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Everything posted by jerryuscg

  1. Jim, What is "InertiaXQ" ? Also, I'm looking at the photo of your set up. What is the brand and size of your 3 monitors? They don't look like wide angle monitors to me. I dont think that the Vertigo 10 computer from jetlines comes with 2 video cards, so I guess that that puts me back to square one. That's too bad. I want a 3 monitor system, I have the money for a 3 monitor system but I just cannt seem to make it come togather buying "seperate" computer parts. Is my main problem that I want too big of a monitor or one with a 2ms responce time or what? I called a few companies and they have 4:3 monitors in 20" and 17" but their responce time is 8ms and I'm afarid that that is too slow for flight simulation? jerrycwo4
  2. Jim, I've read that the Samsun 226BW 22" wide monitors are great monitors for Flight Sims. They have a 3000:1 contrast ratio, a 16:10 ratio and a 2ms response time with a max resolution of 1680 x 1050.These are the monitors that I'd like to use. I want a left center, center and and a right center view, and if possible fly in the 2D mode.Please dont give me so many choices as its too confusing. Just tell me what kind of hardware I need to make this happen. Thanks jerrycwo4I can and will buy any kind of computer that it takes. I've been looking at the "Vertigo 10" at http://www.jetlinesystems.com/desktops.html
  3. Jim the 1280 x 930 x 32 is the resolution that I NOW use on FS2004. Any higher and I cannt read the dials good.If I use the TH2go and one video card could I still use the Samsung 226BW wide 22" monitors or do I have to find a 4:3 monitor to fly in 2D? The Samsung's have a MAX res of 1680 x1050.I assume that you do NOT fly your 3 monitor FS in 2d mode? What do you see when you push the "s" key and the 2D mode comes up? jerrycwo4
  4. Jim... too many differant combinations. This is what I want:Fly Fs2004 with 3 LDC monitors in the 2D mode, res of 1280 x 930 x 32 and have a center, left hand and right hand view. I'm planning on getting a new computer so will I need ONE or TWO video cards? Thanks jerrycwo4
  5. Jim for this set up money is no object for the monitors now. Could you please sugest a brand of 22" monitors that are 4:3 ratio and where to get them?Do you use wide monitors? Do you use one or two video cards? jerrycwo4
  6. Jim right now I'm flying FS2004 on a ABS computer (Athlon 64FX-55, 2.61 Mhz), 2- Nvvidia GeForce 6800GT video cards, but only using one of them set @ 1024 x 768 on the computer and FS2004 set @ 1280 x 930 x 32.I thinking of getting a top of the line computer from Jetline Systems, the Vertigo X10 model (http://www.jetlinesystems.com/desktops.html). I was thinking of getting 3 Samsung 22" SyncMaster226BW or the 225BW model. I think that the 226BW is a WIDE Screen and the 225BW is a normal 4:3 ratio screen. Thats my big problem. I don't understand the differance between the widescreen and the regular as used for a 3 monitor set up. The MAIN question is that I like to fly in the 2D cotpit mode and I DONT want my "round" gauges to be "eliptical". So:Is it possible to use 3 monitors and fly in the 2D mode and still have round gauges?????????? To do this will I need a regular 4:3 monitor or a widescreen. Lets get this settled before preceeding. Thanks for your help. jerrycwo4
  7. I KNOW that this is not the place to post this so will anyone that uses a 3 monitor set up please read my new post in the Hardware forum. Thanks jerrycwo4
  8. For the last 6 years when I thought I needed a faster computer to fly FS2004 I just bought the most expensive computer I could find hoping that is was the biggest and the best and I think it was. Now I only want to upgrade the last computer ( A ABS with a 2.61 CPU). I want to try the 3 monitor set up but I really don't know where to start. Would some one that already has a 3 monitor set up with the required hardware to run it nice please let me know what I need. This will be to fly FS2004 only. Thanks jerrycwo4
  9. I just found this on the front of the Avsim page for the Triple Head To Go so I guess that this proves that you can have an outside (spot) view of a aircraft with scenery only ( no aircraft) in the right and lefthand views. jerrycwo4
  10. Kimchoc, That took a lot of time and effort. Thanks for supplying the info, it helped a lot. jerrycwo4
  11. No one has mentioned the FREE rocktman (articale now on avsim.) It's free and really flys well. I now have every "mode" of flight in FS2004 EXCEPT a boat. Is thee a "flyable" boat anywhere? jerrycwo4
