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About G-CIVA

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  • Birthday 12/28/1968

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    Milang, South Australia
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    PSX, Online Flying.
    UTC/GMT + 09:30/10:30

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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    I am in my late forties & am already retired...so I can fly as much as I want, whenever I want...life is sweet. I am a member of the WorldFlight Australia Team go check us out at: http://www.worldflight.com.au/

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  1. Aside from all the other 'noise' chiming in here you need to remember some simple 'cadences' 'GO AROUND - FLAP TWENTY' for instance (prompts me to press the TOGA Switches to get TOGA/TOGA on the FMA) then smoothly & accurately adjust pitch to achieve 2000fpm/15 degrees pitch & select Flaps to 20). With a positive rate of climb confirmed by two separate instruments get the Landing Gear UP .... UNLESS its a WINDSHEAR GO AROUND/ESCAPE MANOEVURE ... in that instance leave the Landing Gear DOWN - the opening & closing of the Gear Doors will create extra drag .... until you have completed the escape manoeuvre. Its a lot for a single pilot to remember. Above 400 feet you can select a ROLL MODE - HDG SEL or LNAV At aa (Acceleration Altitude) you can select a PITCH MODE - FLCH, V/S or VNAV & then commence the flap retraction sequence & clean up the aircraft to the after take off checklist. REMEMBER - your brain is 'maxed out' & it is rapidly running out of 1's & 0's ever since you commenced that natty NPA; opt for a level of automation - especially a PITCH MODE commensurate with the amount of brain cells you can devote to it. A lower level of automation might just be the solution you are looking for to complete the flap retraction sequence & climb to the missed approach altitude.
  2. Reads this one statement: 'Is it easy to update AFCAD data? If that's the case, I could just plug and play.' & receives absolute affirmation why he does not come here very often Is the 747v2 ready? No. Bye.
  3. FWIW the entire Qatar Fleet of B77L & B777F are also equipped with the 115BL1 rated engine.
  4. I really do worry for our future ... are we really becoming this stupid? I guess so. Shades of Pabari Mk II & all those who trod before ... here today gone tomorrow. Somebody please pass the salt.
  5. Vernon you really are about as dumb as they come & I knew this was coming - you have been name dropping for ages about your real world sources. Why did you not quote the proprietary material that came with the product provided by PMDG? Instead you hyperlink to third party documentation belonging to a real world commercial source & whether out of date or not it contravenes just about every copyright license in the book. Yup I am not the forum police but things like this can become troublesome for not only PMDG but for AVSIM as a whole. It's not smart & not clever & if you just spent just a teeny bit more time READING your source material instead of gobbing off about it like the many who have trod before you might have actually picked up something useful on the way. I can feel the flames of self righteousness licking at my feet right now so I will reach for the flammazine cream & head for the door.
  6. Another reason not to buy FS2Crew then.
  7. Try 13kg/min ... you favourite EU operator uses this & plans with a standard 15 mins of TAXI Fuel which gives them 195kgs INCLUSIVE of APU usage which is normally kept to a minimum ... if the OAT is ABOVE +5'C & BELOW +25'C they discourage the use of the APU altogether in lieu of Ground Power until it is time to close the doors. Whilst you are at it I have noticed that you have been using some very crap cfgs for 'your favourite EU operator' from various screenies you have been posting. Can I suggest you follow this shameless plug & get these 'paints' by Christian Mohr as the cfgs are as spot on as they can be within the confines of what PMDG currently offers for the NGX (I did the cfgs): http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxacrp&DLID=186747 Happy Flighting
  8. You are possibly all talking bollox chasps ... it is in all likelihood our old friend the Bituminous Runway or Oil Treated Runway or a similar type of Taxiway or Apron surface that can be present in many AFCADs back to haunt us from our FS9/FSX days. This surface is still selectable by scenery designers in LMs P3D & will also be apparent if you port across scenery from FSX to use in P3D & it has been used by the scenery designer, it may also be present by default in some native P3D scenery that has been ported across from FSX ( that have not been able to fix everything just yet!) For some reason since FS9 days PMDG products don't really like these type of surfaces. I found an excellent freeware AFCAD for LIRA Rome Ciampino (FSX) the other day & after fixing the PAPI, NAVAID, RWY Lighting & Marker harmonics (they are NEVER right - even with most quality payware save FSDT) I forgot to fdo a final check of the RWY surface with ScruffyDuck Software's excellent ADE programme. Lo! earlier this evening on the way in from Athens in the NGX I had an ... ahem ... very interesting roll out down the runway as it was still a Bituminous Runway ! Your simply looking too far into the woods for something that in reality is staring you in the face.
  9. More rocket science I tell ya!
