 and Dsp1 are only called by MCP1. If it is right, there is no need to make all the tests inside the functions. But this is not very important for the result. Thanks to show me the direction to search. Michel
  3. Hi The display of the executed command on the MCP Combo version 1 Displays with DspShow seems not working since the new versions of LINDA. I dont know when it begin since i dont read myself these displays. One of my friends ask me to test it and i have the same as he has : nothing changed on the displays. Can anybody point me the direction to search why it happen ? Does it works for anybody else ? How does DspShow works ? I dont find the function in the libraries. Thanks for your help. Michel
  4. Hi I dont know if it is the same problem but i have this one : "Range check error" in the LINDA Tracer when i use "Start all" button with PMDG 737 NGX loaded Michel
  5. Hi After some tests with Linda 2.5.7 and module 777NGX 3.2, the APU switch is working well here. I can assign all the five functions to buttons and make them work. Take care that if EGT temp is greater than 0 C the Start function will not work. To move to Start from OFF you need to push ON button twice if you use APU INC function. Michel
  6. Hi Pete, Execute Linda. Select PMDG 777. Push the "Edit" button (left of "PMDG 777" selection) All the variant listed have the same assignements that you define for the 777-200 For the 737 NGX you need to make new assignements because it is another aircraft module. Good luck. Michel
  7. Hi Thomas A friend of me has the same problem than you. After a lot of checking i decide to reinstall the last version of Linda and of the different modules on his PC. And now it works. I dont find the reason of the problem but it can be a solution. Michel
  8. Hi Lee Each Aircraft has is own profile. Some assignement can be common like those for FSX aircraft. If you change aircraft, the profile of the aircraft you choose is automaticaly selected. Michel
  9. Mive1957

    PMDG 777

    Hi Pieter I am pretty sure Günter (Guenseli) will make the module as soon as possible for him. If needed i can add some functions to what he will do; but when we see his works until now, the base module will certainly be nearly complete ... Michel
  10. Hi, This is not be done automatically by Linda. You set your button position to a corresponding save state in PMDG 737 NGX (eg : C&D) and you load the saved state. If you want another set of button position you can define more save state in 737 NGX itself corresponding to your need. Michel
  11. Hi, No, Linda cannot recognize Keyboard command. Try to look at HIDMacros to execute FSUIPC macros and LUA scripts : http://www.hidmacros.eu/ Michel
  12. Hi Pavel It seems working this morning. Good luck. Michel
  13. Hi Pavel You can find a lot of documentation in this place : http://forum.avsim.net/topic/338310-linda-v111-released/ Michel
  14. Hi Heinz I dont know if there is a solution with simple Rorary button. I use Rotary Encoder insteed. You only need 2 input of your USB Board to connect it. Then assign INC function to entry 1 and DEC function to entry 2.
  15. Hi, Not sure what is your real question but here some informations : http://forum.avsim.net/topic/341971-pmdg-737-ngx-module-version-19/page__st__300#entry2558484
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