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Everything posted by Gate99

  1. Hi folks,I just purchased the FSX 737NG enhanced panels by npsimpanels today. I bought it through Simmarket. According to the installer it installed successfully and when I load up a 737 in FSX I can see the panel enhancements to the glareshield, mcp, cdu, ect... but there is suppose to be a set of icons next to the chronometer that allows me to see the other enhanced panels (OH, throttle, pedestal, fmc, ect...) but they don't appear in either the 2D or VC display?I've tried emailing the author but I've already read comments that he is not good at returning messages. Does anyone have any ideas why these icons would be missing? Thanks for any help you can offer.Regards,Mark
  2. Hi folksI'm currently running FSX (SP1) on an old P4 3.2Ghz CPU, a 512MB AGP video card, and 1GB of ram. Although after tweeking i've gotten decent results with this setup I'm looking for something better to upgrade to on a limited budget.After some research I'm looking at purchasing the following items to improve my FSX experience (all prices are in Canadian dollars).Intel E8500 3.16GHZ 1333Mhz CPU $210ASUS P5E-VM MB $130ASUS PCIE EN9500GT video card $100Kingston HyperX 2GB,PC2-8500 DDR2 1066Mhz memory $86I would greatly appreciate any comments, suggestions, or experiences that people have had with this hardware. Should I expect to see muchof a performance improvement? Thanks in advance for for your input.Mark
  3. Hmmm... Bob I wonder if there is a problem with your setup? Did you install SP1? With SP1 installed my fps hover around 20 (where they're locked).I use AI and road traffic set at 10% (using XTraffic this is ample) and have most of my sliders set at 3/4 full, with the exception of autogen which is turned off -I fly heavy metal almost exclusively and I find the improved textures in FSX look better without it. I got FSX as soon as it came out and I never looked back.FS9 was good in its day but FSX is just so much better its worth getting it tuned right to run on your system. For me that only involved a clean install of FSX/SP1 and adjusting one perameter in FSX.cfg (texture bandwidth = 400) and that was it!Regards,MarkP4 @3.4 GHZ1GB 400DDR RAMGS7600 AGP video card
  4. >I'm experiencing fairly frequent program crashes in FSX>(during takeoff mainly)-the system reboots itself.>>I get a BSOD error:BAD_POOL_ERROR. >Any advice on how to fix this? >>Using FSX SP1 on XP SP2 with a 7600GS(v 165.01 drivers) and>FSUIPC v4.12Are you overclocking by any chance. If I push my system to hard I can sometimes get some strange errors.Regards,Mark
  5. Thanks Dave...Its now available at Daves web site :)Regards,Mark>Less than 1 hour to go !! ;-)>>Cheers>>Dave March>> http://www.oncourse-software.co.uk/forum_images/fdc_dev.jpg>>Email:>dmarch@oncourse-software.co.uk>>FDC Website:>http://www.oncourse-software.co.uk
  6. >Hi Dave,>>I have problem with viewing the PFE manual downloaded from>your site. I can see the table of content on the left panel>but not the content on the right. Any idea?>>Cheers,>AlexHi Alex... I've got the same problem. I've tried opening the file directly and saving it locally and opening it. Hopfully Dave is on it and we'll have a manual to look at soon :)Regards,Mark
  7. >Hi Mark,>>This is something we are working on for SP1.>>Thanks,>Jim>>http://www.hifisim.com/banners/hifi-community-sigbanner.jpg>http://www.hifisim.com/Thanks Jim.Regards,Mark
  8. Hi... I experienced this same problem last night. ASX would start up normally, it would load the modules and minimize itself to the Task bar but the Main Menu screen never appears. If I open Task Manager it displays it there as running. I then tried "switch" to task and "bring to front" but still no joy. I eventually un/reinstalled ASX which got things running normally again. I'm using XP.Regards,Mark
  9. FSHotSeat! If FSX wasn't so darn good, it in itself would be enough to drive me back to FS9.Regards,Mark
  10. Hi Marten... I don't think I'm "confusing the issue". What I'm saying is the problem is not with ASX/G but is a problem with FSX .As I've said I get the same issue in FSX without ASX/G installed on my machine. Hifi may come up with a way to rectify the problem, but it originates in FSX.Regards,Mark
  11. This appears to be an FSX issue. I've occasionally experienced this with a stock FSX and 737 at 33000ft. You may want to experiment with the "download winds aloft" and "turbulence" tab in FSX to see if it helps.Regards,Mark
  12. I'm behind a firewall here at work and can't go to their site :(Could someone tell me what they are? My curiosity is getting the better of me.Regards,Mark>HiFi has announced the official release of TWO brand new>products exclusively for FSX>>anyone buy these yet?>>>OK maybe not as yet since it was released 4 minutes ago....>>520 Meg download for the combo>>>>al
