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Everything posted by Flightsummer

  1. That's a question! First I was irritated because of the necessity to use the speedbrakes a lot during the VNAV descend. So i made a descend from FL200 to FL030 with V/S 1000ft and the throttles in idle position. Slowing down was possible up to FL160 and then suddenly the N1 RPM made a jump from 34.9 to 40.0! After that happend a further slowdown was without speedbrakes impossible. The jump happend when the OAT changed from 3° to 4°C. - Is that a bug or is something wrong with my system?Have a look to the images.
  2. I agree. It is very, very helpful and therefore it should be pinned!
  3. After deleting, cleaning and reinstalling PMDG, calibrating my CH yoke and pedals and with a new fsx.cfg and a new fsuipc.ini I made again the tutorial flight - same procedure as every time. I only managed the slow down by extending the landing gear just behind NIRSI, far too early... Does anyone have the same problem?
  4. That gives hope. Yes all done, no wind. I use the CH-Yoke and had trouble with the throttle in a forward position (stopped the TOGA run), therefore I pull the throttle back to idle after activating TOGA. The same did I without SP1 - no problem... Now I know that it is definitely possible to fly the tutorial with SP1 and without any problems. I am hopefull to get a solution...!
  5. Thank you. So I will have a look - for me it's tomorrow morning... EDDH!
  6. May be. To find that out be so kind and make the tutorial flight with SP1 and compare with the text. It would really help solving my problem.
  7. Yes I understand, but there is no wind at all, both flights follow exact the tutorial, without SP1 no speedbrakes at no time, no problems to reach the computed velocity. With SP1 trouble from 15 nm to SUGOL up to landing... May be I have to go back to the basic installation.
  8. No problems flying the tutorial flight 1 without SP1. But with SP1 the 737 can not slow down enough. I have to use speedbrakes from 15 nm to SUGOL and than nearly the whole time. As I said: this problem occurs only using SP1. What have I made wrong?
  9. After deinstallation of the RTM and SP1 and new installation of the RTM only I could fly the tutorial flight without any problems and without using the speedbrakes. Tomorrow I will make a new installation of both, the RTM and the SP1 to find out whether it is the SP1 or not.
  10. I observed exactly the same. I use Windows 7/64, EZCA and have made a fresh installation of the 737 and SP1.
  11. BTW According to the text I should have got the message "DRAG REQ AFTER NIRSI" after passing SUGOL, but I didn't get such a message...
  12. First, its a wonderful tutorial! And I think its the best approach for newcomer to learn flying the 737. Many thanks to Ryan.Here my question: what can I do to ensure the final approach without always being too high? I use largely speedbrakes, nevertheless the message is "DES PATH UNACHIEVABLE"...
  13. Thank You. My cfg-file isn't tweaked so much, nearly nothing. And the Carenado B58 was the only airplane where I have seen that. All others are ok. But until now I flew it some times again without such problems!
  14. Hi Mark,thank you. Now the Carenado support cares about. When there is a solution I will post it.
  15. To safe the shipping costs, may I get the manuals some time by a german distributor?
  16. How are they shipped to Germany and what are the costs?
  17. Sorry, but that is not the same situation I had. I didn
  18. When you reached LEMD did you try to get the ATIS there?
  19. Now here is the link:http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=...atID=fs2004misc
  20. I have revised and improved my Normal Procedures and the Checklist. If you like search at AVSIM for:MD-11 Normal Procedures and Checklist 1.1Nice flights!
  21. Excuse me! The question is answered!I asked due to a misunderstanding of two terms... :(
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