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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. HiI recently started testing with the FFTF=0. Then suddenly i started noticing the blurred grass. However when I removed the FFTF=0 line i still had blurry grass.I removed the fsx.cfg and let it rebuilt the cfg.. STILL blurry grass. I reinstalled GEX to no avail. From 1ft above the ground, very close by, the textures ARE sharp.All other textures are sharp.I have anisotropic filtering ON, driver settings to max quality...!Any ideas? Thanks,Walter
  2. Would you could just try.. I added BP=0 and even FFTF=0 and all was fine ..no blurries, no need for external limiter and some smoother fsx. (still need to test some more tho)However your PC could crash or run worse.
  3. Actually, num1 is reserved for elevator trim. I change the trims in the VC myself and dont use the need the numpad 1 and 3.Where did I say all you guys have to use my assignments? I'm just saying that maybe the problems is not with FSX because I can taxi just fine, even without the reset button
  4. I use mouse yoke for flying, and it's good enough for me (my controller broke). If I don't goo too fast the pmdg 747 will follow it's path and doesnt skip. I don't see why that would be different with rudder pedals? The a2a stratocruiser is pretty hard to taxi, but that's only because they actually have seperate controls for the nose wheel and it simulates understeer.I know you're avsim guru but just because i dont spend all my life on the forums doesn't mean i'm not a FS enthusiast :(
  5. I have no problems taxiing the pmdg 747 with keys.I've assigned rudders to numpad 1 and 3.In fsx rudder is also bound to the nosewheel.I just steer using 1/3 and press 5 to go straight ahead.I have nothing assigned in fsuipc
  6. the "reset all" option under control surfaces has helped me out bigtime.I'll just stear the corner and once I get in line with the taxiway i just press 5 and it will go straight ahead
  7. Thanks that did it :).. just when i installed FSINN.Might just get used to that because i can use it in-game
  8. HiI need to run in windowed mode because i cannot run squawkbox as a module.Therefore i need to alt-tab quickly between SB and FSX to read/write etc.However, i'm getting severe performance loss in FSX windowed mode (maximized).Both my in-game and my desktop resolution is 1440x900.Yet, full-screen FPS is 18 and my windowed FPS is 12. My GPU does not downclock when FSX is windowed.Another solution would be to use 2 monitors (which i have). But my fps also drop when using 2 monitors (gpu thing?).Any help?Thanks
  9. well for one i use WideViewAspect=True :(
  10. dont you always run as admin if you have UAC disableD?Anyway you could just run the bat file as admin?
  11. @*******:A config for medium systems would be great.. (like early quads, low-end i5/i7) and ~8800 GT GPU'sedit: the reason i started editing the CFG was because FSX was running sub 15fps with medium settings.. only city/aicraft addons and REX.These are the lines i've added for my system (based on avsim, simflight):(external limiter: 30) [BufferPools]UsePools=0[JOBSCHEDULER]AffinityMask=85 [Main]DisablePreload=1[GRAPHICS]HIGHMEMFIX=1 [Display]TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=70 I'm running AF from FSX menu and 2x AA from my ati control panel.Specs:Windows 7 64-biti7 720QM (1.6-2.8ghz)4GB 1333mhz RAMAti Mobility 4670 1GBI know you're very busy..but quick tip?Thanks,Walter
  12. Nah it crashes on 3 different installs, on 2 different systems..regardless of OS.Waiting for PMDG 737NG
  13. How can you use wilco's 737? I get constant FT734.dll errors BEX errors .. most instable plane of all
  14. So how does this work with REX? And it is needed? (i mean water looks awesome already)
  15. Hm that could be it.. the manual also recommends acceleration..but always thought they were the same (except for the new airplanes etc.0
  16. So I should use 84/85 on my i7 720QM?edit: i just tried 255 and in FSX (while moving around) all 8 threads get used
  17. Hi,Quick question.. my a2a 377 manual recommends I turn on "engine stress damages engines" under realism, however it is not there:This is how it's here:http://www.hovercontrol.com/artman/uploads/fstuto5.jpgThis is how it looks in the manual:http://www.avsim.com/pages/1207/SH60/realism.jpg(just images I found on the net)Thanks,Walter
  18. Can someone explain to me why people are setting their affinitymask to 8 cores on their i7 while the i7 only has 4 cores and 8 threads?
  19. I just had the same problem Fault Module Name: PMDG_BAe_JS4100_3.DLL
  20. Great list, but you can never have all those mods running without FSX crashing on you every 5min
  21. Nooooooooot!!!http://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtopic=258130
  22. It's just pathetic how nobody has the slightest idea about these problems considering:1) these errors have been around for YEARS2) the errors are obviously not system related (i'm having errors on 2 completely different systems.. vista vs windows 7, nvidia vs ati...etc.)3) these errors totally destroy FSX4) the chances on a new, better FS (fsii) are very slim :( :( :(
  23. I am not.1 year later, new laptop, new official windows 7 install..Voila, BEX error.FSX is the worst piece of ###### i've ever seenNew laptop:i7 720QM4GB ramATi 4760 1GB
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