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Everything posted by COBS

  1. Jan It just seems that N or S and E or W needs to be entered as a part of your new Lat/Long entries ? Cheers Karol
  2. Thanks Jan , that one will take a bit thinking to work it out with with some of the nasty mouse code that I'm using. I did my strange unified control autopilot using Roman's G:Var , fortunately it only required 7 momentary buttons , which was good seeing you can only have 9 instances of G:Var. Another instrument that I want to convert to momentary buttons has 17 buttons , so it will require a slightly different approach. Instead of a case "0" bitmap I utilized the background bitmap , and displaced the lit case "1" bitmaps up and across 1 pixel to create a movement effect. It's a bit large but the new autopilot code is below for those interested. Cheers Karol <Gauge Name="Autopilot" Version="1.0"> //By Karol Chlebowski @ 2012 ** <Update Frequency="18"/> <Update> (G:Var1) 0 != if{ (G:Var1) -- (>G:Var1) } (G:Var2) 0 != if{ (G:Var2) -- (>G:Var2) } (G:Var3) 0 != if{ (G:Var3) -- (>G:Var3) } (G:Var4) 0 != if{ (G:Var4) -- (>G:Var4) } (G:Var5) 0 != if{ (G:Var5) -- (>G:Var5) } (G:Var6) 0 != if{ (G:Var6) -- (>G:Var6) } (G:Var7) 0 != if{ (G:Var7) -- (>G:Var7) } </Update> <Element> <Position X="0" Y="0"/> <Image Name="F-111AP_bkgd.bmp"/> </Element> <!--BUTTONS--> <Element> <!--NAV--> <Element> <Position X="81" Y="36"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot Nav1 lock,bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="NAV_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--HDG--> <Element> <Position X="81" Y="10"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot heading lock,bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="HDG_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--APR--> <Element> <Position X="43" Y="36"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot approach hold,bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="APR_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--ALT--> <Element> <Position X="228" Y="61"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot altitude lock,bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="ALT_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--LVL--> <Element> <Position X="6" Y="36"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot wing leveler, bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="LVL_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--BC--> <Element> <Position X="43" Y="10"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot backcourse hold,bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="BC_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--IAS--> <Element> <Position X="81" Y="61"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot airspeed hold, bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="IAS_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--MCH--> <Element> <Position X="43" Y="61"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot mach hold, bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="MCH_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--Y/D--> <Element> <Position X="6" Y="10"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot yaw damper, bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="YD_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--MASTER--> <Element> <Position X="265" Y="61"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot master,bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="APmastr_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--TFR--> <Element> <Position X="228" Y="10"/> <Select> <Value> (L:TFRcp1,bool) </Value> <Case Value="0"> <Image Name="TerrainTFROff.bmp"/> </Case> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="TFR_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <Update Frequency="18"/> <Element> <Select> <Value> (L:TFRcp1,bool) if{ (A:GROUND ALTITUDE,foot) (L:TFRcp2,foot) + (>K:AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH) (A:PLANE ALTITUDE,foot) (A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR,foot) - -9 * (A:PLANE ALT ABOVE GROUND,foot) 2000 < 5 * 1 + * (>L:TFRcp3,number) (A:PLANE ALT ABOVE GROUND,foot) (L:TFRcp3,number) + -300 < if{ (A:PLANE ALT ABOVE GROUND,foot) -1 * (>K:AP_VS_VAR_SET_ENGLISH) } els{ (L:TFRcp3,number) (>K:AP_VS_VAR_SET_ENGLISH) } } </Value> </Select> </Element> <!--NAV - GPS SW--> <Element> <Position X="332" Y="6"/> <Select> <Value>(A:GPS drives nav1,bool) !</Value> <Case Value="0"> <Image Name="TOGON.bmp"/> </Case> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="TOGOFF.bmp"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> </Element> <!