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About lliaudais

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  • Birthday 08/30/1944

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    Memphis Tennessee USA
  • Interests
    Flight Simulator, Computers, Science and Natural History

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  1. Windows startup menu: disable driver signing enforcement by using the Windows Boot menu - accessed by pressing F8 (?) as Windows begins to boot.... I press just as the "load from CD?" message fades. But then I have the boot process displayed by enabling in BIOS so I can see the point where Windows starts to boot....otherwise press F8 every few moments during boot up until the menu is shown. Loyd
  2. Not entirely true.... no accesses means what you said... there are no textures for FSX to accessor it can be this...when I run FSX BEFORE TP, all textures are built as per normal and there are still only default textures showing because TP was not 'connected' into the scenery system in time to be referenced. You also will also get "0" accesses under this condition - I built a lot of scenery this way because the cpu load was significantly less... But I agree, in this W7 environment, this situation is most usually the driver not actually making the tiles yet... Loyd
  3. snap in VC? yesedit cameras.cfg [CameraDefinition.002]Title = Virtual Cockpit.SnapPbhAdjust = SwivelSnapPbhReturn = False edit to same as 2D mode SnapPbhAdjust = OrdinalSnapPbhReturn = True this is NOT the cameras.cfg that is in the FSX folder but in the folder with the FSX.cfg Loyd
  4. Binaonly default textures when TP appears to be working?. 1. Driver running (you think ok) in Win7..2. Is TP started BEFORE FSX?3. are TP regions enabled in scenery.cfg at higher priority than default ?4. Tiles... for KMTH - end of rwy 7: the 1m/level 17 image tile (your cache folder\870\tile_l17_x36023_y74830.jpg)and a 1.3M (1.2m res) scenery tile "your TP photoreal world folder\0302\003123201320212SU.BMP" note: on the "SU" part of the tile name... this will vary with the season you fly in - so always search for files with the season optionalWindows search for 003123201320212??.BMP or 003123201320212*.BMP so it will find any seasonal variation created. If you have the SDK installed, you can view the bmp using the provided image viewer. If not, you may be able to use one of the viewer tools used by folks who do repaints. You cannot use standard image viewers since the scenery tile is multi LOD. regrettably, I do not have TP installed on my current Win7 system; I only have "tools" that allow me to see what the image tiles and scenery tiles should be at a given location. Loyd
  5. I can't comment on the Innsbruck issue but I looked at the bmp tiles in a FS9 download, and they are LOD13/level15/4.8m resolution. They may well have been made from the same source imagery as the 2.2m scenery for FSX instead of a 4.8/5m source. Loyd
  6. If it appears to be running, then you SHOULD have some jpg files (lots) added into your cache folder. These images are distributed between 1000 subfolders (000-999). These subfolders are not created until needed for the first time, so look into one of them and see if you see image tiles of the .jpg 'persuasion'. If you don't have any of these numbered subfolders, then you won't have any images yet, nor will you have any scenery visible. Did you download the functional ini file from Ed's website? Loyd
  7. To the best of my recollection, the Upper Left info CANNOT be changed; the others can be changed (in the fsx.cfg) - and I have done so. Loyd
  8. One folder 'down' from the fsx.cfg file is \Controls\standard.xml - you can open with notepad. Just right-click and select 'edit'.Save frequently to keep your changes. Loyd
  9. I guess you should post your proxyuser.ini and let's see if there's anything wrong... The easiest way to check results is to be at some very specific place so I can tell you what image names to expect and what scenery tiles names and sizes to expect. To that end, save a flight at KFCA as a default flight. Start TP (at 2.4m or better resolution) and FSX. By time the scenery loading is complete, you should have all the necessary images and scenery done. look for newly saved image tiles in your cache:cache\824\tile_l16_x11968_y42840.jpgcache\825\tile_l16_x11969_y42840.jpgcache\826\tile_l16_x11970_y42840.jpgcache\823\tile_l16_x11968_y42839.jpgcache\824\tile_l16_x11969_y42839.jpgcache\825\tile_l16_x11970_y42839.jpgcache\822\tile_l16_x11968_y42838.jpgcache\823\tile_l16_x11969_y42838.jpgcache\824\tile_l16_x11970_y42838.jpgThe scenery tile made from these and nearby images should in the TileProxy Photoreal World scenery 0201 subfolder and named 001222132021020SU.BMP and be 340k or larger in size. Scenery tiles are muli-LOD and can only be viewed with appropriate viewers -such as the one provided in the SDK. Loyd
  10. Jet, I don't know about a "stock" beacon called "FX_padbeaconh" - I certainly don't have one in my effects folder but... When I look at the contents of the fx_strobeh (which is a 2-pulse strobe light, for example), I see 4 blocks of code containing Emitter/Particle/ParticleAttributes sections. The first two specify no delay, the second 2 specify a delay[Emitter.0]Lifetime=0.00, 0.00Delay=0.00, 0.00[Emitter.1]Lifetime=0.00, 0.00Delay=0.00, 0.00[Emitter.2]Lifetime=0.00, 0.00Delay=0.20, 0.20[Emitter.3]Lifetime=0.00, 0.00Delay=0.20, 0.20I think if you remove the .2, .3 sections (all 3 blocks in each section), you will remove the second flash. Loyd
  11. What OS? XP, Vista, Win7What Sim? FS9, FSX? Are you getting any error message in the DOS window at startup to suggest that TP is not running properly? FS9 has occasional issues with black tiles. I never got it to work with FS9 but there are some older posts containing suggestions for dealing with that issue. Windows 7 has it's own issues with not allowing the TP driver to run because it is an unsigned driver and blocked from running. There are several posts over the previous months also dealing with this issue. I had no issues with XP (32bit) and FSX (SP1)I have not reinstalled on my Win7+Acceleration installation. Black tiles might have been created when you originally started with the first .ini. If you go to the same location with a new .ini file, new scenery should have been created. You probably should look first in the active cache folder with Windows search feature and see if you are actually downloading new image tiles when you start up your sim. If not, then no scenery can be made. Loyd
  12. first, make sure the Global Texture resolution didn't get set to a lower valueSecondly... I got unsharp ground on install until I remembered the mipbias setting in the video.device section of the fsx.cfg. you might also accomplish the same thing in your video card settings - I couldn't, so the manual entry took care of it; I was using the 4850 at the time.Loyd
  13. That's the only file of that name on my installation so that's probably what it's looking for...With Win7, you probably will have more luck if you TURN OFF that !#$%^*%&*@@ UAC, then install as Administrator. If you install FSX into program files (default) and have UAC on, your life will be an everlasting misery...Loyd
  14. I noticed that on occasion, when I moved too far while TP was running, it didn't make the transition with me...Since TP begins loading based on the default flight location before actually starting a flight, I got in the habit of going to the new location (without TP) and saving a flight there and making it the default so TP would start there and not in Friday Harbor or wherever my previous default was.Loyd
  15. FSX rain....Go back to the galley and make me some coffee while it's raining. You can still listen to it but you won't have to watch it :( .Loyd
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