Hi ScotFlieger
I find something comparing version 1.3 and version 2.5.7 Linda code.
1.3 extract :
function Dsp0 (s)
if _MCP1 () then
cmd = "DSP0"
cmd = "MSG0"
2.5.7 extract :
function Dsp0 (s, f)
if (_MCP2 () or _MCP2a ()) then
cmd = "DSP0"
cmd = "MSG0"
If i take the logic of 1.3 version DSP0 and MSG0 must be swapped in 2.5.7
I make the change in the code for a test and now i read again the messages on the MCP1 display.
Also it seems Dsp0 and Dsp1 are only called by MCP1. If it is right, there is no need to make all the tests inside the functions. But this is not very important for the result.
Thanks to show me the direction to search.