--FD--> <Element> <Position X="6" Y="61"/> <Select> <Value>(A:Autopilot flight director active,bool)</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="FD_PB.bmp" Bright="1"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--TFR Up-Dn--> <Element> <Position X="270" Y="10" /> <Select> <Value>(G:Var1) 0 !=</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="UP.bmp"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <Element> <Position X="270" Y="36" /> <Select> <Value>(G:Var2) 0 !=</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="DN.bmp"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--Etrim Inc-Dec-Zero--> <Element> <Position X="352" Y="5" /> <Select> <Value>(G:Var3) 0 !=</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="INC.bmp"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <Element> <Position X="352" Y="41" /> <Select> <Value>(G:Var4) 0 !=</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="DEC.bmp"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <Element> <Position X="314" Y="42" /> <Select> <Value>(G:Var5) 0 !=</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="ZERO.bmp"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--Light Prev-Next--> <Element> <Position X="383" Y="65" /> <Select> <Value>(G:Var6) 0 !=</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="PREV.bmp"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <Element> <Position X="432" Y="65" /> <Select> <Value>(G:Var7) 0 !=</Value> <Case Value="1"> <Image Name="NEXT.bmp"/> </Case> </Select> </Element> <!--DISPLAYS--> <Element> <Visible>(A:Circuit general panel on, bool) (A:Avionics master switch,bool) &&</Visible> <!--NAV--> <Element> <Position X="120" Y="38"/> <FormattedText X="41" Y="17" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="18" LineSpacing="18" Adjust="Center" Color="#00CE00" Bright="Yes"> <String>%((A:NAV1 OBS, degrees))%!03d!</String> </FormattedText> </Element> <!--HDG--> <Element> <Position X="120" Y="14"/> <FormattedText X="41" Y="17" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="18" LineSpacing="18" Adjust="Center" Color="#00CE00" Bright="Yes"> <String>%((A:Autopilot heading lock dir, degrees))%!03d!</String> </FormattedText> </Element> <!--ALT--> <Element> <Position X="164" Y="63"/> <FormattedText X="57" Y="17" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="18" LineSpacing="18" Adjust="Right" Color="#00CE00" Bright="Yes"> <String>%((A:Autopilot altitude lock var, feet))%!5.0f!</String> </FormattedText> </Element> <!--VS--> <Element> <Position X="162" Y="38"/> <FormattedText X="57" Y="17" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="18" LineSpacing="18" Adjust="Right" Color="#00CE00" Bright="Yes"> <String>%((A:Autopilot vertical hold var, ft/min))%!5.0f!</String> </FormattedText> </Element> <!--SPEED--> <Element> <Position X="118" Y="63"/> <FormattedText X="44" Y="17" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="18" LineSpacing="18" Adjust="Right" Color="#00CE00" Bright="Yes"> <String>%((L:Mach-IAS select, bool))%{if}%((A:Autopilot mach hold var, mach))%!1.2f!%{else}%((A:Autopilot airspeed hold var,knots))%!03d!%{end}</String> </FormattedText> </Element> <!--ELEVATOR TRIM--> <Element> <Position X="319" Y="69"/> <Text X="45" Y="14" Bright="Yes" Length="5" Font="Tahoma" Color="%('#FFFF00' '#00FF00' (A:ELEVATOR TRIM POSITION, degrees) 10 * near 10 / 0 >= ! ?)" Adjust="Right" VerticalAdjust="Center" Multiline="No" Fixed="No"> <String>%((A:ELEVATOR TRIM POSITION, degrees) 10 * near 10 / )%!5.1f!</String> </Text> </Element> <!--TFR clearance plane--> <Element> <Position X="171" Y="12"/> <Text X="60" Y="16" Bright="Yes" Length="4" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="16" Color="#00BE00" Adjust="Center" VerticalAdjust="Center" Multiline="No" Fixed="No"> <String>%( (L:TFRcp2,foot) abs )%!04d!</String> </Text> </Element> <!--Flt Pln LEG--> <Element> <Position X="393" Y="6"/> <Text X="76" Y="15" Bright="Yes" Length="15" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="11" Color="#93FF72" Adjust="Center" VerticalAdjust="Center" Multiline="No" Fixed="No"> <String>%Flt Pln LEG%</String> </Text> </Element> <Element> <Position X="391" Y="19"/> <FormattedText X="81" Y="48" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="11" LineSpacing="11" Adjust="Right" Color="#00BE00" Bright="Yes"> <String>%((A:GPS WP PREV ID, string))%!s!%>%((A:GPS WP NEXT ID, string))%!s!%\n%((A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP INDEX, number))%!02d!%-%((A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP COUNT, number) 1 -)%!02d!