  10. Yawn Yawn Yawn Wow ...... somebody went above 250 below 10 .... no way .... I'll eat my hat .... never happens .... EVER. NOT! You know ... it might just be that the pilot might have been aiming for .... wow lets see ... perhaps ... say ... 320kts on the MCP SPD Knob & well ... he ended up 1 knot out through .... well perhaps task saturation ... & then perhaps he thought .... well ....1 knot wont hurt & it will sure cause a commotion on the PMDG NGX Forum! 'Dive'nDrive' ..... 'Dive'nDrive' For all you sheeple in the 'nobody EVER EVER EVER does more than 250 knots BELOW 10000ft' camp here is a thought for you to ponder .... Next time you are in either the NGX or the 777X take a look at the CLB, VNAV CLB, DES or VNAV DES pages .... ECON is there for a REASON folks & the ECON SPEED is usually a WHOLE LOT MORE THAN 250 kts Think about that. https://youtu.be/4ab7F1FQrtA
  11. In addition to utilising something like FS Real Time (really handy with little or no impact well worth the price) it's also handy to set your 'flying PC' or 'flight simming' PC & any peripheral networked PCs or laptops to UTC/GMT without the DST option ticked via the Windows Clock. Despite what any naysayers might have you believe it will not affect things adversely one jot & I have been doing this happily for years (now living in a considerable UTC offset for over 4 years). FWIW mariners, the military & many other fields of transport, science & commerce also use UTC/GMT.
  12. Your attitude sucks fella, tis you with the high & mighty attitude. I guess taxi in on one engine does not qualify for single engine ops in the taxi...how mistaken I am. Good day.
  13. POT: 'Hello KETTLE this is POT over.' KETTLE: 'KETTLE - send over.' POT: 'KETTLE I have your colour as black - confirm colour over?' Its a little rich to accuse some people of throwing around pseudo RW experience when you yourself throw in some partially correct factoids from a supposed RW source you claim to have laid you hands on whilst rubbishing the manual that came with the product as some sort of 'gamey quick start guide'. Especially two or three posts after somebody has revealed some info from a large South American NG operator. Then you wander off on tangents talking about 747s & Airbuses which are totally irrelevant. The funny thing is - the operator that you boast about actually does have a procedure for single engine ops under certain conditions. The trouble is you just sound like another 'FS 101' type of person who seems to skim read & not study deeply enough before pressing send. If that is incorrect then apologies but first impressions & all that. Many people here do not have the luxury of access to RW info like you might have; that is why many of us like to point them gently back to the reference material that came with the product. Its the best starting point & lowest common denominator. The manuals that did come with the product contain pretty much all of what most simmers would ever need to slake their thirst. Your approach - to just throw in a few comments & slam the 'FS 101' door right in their faces in a 'nope Boeing definitely does not recommend it' style is really not very helpful. No RW experience ever claimed here BTW. Happy flighting.
  14. Perhaps you might want to look more closely at the reference material, here are the links that I provided earlier directly quoted from the source: PMDG NGX FCTM GROUND OPERATIONS 2.14 pp98 Engine Out Taxi Appendix A.2.3 Engine Out Taxi (EOT) operations have the potential to save fuel and to reduce carbon emissions. During EOT operations, the crew’s attention should be focused on taxiing the airplane. Distractions should be kept to a minimum. Boeing does not publish specific procedures for EOT operations. Each operator develops EOT policies, procedures, and flight crew familiarization materials specific to their operation and in accordance with the requirements of their regulatory authorities. PMDG NGX FCTM Appendices Supplemental Information A.2.3 pp416 Engine Out Taxi FCTM 2.14 If operator policies, procedures and flight crew familiarization materials are appropriately applied, EOT operations can be conducted safely and should be acceptable to flight crews and regulatory authorities. Operator policies, procedures and flight crew familiarization materials should include, but not be limited to the following: •airport layout •taxiway composition •taxiway slope •foreign object damage (FOD) •airplane system redundancy •engine warm-up and cool down times •fuel balancing•crew workload and heads-down time •current weather, including temperature and wind •current taxiway surface conditions Each operator should establish Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for EOT operations. These SOPs should provide the flight crew with clear, concise guidance for EOT operations. More information on EOT operations is available in the Boeing Flight Operations Technical Bulletin titled "Engine Out Taxi". This Bulletin can be found on MyBoeingFleet. I'd be very interested to see the reference source, edition date & page number for your source.
  15. Wow! Do you have a reference for such a sweeping generalisation or is this another of those 'Flight Sim 101'isms' that do the rounds? The post just before yours clearly shows some reference material from a RW operator that has been produced with the help of Mr Boeing himself. If your still unsure I'll give you some more clues ... Go & take a peek into the PMDG_NGX_FCTM yep the one that was FREE with the product ... page 98 (Engine Out Taxi) & page 401 (Engine Out Taxi)
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