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Everything posted by Boeing_Driver

  1. So I've been searching for the correct verbiage to know the right key; I tried 'forward', 'view', 'move', but they don't seem to correspond to being able to move out of the cockpit.
  2. Sorry to be a bother, but do you mean the arrow keys?
  3. Not sure how to do that. I tried the various views, and there are no mouse clicks on the cockpit door...
  4. Question regarding the PMDG 737...so far as I know, one cannot view the main cabin so there isn't any point of enabling this new GSX feature is there?
  5. Can you point me to where the "repair engine " button is, please?
  6. @FFPilot; I tried your start up method but achieved the same results (see pic in my link). Strangely, as soon as I advance the condition lever, the fuel flow peaks (see the red arrow in my pic). As can be seen, the NG does not rise above 18.0. I also have the same issue if I try the sim shortcut of Ctrl + E. As far as repairing the engine, I checked and there are 0 failures listed. https://imgur.com/a/UsV8cpH
  7. This is really strange. I haven't flown the turbine Duke for a little while, but now when I start it up, I can't get the NG to rise above 18%. I'm doing a normal start, ignitions on, starter on, introduce fuel at 17.5%, but it never goes beyond 18%. Also, the fuel flow pegs at the far right of the gauge. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I re-installed the plane, and it does the same thing.
  8. I get an exceedance message above 101%. That definitely isn't the way this plane should be flown.
  9. As per the cruise checklist in the User's manual, 1150 pounds of torque should be set, but if I get much over 770, I exceed the redline on the Ng.
  10. I’ve got the turbine version. The first flight seemed to be normal, but I’m on another flight, level at 11,000 feet and the best I can get for speed is about 160 knots, (this, after an anemic climb out). Props are set to 2000, as per the Cruise checklist. The thrust levers are limited by the redline on the Ng gauge. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong? It’s as if the gear is down or something…
  11. I’m not absolutely certain, but I think there is a bug that freezes the trim immediately after takeoff.
  12. I don't use simbrief, but I set the takeoff trim as per the FMC and how it has determined the CG.
  13. I have a working theory about this. I believe that there is a bug in the software, such that when the plane rotates, the trim freezes in it's last position. I find that I can trim nose down and it has zero effect. My work around, has been to engage the AP right after takeoff, get the aircraft stable and then disengage the AP to hand fly whatever portion of the STAR I want. In any event, I believe the takeoff flight dynamics should be the very first thing that Horizon tackles.
  14. Am I correct that they are not compatible with using live weather?
  15. Interesting. I knew it was high, but that’s faster than I thought it would be.
  16. On the Descent page of Boeing aircraft, it is customary to change the default speeds prior to leaving cruise altitude (we typically do it on the ground before departure). For instance, in the B737, we set .78/280 for our descents. Does anyone know what the correct speeds should be for the B787 Dreamliner? I’m fairly sure the default speeds in the box are incorrect.
  17. Hi folks, I just upgraded my video card and now a number of my aircraft are missing textures. In the case of the Horizon B787, I tried re-downloading the plane but that didn't help. Any idea how to fix it? https://imgur.com/a/Ck8F6JR
  18. I went and downloaded the most current version and it worked for me.
  19. Have you developed a rough guide for what the difference should be? Maybe at least one full unit?
  20. I’ve been flying the Horizon B787 which I’m generally happy with. Perhaps the worst aspect (and from reading other’s comments here—I assume the other versions do the same thing) is that even when I set the correct trim for takeoff, the plane still requires insane nose down trim after rotation.
  21. When your descent rate exceeds a preset value (I think in the the B737 it’s 1100’), you get the warning “DONT SINK”. You’re probably dipping a little below GS/GP as you cross the runway threshold.
  22. Ya, it really is a cool unit, well made and perfect for GA flying.
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