%\n%((A:GPS WP DISTANCE, nmiles))%!04.1f!% NM%\n%((A:GPS WP ETE,seconds) 3600 % 60 / int flr 60 %)%!02d! : %((A:GPS WP ETE,seconds) 60 % int flr 60 %)%!02d!%</String> </FormattedText> </Element> </Element> <Mouse> <!--CRS SET--> <Area Left="119" Top="37" Width="22" Height="25"> <Cursor Type="DownArrow"/> <Click Event="VOR1_OBI_DEC" Repeat="Yes"/> </Area> <Area Left="145" Top="37" Width="22" Height="25"> <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/> <Click Event="VOR1_OBI_INC" Repeat="Yes"/> </Area> <!--HDG SET--> <Area Left="119" Top="12" Width="22" Height="25"> <Cursor Type="DownArrow"/> <Click Event="HEADING_BUG_DEC" Repeat="Yes"/> </Area> <Area Left="145" Top="12" Width="22" Height="25"> <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/> <Click Event="HEADING_BUG_INC" Repeat="Yes"/> </Area> <!--ALT SET--> <Macro Name="Plus1000"> (A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR,feet) 1000 + </Macro> <Macro Name="Minus1000"> (A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR,feet) 1000 - </Macro> <Macro Name="Button1">(M:Event) 'RightSingle' scmp 0 == if{ (>K:AP_ALT_VAR_INC) } (M:Event) 'LeftSingle' scmp 0 == if{ (>K:AP_ALT_VAR_DEC) } (M:Event) 'WheelUp' scmp 0 == if{ @Plus1000 (>K:AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH) } (M:Event) 'WheelDown' scmp 0 == if{ @Minus1000 (>K:AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH) }</Macro> <Area Left="171" Top="62" Width="60" Height="25"> <Tooltip>Set ALT</Tooltip> <Click Kind="LeftSingle+RightSingle+WheelUp+WheelDown">@Button1</Click> <Cursor Type="Hand" /> </Area> <!--VS SET--> <Area Left="171" Top="37" Width="25" Height="25"> <Cursor Type="DownArrow"/> <Click Event="AP_VS_VAR_DEC" Repeat="Yes"/> </Area> <Area Left="197" Top="37" Width="25" Height="25"> <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/> <Click Event="AP_VS_VAR_INC" Repeat="Yes"/> </Area> <!--SPEED SET--> <Area Left="119" Top="62" Width="22" Height="25"> <Click Repeat="Yes">0 (L:Mach-IAS select, bool) if{ (>K:AP_MACH_VAR_DEC) } els{ (>K:AP_SPD_VAR_DEC) }</Click> <Cursor Type="DownArrow"/> </Area> <Area Left="145" Top="62" Width="22" Height="25"> <Click Repeat="Yes">0 (L:Mach-IAS select, bool) if{ (>K:AP_MACH_VAR_INC) } els{ (>K:AP_SPD_VAR_INC) }</Click> <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/> </Area> <!--NAV--> <Area Left="81" Top="37" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="AP_NAV1_HOLD"/> </Area> <!--HDG--> <Area Left="81" Top="11" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="AP_PANEL_HEADING_HOLD"/> </Area> <!--APR--> <Area Left="43" Top="37" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="AP_APR_HOLD"/> </Area> <!--ALT--> <Area Left="228" Top="62" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="AP_PANEL_ALTITUDE_HOLD"/> </Area> <!--LVL--> <Area Left="6" Top="37" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="AP_WING_LEVELER"/> </Area> <!--B/C--> <Area Left="43" Top="11" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="AP_BC_HOLD"/> </Area> <!--IAS--> <Area Left="81" Top="62" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>0 (>L:Mach-IAS select, bool) 0 (>K:AP_PANEL_SPEED_HOLD)</Click> </Area> <!--MCH--> <Area Left="43" Top="62" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>1 (>L:Mach-IAS select, bool) 0 (>K:AP_PANEL_MACH_HOLD)</Click> </Area> <!--Y/D--> <Area Left="6" Top="11" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="YAW_DAMPER_TOGGLE"/> </Area> <!--MASTER--> <Area Left="265" Top="62" Width="40" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Repeat="No">(A:Autopilot Master,bool) if{ 0 (>L:HOLD SPEED,bool) (>K:AP_AIRSPEED_OFF) (>K:AP_MACH_OFF) (>K:AP_ALT_HOLD_OFF) (>K:AP_HEADING_OFF) (>K:AP_NAV1_HOLD_OFF) (>K:AP_WING_LEVELER_OFF) (>K:YAW_DAMPER_OFF) (>K:AP_APR_HOLD_OFF) } 0 (>K:AP_MASTER)</Click> </Area> <!--TRIM--> <Area Left="353" Top="6" Width="34" Height="20"> 9 (>G:Var6) <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/> <Click Repeat="Yes"> 9 (>G:Var3) (>K:ELEV_TRIM_UP)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="353" Top="42" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="DownArrow"/> <Click Repeat="Yes"> 9 (>G:Var4) (>K:ELEV_TRIM_DN)</Click> </Area> <Area Left="314" Top="42" Width="34" Height="20"> <Tooltip>%Zero Elevator Trim</Tooltip> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Repeat="Yes"> 9 (>G:Var5) (>K:AXIS_ELEV_TRIM_SET)</Click> </Area> <!