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About F1Fan

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  1. This is looking great! Excellent job FSHUD Team. Can't wait for the 2.0 beta for us FSHUD owners ...Well done!
  2. I have the Xfinity 1200 Mbps downloads plan called Gigabit Extra. Whatever that means...lol So far it's been pretty good with minimal downtime, only downtimes are when the weather is bad like thunderstorms and it is usually back up within an hour or so I am a happy customer....so far!,,,,😇
  3. Thanks for the heads up Bobsk8. I just got Xfinity internet at my new house in Savannah GA after many years (20yrs with AT&T DSL ) in Marietta GA. What a big difference with speed, I have the top speeds that they provide. And I just checked my contract. I did add the $30 option of Unlimited Data to my contract of 3-years. I think it is well worth it!
  4. I got what you meant and you're right, BATC in the current state is in, is not very enjoyable, even without traffic. Every update released so far breaks something else. I see their Discord site with many having issues after updates. I too have had issues and reported them because I knew going in it was an EA product, bugs are to be expected. So much for supporters doing rigorous "Experimental" testing before us non-supporters get to have it....eh? Like I said, I'm done with it until BATC is bug free and ready to be as you say, "Enjoyable". In the meantime, there is another ATC program that is coming out very soon that I am looking forward to and FSHUD will be updating their current ATC addon and their beta releases will be available to all of their customers with no restrictions of paying extra $$$ to be an "Experimental Supporter" customer nonsense.🤢
  5. "customers will get it when it's in an enjoyable state" So it in an enjoyable state right now? lol, You can spin it the way you want to. I am not going to argue what is "Experimental" or "Early Access" is defined. I'm just stating my opinion on how they went about it. I misunderstood this supporters perks requirement to gain access to critical updates for an EA addon. My mistake. I'll assume since I am not a "Supporter" they don't need my feedback anymore and that is ok. I'll just park the addon until they have it all under control and at a release for public state.
  6. Yea, we non-Supporters will have to wait 2-3 months after before we can experience ATC traffic on a ATC program, Now isn't that special! Does that make any sense to all non-supporters of an Early Access(EA) addon that gives feedback today in the current state is in? You would think they would have all of their customers including no-supporters testing their traffic injection since all CPU systems are different. I must have misunderstood when I purchased BATC, I thought the "supporters" option was just a volunteer or good gesture to support the developer with the extra $$ in exchange for maybe some kind of perks to give supporters free premium voice tokens once in a while etc, not critical updates to a EA addon. I question this on their Discord and they came back with some reasoning that still didn't make sense to me and then telling me to upgrade to gain access to "Experimental Updates" at a cost $30 more for me to test their addon. Well, I don't know what they think I am doing now with the current Early Access BATC in the state that is in. I am giving them feedback! But for me to have the traffic injection for an ATC in an EA state I have paid for, I have to shell out another $30 bucks! Go figure! I've never seen anything like this for an EA or beta software from any developer unless someone can point me where this has been done.
  7. I run into this issue as well with the Fenix. I sometimes need to move the throttles almost to take Flex Take-Off just to get it to taxi then it starts to move is so frustrating. Like the OP said, I don't remember having any issues with the Fly-By Wire A320N I don't think. I haven't flown the A320N in a while but will soon just to see if it does it too.
  8. I wish they would port their Boeing 717 to MSFS. That was a nice bird to fly in P3D even though it did have a few issues. There are no good 717 out there for MSFS other than Captain Sims for which... is not so good....So sad. 🥺
  9. Ah, ok...I actually didn't watch the entire presentation just the meat of it. I thought they avoided that particular feature(ATC) that needs much improvements.
  10. What is strange is that I am not having the issues some on Discord are having like crashes and not being able to load the simbrief plans. So far I've had some good flights with it. I really like the accents when I fly to the Caribbean, South America and Mexico. Even when I fly from Atlanta to New York you hear the New York accent and this is with the free voices! Sure there are some quirky stuff they need to iron out and it is not perfect yet but so far the developers are on top of it fixing things. I can't wait for the traffic injection part and hopefully we'll get that soon!
  11. Yes, I forgot about that. I checked with the Nvidia tool and it is reading higher at about 80-90 with FG. I might need to tweek some more. I have the MS Store version.
  12. I use the ingame fps tool. Yea, I think something is not right. 300 is a a big number that you use Wow. I have no problems with other games it's just MSFS2020 that I have a problem with. I will need to do more research I guess.
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