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Everything posted by Leemazz

  1. Ok i would love to convert my repaints over to FS9 but i dont have it anymore so i would be taking a gamble just making them 32bit . Anybody help me with this or is willing to convert them i dont mind as long as they look the same and the textures are not changed .Lee Marrow
  2. Yes as long as i can convert my repaints over to 32bit textures or DXT3 , problem is though i dont have FS9 anymore so i dont know if the textures are the same as FSX textures . Can anybody answer this for me ??Lee Marrow
  3. Ive done a paint in there old colours its in the Avsim library for FSX .http://library.avsim.net/search.php?Search...t&Go=SearchLee Marrow
  4. Ive done 15 repaints so far from UPS GE variant and Centurions new MD-11 and World Airways new colours on the GE model also . Heres a link go and have a look . Ive added some shine to them as well because the MD11 is a pretty clean aircraft ..... More to come as well .http://library.avsim.net/search.php?Search...t&Go=SearchLee Marrow painter
  5. Its not your drivers or anything like that , i get the same problem . Its the background of the textures its green and is bleeding into the paint or on to the flap textures . I know this because i have done a few repaints now and had the same problem .Lee Marrow http://www.air-source.us/Default.asp
  6. Ive just managed to finish my first paint attached the night textures of the tail as well . It should be on Avsim later unless i find any errors . Its Lufthansa Cargo D-ALCLLee Marrow
  7. I get layers on the Fuselage master textures for the Pax but not the Freighter .Lee Marrowhttp://www.air-source.us/Default.asp
  8. Oops i will do from now on .Lee Marrowhttp://www.air-source.us/Default.asp
  9. Its the version , i have paintshop pro 7 and 9 and they only open with 9
  10. Ok what you need to do is save it with mipmaps tick the box on the right of DXTbmp and save . Only problem with this is writing can seem blurry when selecting the aircraft but once you load it and start a flight it will look fine .Ive just started a paint myself using the paintkit and to be honest i expected it to be a bit better as its not in layers so your limited .
  11. Ive sent an email to the address but i dont think its working or i have a problem with my email .Can you Send me an email and i will try again . Leemazz@aol.com
  12. Im still waiting on PMDG im afraid ive contacted them but not had a reply yet ... Watch this space .
  13. Im not to sure they have a few GE MDs the one i have painted is N617FE built as a freighter in 1995 and has always served for Fedex .
  14. I didnt to be honest now i cant focus on anything else :)
  15. I was bored earlier today and thought i would try my look at repainting a Fedex version of the GE model and this is the result . Problem is i can not release it without permission from PMDG as its painted from there textures .... Do i have permission kind people of PMDG ?
  16. I will be doing some paints as soon as a paintkit is released and so will a few other painters .
  17. I was wondering if there will be a paintkit for the MD-11 if so when can i get my hands on it .Thanks for a fantastic product .Lee
  18. Why thank you Ray i shall hop on over there now . Cheers
  19. Any idea when a paintkit will be available im itching to let my brush loose on the beast .
  20. What i would do is create a new layer keep it as normal then draw a white line then go to effects and add motion blur experiment with it and adjust the layer density . First though you will need to paint the Union Jack .
  21. The reflections in the VC are gone also the autopilot works better in the VC . There are many fixes with sp3 its a lot better and i got higher frames with the new DDS textures in FSX . The only problem is the green colours poking through on the engines as they have re worked the engines and also added an APU exhaust . Take off and landing is much smoother and you dont get the bounce on landing .
  22. I would like to apologise for the number of repaints i have uploaded for Skysims MD-11 , im limited on time so i had no choice but to do all 34 repaints . I hope its not too confusing and i hope there up to standard . Also i dont know what the green colour is poking through on the engines i tried to paint it out but had no luck .
  23. It depends on the aircraft your painting and how the textures your painting are set out .
  24. Any look with the repaints ?If not i might see what i can do , ive been toying with Aerosims DC-10 for a bit but i dont like the fact it has no flexing wings .... But it works in FSX .
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