--TFR--> <Area Left="228" Top="11" Width="34" Height="20"> <Tooltip>TFR ON-OFF</Tooltip> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click> (L:TFRcp1,bool) 0 == (>L:TFRcp1,bool) (A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR,foot) (>L:TFRcp2,foot) </Click> </Area> <Area Left="270" Top="11" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/> <Click Repeat="Yes"> 9 (>G:Var1) (L:TFRcp2,foot) d 99900 < if{ 100 + (>L:TFRcp2,foot) } </Click> </Area> <Area Left="270" Top="37" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="DownArrow"/> <Click Repeat="Yes"> 9 (>G:Var2) (L:TFRcp2,foot) d 0 > if{ 100 - (>L:TFRcp2,foot) } </Click> </Area> <Macro Name="Button1">(L:VFDDAT mode,enum) 4 == (L:ChgWPt, number) (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP COUNT, number) 0 > if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP INDEX, number) -- (> L:ChgWPt, number) (L:ChgWPt, number) (> C:fs9gps:directToActivateLeg) (L:ChgWPt, number) (> C:fs9gps:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (L:ChgWPt, number) (> C:fs9gps:FlightPlanDirectToWaypoint) (L:ChgWPt, number) (> C:fs9gps:FlightPlanActiveWaypoint) }</Macro> <Area Left="383" Top="66" Width="41" Height="18"> <Tooltip>Set PREV Leg</Tooltip> <Cursor Type="DownArrow"/> <Click Kind="LeftSingle"> 9 (>G:Var6) @Button1</Click> </Area> <Macro Name="Button2">(L:VFDDAT mode,enum) 4 == (L:ChgWPt, number) (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP COUNT, number) 0 - < if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP INDEX, number) ++ (> L:ChgWPt, number) (L:ChgWPt, number) (> C:fs9gps:directToActivateLeg) (L:ChgWPt, number) (> C:fs9gps:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (L:ChgWPt, number) (> C:fs9gps:FlightPlanDirectToWaypoint) (L:ChgWPt, number) (> C:fs9gps:FlightPlanActiveWaypoint) }</Macro> <Area Left="432" Top="66" Width="41" Height="18"> <Tooltip>Set NEXT Leg</Tooltip> <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/> <Click Kind="LeftSingle"> 9 (>G:Var7) @Button2</Click> </Area> <Area Left="330" Top="11" Width="20" Height="29"> <Help ID="HELPID_GAUGE_NAV_GPS_SWITCH"/> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="TOGGLE_GPS_DRIVES_NAV1"/> </Area> <!--FD--> <Area Left="6" Top="62" Width="34" Height="20"> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click Event="TOGGLE_FLIGHT_DIRECTOR"/> </Area> </Mouse> </Gauge>
  3. Thanks Roman , will give it a try , I must admit it looks rather neat. Cheers Karol
  4. I want to create momentary buttons purely as a visual effect that are Bitmap lit up when clicked. This is for (1) a extended function autopilot that is FS9 style xml. and (2) for a MFD radar that is in Aces/ESP style xml . Both instruments are in a FSX 2D panel. A lit Bitmap would appear only briefly when clicked . Any help would be appreciated. Cheers Karol
  5. A lot of people get into Flight Simulation in a haphazard manner , they want to fly , but where do you start . In the real world you go through the theory , then you have a instructor sitting beside you guiding ,prompting, and teaching you through progressive steps. With flight simulation you are totally alone as you launch into flying procedures in a unfamiliar aircraft without any help . It's the thoughtful and thought provoking comments and guidance contained in threads at forums such as this one that are terribly important to those that wish to enrich their flying experience. We should not brush off a thread with a one liner comment , rather we need to make a sincere effort to contribute help and guidance others who choose to enhance both their flying skills and enjoyment of the experience. We are all in this together , and should never forget that new comers and others might benefit from our comments, advice and thoughts. Cheers Karol
  6. On a recent thread a guy commented on getting into Flight Simulation and enquired about addons , one suggestion was REX , it amazed me , how is REX or any eye candy going to teach someone to fly, we seem to be fixated on that eye candy and top shelf aircraft. My response on that thread was :- Quote. If you are serious about learning to fly , then try the following. 1. as Don said start with a slower aircraft initially 2. try hard to avoid bad flying habits which will be impossible to shake off later on. 3. stick with one plane initially. 4. get very familiar with the cockpit and panel , know what and where the instruments are , learn your switches. 5. accept that it is a step by step process. 6. try to understand that straight and level flight and turning level flight are vitally critical. If you don't get these two right , then the rest is a waste of time . My advice is if you are not determined to get these two right then give up all thoughts of flying. They are critical and fundamental cornerstones to all your flying. 