  12. Alex (and others) Thanks for the info on the views. I have the money saved to go to a 3 monitor system, but I'm not sure that I want it.1. When I fly in the "spot" view I ONLY want to see my aircraft in the center with scenery views on the right and left monitor. I dont want to see three differant outside views of my aircraft.2. I fly 99% of the time in the 2d mode. I understand that this is either not possible or practable to fly in the 2D mode using 3 monitors.Do I have my info correct? jerrycwo4
  13. Alex... all of you people that use multi monitors (almost) NEVER show the aircrat in the spot or outside view. I fly in this mode 75 % of the time. Would you PLEASE, PLEASE show a screenshot from the OUTSIDE view. Do you see a aircraft in each of the 3 views (BAD) or only in the center view with scenery views on the right and the left? jerrycwo4
  14. John I tried just what you said and you were correct. Every time I switched between the two aircraft the position of the radio and the GPS changed. The Gps was in back, switch aircraft and back to original aircraft and the GPS was in front.... really strange. Thanks to all of you who gave me input. jerrycwo4When I right clicked on the radio or the gps the "undock window" was "GRAYED OUT" why?????????I also found out that every time I rotated between the Cessna 182 and the Beechcraft King Air 350 the window positions of the radio and the gps CHANGED, from front to back and then back to front??????
  15. I can not believe that NO one knows what controls with "window" comes up first or last on a panel. I could NOT be the only person to ever have had this problem. Opening one window before the 2nd one does NOT control which window is in front or behind the other one. I just don't know how it works ( like "layers" in Photo Shop ?) jerrycwo4
  16. I have two differant crop dusters and they both have "spray" using the "I" key. These are for FS2004.1. Boeing Stearman, model 75 (N19550). I don't remember what "Package" of aircraft I got it with, but I'm pretty sure that I got it from AEROSOFT.COM2. DeHaviland Canada: I'm pretty sure I got it with a DHC-2 Beaver package from ABACUSPUB.com. GOOGLE both of them and it might take you to the sites. If you cannt find them send me a email ( galfred@comcast) for another solution. jerrycwo4The Stearman is pictured below.
  17. The other day I was flying the Baron 58 and I keep the GPS up in the panel all the time. When I clicked to set a radio freq, the radio panel came up BEHIND the GPS and I had to get rid of the GPS to see all of the radio panel. Normally the radio panel comes up in FRONT of the GPS so you can set your freq, git rid of the radio and have you GPS still up. What controls which of these "windows" are in front / back? When they come up wrong how do you change them? The next time I flew this aircraft they were in "correct" order with no action from me ???? Thanks jerrycwo4
  18. Well, now that problem was fixed how did you like the new color of the grass or did you even try out the program again? I was thinking about trying it but I don't know now. jerrycwo4
  19. I Real Environment Pro. Can I use some of these grass and tree texture replacements and not mess up Real Environment Pro? jerrycwo4
  20. I fixed a few problems with airports in Italy by adjusting the Scenery Library's postion for the airport in question and the scenery or mesh position. Make sure the mesh for that area is LOWER in the library which means that the mesh will have a LARGER number than the airport. This might not fix your problem but it corrected mine. jerrycwo4
  21. I'm so glad you made this post as I had lost the commands to make the program work. Please list the commands used to launch and start the cat-a-pult and /or any others that I have forgotten about. Thanks. jerrycwo4 . I fly it on Windows XP PRO.
  22. John, I don't see any acft names on any of the .dll's. How do you know which ones to remove? What would you remove and/or leave in for the Level-D B767 ? jerrycwo4
  23. There is a new version of Alpha Sim's B-36 (v1.1) . You can get it by contacting Alpha Sim and send proof of purchase of the original version and they will send you the passwords to download the new version. The sound of those 6 radial engines will almost make you cry. jerrycwo4
  24. I'm really into photo software and have a ton of it but I've never heard of "DXTBMP". What is it and what does it do? Thanks jerrycwo4
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