  13. Certified by whom? A number of small flight schools use MSFS in their pilot training programs. So in their eyes they see it as a certified simulation tool. Regards,Mark
  14. I was going to purchase a set of radios from Cpflight to connect to my MCP, but they want 199 Eur. each. They do look a little more polished, but not nearly twice as good. I just ordered a set of six radios from Opencockpits. I think for now I'll leave them in their cases, but eventually I'll pull them out and mount the face plates in a custom pedestal. At 96 Eur each these radios are a bargin! Now the waiting begins....... was that the doorbell? :)Regards,Mark
  15. Hi everyone... I guess it's just a pet peeve of mine but I always cringe when I read/hear people refer to MSFS as a "game". After all it has the word "simulator" right in it title. When you consider how accurately it works to recreate real world flight dynamics, flight procedures, weather conditions, ATC operations, ect.. (especially when used with many of the quality add-ons available) there are many people -even in the media, who still refer to it as a "game"? I can only suppose it's because there are few "simulation" computer based programs on the market that they all get lumped together?Regards,Mark
  16. P4 O/C to 3.5GHZOS XP Home1GB DDR400 PC3200 RAMGS7800 Video cardNo patchesOne change in FSX.cfg -changed texture_bandwidth to 200No blurries :)Regards,Mark>Please post your system specs, whether you have applied>either the Windows Dual-Core Hotfix, AMD performance patch, or>both and are having issues with Blurries/blurred textures in>FSX.>>Having noticed posts where users were experiencing either>better performance and/or less blurries by setting FSX>affinity to 1-Cpu-core, and others who were not (which is>always the case lol) i thought this information to be>pertinent and of value. >>Thank you.>>>AMD X2-4400+>Nvidia BFG 7950gt>Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe >2gigs ram >WD 250 SATA 2>500Watts of POWAAH!!>>No Windows HOTFIX.>NO AMD performance patch.>Blurries....sigh..YES. >>J.A.>
  17. Hi Pete... Did you unistall/reinstall FSX and all add-ons prior to installing the patch per Phils blog recommendation?Regards,Mark >Hi,>>My system has been locking up a few minutes into a flight>since I installed SP1. No response even with Ctrl-Alt-Delete>so i've just had to turn off the machine.>>Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone give me any>advice on this, it would be greatly appreciated? >>My system is a Intel Dual Core 6400, 2Gb RAM, XFX 7900>Graphic, running Win XP Pro. >>Thanks>Pete
  18. Better to ask in a year. FSX is designed with future hardware in mind. I doubt anyone (nor do I expect anyone) to be able to run FSX full out with a frame rate of 25+Regards,MarkPS: Having said this I'm very happy with most of my sliders set at high. Where I achieve anywhere from 18-45fps on a single core P4 at 3.5GHZ :)
  19. Hi Joe.. I initially installed SP1 on my existing FSX install and also ran into CTD issues. I then learned from Phil's blog that you should uninstall/reinstall FSX and all related add-ons prior to applying SP1. Once I did this no CTD. I uninstalled through windows control panel. Good luck.Regards,Mark
  20. Hi John... Well said. The fact that many of us are not experiencing a blurries issue (myself included) seems to indicate that those experiencing it have an issue connected with their setup (incorrect install, drivers, fsx.cfg, ect..). I can relate to those experiencing this issue but I think it's a little premature to blame SP1.Regards,Mark
  21. Hi JCMK... Did you uninstall FSX and all add-ons and then reinstall them prior to applying the patch? Phill recommened this in his blog. Regards,Mark
  22. I've only started experimenting with SP1 last night, but so far no blurries here :) and this is with a less than stellar computer.P4 O/C to 3.5 GHZ1GB DDR PC3200 RamGS7800 AGP graphics cardRegards,Mark
  23. Hi Christian... First off, thank you so much for producing such a wonderful FSX add-on! I was wondering if it would be possible for the user to have the option of submitting a flightplan to TileProxy in advance of taking off so that it could download all of the tiles in advance? I realize that this would cause a significant initial delay to taking off but would help with faster tile loading during flight. Any thoughts on this?Regards,Mark
  24. >Well this whole sp1 debacle is on my nerves anyway. debacle?>Aces should have done what>they said they were gonna do and release the dx10 patch>instead of wasting our time on a sp1 patch that we all know>will do little to nothing for anyone.Boy, someone is the pesimist.The DX10 patch will come in good time.> Maybe I should apply for>a PM job at Aces because it appears that they are in dire need>of one.Me thinks not.Regards,Mark
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