7. Practice precise straight and level , repeat it till you get it right. 8. Practice precise level turns , again repeat til you get it right. 9. Practice climbs and descent from straight and level at one altitude to the same at a 2,000' diff Alt, be precise Sounds easy , try it , it's not easy to do accurately. An example : Straight and level at 4,000' on a heading of 320 degrees at a airspeed of 120 knots , try holding all three figures accurately at the same time for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat that exercise until you can do it precisely. Then bank the aircraft 30 degrees and do a 360 degree turn accurately maintaining your nominated altitude , and your nominated airspeed and bank. Repeat it all till you can consistantly do it accurately , it's not easy but its important Learn to trim you aircraft accurately and fast. There are other steps or elements to learn but the above are the important ones. Remember that eye candy and REX type addons will not help make you a better pilot , ignore them till much latter on. End Quote. I also suggested that he start with the quality SF260 as a trainer aircraft rather than his preferred choice of a more complex F-16 or F-18. Cheers Karol
  7. LM have the in depth industrial technology base to implement some advanced features , in all fairness to MS the flight simulator has become hellishly complex and some newer features really fall into the realm of specialist companies dealing in modern military applications , systems and procedures. In a word , I'm glad that LM are now doing these simulations. I will be getting into Prepar3D by the end of the year when V2 is released , and start getting their SDK's prior to that. I agree, the replication of instruments in FSX is awesome thanks to talented and devoted developers , but still we will always want better and better. Cheers Karol
  8. Bob LM are Lockheed Martin and their Prepar3D based on ESP a sim engine similar or compatible to FSX. As is known MS stopped debugging and developing FSX several years ago , however LM have and are continuing to evolve their platform to increase its capabilities as a simulation system for land , sea , and air applications able to host multiple users with new viewing options. To achieve that end requires further debugging and expansion of existing variables as well as creation of totally new variables. As they are embracing developers to provide addons , it is reasonable to presume that the new variables will be published and that the SDK's will be expanded and improved. While we are grateful that we have the SDK's for FSX they can be a puzzle for developers to understand. In the subject of this thread and the linked thread we have 23 airspaces that possibly exist however no published variables for them whereby we can vary or control their appearance in an instrument display. As we try to replicate real world instruments and capabilities we need access to varaibles to do so. Unfortunately the preceeding does not help solve Matt's problem in FSX . Cheers Karol
  9. Hi Bob I suspect that you and MGH are right. I think that FSX and its SDK's are an awesome platform even though it occassionally gives us heartburn when we try to milk it. I do hope that LM with their resources are able to unlock and publish further variables over time. Cheers Karol
  10. I vaguely remember seeing 12 working airspaces, but cannot remember where , your 11 previously mentioned , plus ( '0' none ) would give the 12 airspaces. Perhaps the balance of the 23 airspaces were to have been the subject of an update to FSX that never eventuated . It would be nice to be able to both change the boundary colors and to reduce the line thickness. Cheers Karol
  11. Propwash The SDK does have color for airspaces , the problem being that there are multiple types as detailed in that thread , each would need to have a color entry rather than the usual single color in the custom draw. I am assuming that each airspace has an "n" as shown in the nearest airspace thread. Each airspace 'n' and color would need to be listed and defined in a macro , and the macro called in the custom draw. Cheers Karol
  12. Slim I have not tried it , but the following might be worth a try. (A) add a second entry to your .FLT file :- [DroppableObjects.1] ObjectSet.0=bomb_(your preferred 2nd choice of bomb) (B) create a xml switch to toggle between "DroppableObjects.0" and "DroppableObjects.1" Cheers Karol
  13. Matt I'm trying to do the same for a radar overlay , I think a clue might reside in the following link :- https://www.google.com/url?q=http://forum.avsim.net/topic/259780-current-airspace-frequency/&sa=U&ei=LdCgT7L0KJHsmAXi7M3DCA&ved=0CAUQFjAA&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNE3YS3WGWACeOGiM_BJXuXT3pBBrw Cheers Karol
