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Everything posted by Leemazz

  1. I take it that this is a repaint you have done . I can tell you the problem its the textures are upside down and need flippingLee Marrow
  2. No problem Nick nice to see it on Avsim , good job on the paint its looking good .Lee Marrow
  3. Great stuff lovin the World Airways routes .Lee Marrow
  4. You dont have anymore World Airways routes do you with departure times any help would be greatly appreciated .Lee Marrow
  5. Niclas i sent you a message check your inbox hope it helps .Lee Marrow
  6. Lol sorry Igor i cant really help you with the paintkit in FS9 as i had to use testers for my repaints , it seems to work just the same as FSX only you have to flip them upside down in FSX also you get a bumps file in FSX and not FS9 . All i can suggest is have a play with the paintkit . Good Luck .Lee MarrowThanks for the comments Greg , more to come . Probably some older liveries Lee
  7. Sure it does it works fine in both FSX and FS9 . So now you know get painting and stop freaking out .Lee Marrow
  8. Lol sure can it looks pretty tasty Kyle nice work . Nice to see others painting the beast as wellLee Marrow
  9. Ive already painted it about 2 weeks ago for both FSX and FS9 check on Avsim its there .Lee Marrow
  10. Paul it is correct i have left out the textures for copyright reasons and to keep the file small . Its all in the read me just copy the missing textures over from another folder .Lee Marrow
  11. Us the FSX paintkit it works for me .Lee Marrow
  12. Im getting so many emails about my paints for FS9 . The paintkit i use is the one for FSX it seems to work fine if you know what you are doing so i recommend trying the FSX paintkit and giving it a try . Also im getting snotty emails saying my paints dont work in FS9 and they dont even show up in the list . First of yes they do work you can see screenshots on Avsim or videos on youtube . Secondly the repaints dont show up in the PMDG drop down box when selecting aircraft , they show up under McDonnell Douglas .I hope this solves a lot of problems for people and also stop people from getting so angry when they can not find the aircraft under PMDG . Now either download my paints or get painting !Lee Marrow Three holer painter
  13. Im not too sure to be honest but i do know it makes the textures go all blurry . If you save the textures as DDS files you need to have the box ticked . Pretty weird stuff .Lee Marrow
  14. If your using DXT the only thing i can thing of is unticking the boxes on the right hand side make sure there is not a tick in the mipmaps box .Lee Marrow
  15. Errol its the background colour on the textures just change it to white or something like that .Lee Marrow
  16. I know the one you want its similar to Americans colours .Lee Marrow
  17. Ok D-ALCG is on its way pretty soon just check on Avsim later . Also i done a new Swissair paint for both FSX and FS9 on Avsim later .
  18. Me too i get the message with the box not ticked , should we be looking in the FSX.cfg do you think ?Lee Marrow got to love the veg
  19. Leemazz

    Slow climb

    I use a CI of 80 it will give you higher altitudes than 90 . 0ver 100 is just ridiculous . Also set to 80 you can set it to max weight and you wont even notice , the MD-11 packs some serious power just watch one take off its a great site to see . Its not nicknamed the rocket for nothing . Boeing made a mistake stopping production .Lee Marrow
  20. I have a tip . Go easy on the alpha channels you only need one not too strong if your applying it to the texture or it will effect the colours and make it look like a mirror . You seem to be doing ok though its not an easy model to paint . The decals will just add to that . Good luck !Lee Marrow painter
  21. This is a common problem i suggest reading the posts on OOMs its about memory timings and so on . Great rant though , just chillax and take a minute to read the posts . I know what your thinking " i have 4 gig of memory though " its a problem with multicore proccessors and memory in high end games ...... I think . Lee Marrow painter
  22. You must have copyed them over because i dont have them liveries installed . The winglets are red with centurions new logo and the wings should not have text on them i will check but im pretty sure there was no writing on the wings .Lee
  23. Pilots who are downloading my repaints that i have converted to FS9 i hope there ok and are working correctly the reason is i dont have FS9 so i can not test them . I do hope there ok also many thanks to Abbas Meghji for testing the Fedex repaint and sending me a screenshot . EnjoyLee Marrow
  24. Ive done one but its for FSX at the minute im working on one for FS9 .
  25. Ok ive converted the textures i just need somebody to test them in FS9 for me .... Could anybody try a GE Fedex repaint i have converted to work in FS9 . Please email me at Leemazz@aol.com and i will send you the textures .Lee Marrow
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