  14. Hi Rob The EOTS is an electro optical system with multiple sensors spread about the real F-35B. Thats great to hear that a new F-35B for the sim is in development , I thoroughly enjoy the IRIS one with your VTOL , I added that Pave Tack viewer , Scott Printz HUD with a few of my mods and the radar from my panel . While that HUD is configured for the F-18 it works surprisingly well in hover and it's Energy Caret is absolutely great for thrust/airspeed management over the full range it enables precision power control which is especially important on the F-35B. I did try some Helicopter HUDs , but those available did not satisfy my requirements. Thank you for creating the VTOL hover addon for the F-35B and Harrier , also for the carrier arrestor/catapult ,they are great and afford ample opportunities for flying skill development , I have the carrier entries as standard feature in the panel cfg of my F-111 Pig HUD package , and include an INI with a comprehensive zone listing. Cheers Karol
  15. MartyK Regards the A380 manual , why not see if Airbus have a website or a technical site that might have info that you require , also check in FSX and the aircraft folder Abacus may have included some notes , well at least they should have provided some notes. Cheers Karol
  16. It's not the trim , if his nose is pointing down he is going too fast , pull your throttle back and slow down and observe your nose attitude. When pilots start their training they use small and slower aircraft , they do not start off on airliners , then one of the things they do is endless series of rectangular circuits to develop a feel for the aircraft and to develop a judgement of the approach to landing picture. Try using a small prop aircraft like a Piper or Mooney and over time do about 30 or more rectangular circuits at the same airport , practice your take offs , keeping your circuit square , reducing your airspeed for approach , configuring your aircraft landing gear and flaps , and very carefully develop an appreciation of what the runway perspective looks like for a correct glideslope , do not use either the GPS or ILS or autopilot. Learning to judge the correct approach glideslope perspective is hard and needs lots of practise, try to maintain a smooth and constant runway perspective picture , if you keep chasing your approach pathway and jerking all over the place all you are doing is making the task harder for yourself. Cheers Karol
  17. Rob Thanks , it came up good , the text overlay is 5 selectable pages , 4 with text and one blank , the square at the top of the cross hairs is DOF (Direction Of Flight ) indicator , if you change the view by rotating around with the BRG/bearing button , that square rotates around your cross hairs to provide a visual indication of your aircraft's DOF. The data strip between the two sets of buttons shows the current parameter settings. All 10 reset buttons have a LED light to keep track of your current selection. In the previously mentioned zip you will find the instrument in the panel folder , it is in a folder titled RECON . In the included flight manual supplement you will find 7 pages of notes on the instrument , one of those pages is a whole page table of all parameter steps for each function. The stand off feature might not be of much use to you , but its fun , you can view a spot up to 80 NM in front of your aircraft with crystal clear clarity , or view and identify a AI aircraft up close when it is 20 NM away , or sitting on a runway you can move the camera view to a nearby city centre and view it from different aspects. If flying above cloud you can move the camera view below the cloud deck to view the ground , or when at 35,000' drop the view down and see and track cars up close on the roadways. One other aspect of this instrument is that it emulates the EOTS instrument viewer that is in the actual F-35 aircraft currently under developement, that instrument can see in all directions , including views as if it is looking through the actual body of that aircraft. I have it installed in my IRIS F-35B with the hover function , if you use the "rear" reset button , then click the PCH/pitch down you can back up your F-35B into your desired parking spot , that rear is tilted up 8 degrees in pitch to enable viewing of the runway during take offs , and also to observe my flares being set off. The APP/approach button is configured 8 degrees down specifically for the F-111 on approach and ' On Speed ' to either a runway , aircraft carrier or hardened rooftop , the aircraft is controlled to keep the cross hairs on your required touch down point till landing. Please feel free to use it as you desire , and the same applies to the notes , if you wish to use it as is or modify it , or upload it , please fee free to do so , it's there for us all to use as we might wish. Cheers Karol
  18. I did this style instrument to represent the Pave Tack in the F-111 , it is available at FLIGHTSIM , its file reference is :- zzpiggz1.zip That zip includes extensive notes on the instrument , it is ideal for choppers or VTOL aircraft. It has 10 instant reset buttons , 3 give forward and downward views and one gives a straight down view . Even when the reset buttons are used it is still possible to vary the view in all directions as required, it also can be adjusted up/down or displaced in a stand off aspect. It is identical to the middle instrument in below shot , but is slimmer. Please feel free to use it or get ideas from the code. Cheers Karol
  19. Two more: Title: Combat ready . the making of a fighter pilot. Author: David Mason. ISBN: 0 7475 0259 5 Title: Phantom from the Cockpit. flying the legend. Author: Peter Caygill. ISBN: 1 84415 225 1 Cheers Karol
  20. My personal favorite is by ' Mark Berent ' , he logged 4,350 hrs flying time , with over 1,000 hrs in combat during his 3 tours of Vietnam. His book is actually 5 books (ea about 300 pages) , they run in chronological order, titles are:- Rolling Thunder Steel Tiger Phantom leader Eagle station Storm flight With his background , he really puts you in the cockpit strapped in to an ejector seat and living in that theatre of operations. A truely awesome read . Cheers Karol
  21. The following are some relevant airspeed vs wing sweep notes they are from my F-111 Pig HUD panel flight manual. They may be of interest. 4. SLATS/FLAPS LIMIT SPEEDS. The flaps and slatS have been structurally cleared to the following limits during travel, or when fully ex­tended: • Slats only 330 KIAS or mach 0.62 whichever is less • Flaps 0'·30 330 KIAS or mach 0.62 whichever is less • Flaps 31 '·Full 300 KIAS or mach 0.56 whichever is less However, to ensure slat/flap extension, and from com­ponent life and handling considerations, the following limitations should be observed: Flaps: During Extension • Flaps-l0 to 25 degrees 250 KIAS or 0.62 mach whichever is less • Flaps-26 degrees to full down 220 KIAS or 0.48 mach whichever is less Static Extended Condition or During Retraction • Flaps-0 to 25 degrees 270 KIAS or 0.62 mach whichever is less • Flaps-26 degrees to full down 245 KIAS or 0.48 mach whichever is less • Slat limit speed is 295 KIAS or 0.62 mach which· ever is less. 5. GENERAL AIRSPEED GUIDE Rotate 140 kts Take0ff 160 kts Cruise 350 kts to 2.6M Approach 160 kts or ONSPEED Touchdown 135-150 kts or ONSPEED CONFIGURATION SPEEDS: Slats- Normal MAX 295KIAS Structural MAX 330KIAS or 0.62M whichever is less Flap 25’- Normal MAX 250KIAS or 0.62M whichever is less Structural MAX 330KIAS or 0.62M “ Flap 34’- Normal MAX 220KIAS or 0.48M “ Structural MAX 300KIAS or 0.56M “ Wing 16’- Takeoff / Landing Slow airspeeds below 330KIAS or 0.62M 26’- Up to 0.80M 38’- Up to 0.80M 47’- Up to 0.80 Transonic 0.80M to 1.10M 58’- Transonic 0.80M to 1.10M 1.10M and greater 72.5’- Transonic 0.80M to 1.10 1.10M and greater Landing gear - Normal MAX 295KIAS or 0.62M whichever is less Structural MAX 330KIAS or 0.62M “ Airbrake - 2.2M GENERAL LOWER ALTITUDE OPERATIONS ~350KIAS to 600KIAS is a reasonable airspeed range . ~350 – 420KIAS suggested for extreme low level manoeuvring (slow enough to give the pilot ‘time’ ) Below 350KIAS control is not crisp and positive . The F-111 flies best at 350 , or 350 plus knots . Note ; Energy and consequent airspeed bleed off during hard manoeuvring , manipulate the throttle as appropriate to maintain desired airspeed . SUBSONIC FLIGHT. Operation of the aircraft at subsonic speeds up to mach 0.80 should normally be accomplished with a wing sweep of 26 to 47 degrees. Generally, response and damping about all axes in this speed range are consid­ered excellent based on flight experience to date. TRANSONIC FLIGHT. During operation of the aircraft at transonic mach numbers (mach 0.80 to 1.10) wing sweep angles of 47 to 72.5 degrees should be utilized. At 20,000 feet and above, sweep angles of 47 degrees are recommended to keep the aircraft angle-of-attack low which will result in better acceleration characteristics. At the lower altitudes, more aft sweep angles are recommended to optimize acceleration. Although the spoilers will be locked out with the more aft sweeps, roll performance will be improved due to the lower angle.of.attack and higher dynamic pressure. During transonic flight above 25.000 feet a relatively small directional trim change may occur just prior to achieving supersonic flight. As altitude is decreased in this speed regime, the trim change is more noticeable and below 10,000 feet may be exhibited as a small Dutch roll transient accompanied by mild buffet. No trim changes occur longitudinally or laterally. SUPERSONIC FLIGHT. Flight in the supersonic flight spectrum (mach 1.10 and above) should normally be accomplished with the wings fully swept. Some external store loadings pre­clude full aft sweep and as such are limited to 58 de­grees. Flight can be performed in the supersonic speed range with wing sweep angles as low as 47 degrees; however, such sweep angles are detrimental to optimum performance. Deceleration at supersonic speeds can be greatly enhanced by sweeping the wing forward to obtain increased drag. This allows the pilot to either pull power back to aid deceleration or maintain power for more rapid acceleration should the need arise. During wing sweeping and ensuing deceleration or acceleration, aircraft trim changes will be small and will appear to the pilot principally as attitude changes. Throughout the supersonic flight spectrum covered to date, response and damping characteristics have been good; however the potential of directional instability associated with angle-of-attack in excess of handbook limits still exists.
  22. For a review try the following link: http://www.virtavia...._review_FSP.pdf To view a video of the cockpits try the following virtavia link ,and hit the F-111 button: http://www.virtavia.com/ The following are new features:- - multiple models including the new Australian F-111C and EF-111 Raven - 5 seperate 3D cockpits depending on model flown - the F-111C and EF-111 intakes have the splitter plates, shorter shock cones, and a working translating cowl - Multiple new authentic weapons loadouts that can be jettisoned - AN/ALE-40 countermeasures rectangular unit under elevators on some - long wings where applicable - active wing top spoilers - proper round nose cone ( without astro tracker window ) on the "C" - static wicks - correct boat tail and dump outlet position - modified exhausts with internal actuating mechanism - superb realistic afterburners - and of course the trade mark Dump and Burn - 2048 high definition textures - retractable rotating beacons - wing tip vapour stays with tips regardless of selected wing sweep - gunship grey livery choice - new wheel hubs I have been flying the older version for several years , and have found it to be superb. The turning circle is dependant on your taxy speed , I regularly land mine on hardened rooftops and at 1 to 2 knots taxy it through a turn of over 180 degrees on the small confines of that rooftop prior to a catapult take off. I personally put the flight dynamics up there with the likes of the VRS F-18 Superbug and Milviz F-15E , all are superb flight models , the F-111 will not fly properly if it is not correctly trimmed or the correct wing sweep is set for the current airspeed range set , it really is a matter of getting to know how to fly it correctly. Cheers Karol
  23. I think both will be important in the sort and long term.FS developer is absolutely fantastic , at times the very experienced developers will be discussing and describing procedures that will appear to be over his head , it isextremely important not to be put off , persevere and understanding will follow.It is a learning process , but the sense of satisfaction you get when you start creating your own projects is awesome.Wishing the Lad all the best.Karol
  24. An interesting group is 'aussiex.org ' , OZx forums , try the following link: http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/forum/17-community-scenery-design-workshop/They have produced in excess of 300 freeware airports , their work is of an extremely good standard,and they have some young developers.An important aspect is that their forums are well moderated , and the nasty element are not tolerated, andthat I suspect would be a good learning environment for anyone , especially a young person.CheersKarol
  25. If the key server is shutdown , then Microsoft will have broadcast loud and clearwhat it thinks of its customers , and how they will treat in the future anyonewho might consider migrating to Flight.Their credability would be shot to pieces.That would make Flight a totally untenable proposition.CheersKarol
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