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Everything posted by ST1322

  1. Roland, thanks for reply. No network cinfiguration, however it is P3D v3.4 Tom
  2. Hi AP1 I did exactly the same like you... same error. I can see you wait for over 3 days to get some kind help. Perhaps one day we both get it. Tom Link
  3. Go for it, if they cant, they will say no, but... its hard to believe they will do so. Remember, for airline such behavior is reputational bonus almost for free. Luckly I don't have to beg as my brother is a captain on a nice 777-200, soon 787. Not telling the airline ;-) but I've seen this and that during visits ;-) Tom Link
  4. Thank you Kyle. Got it sorted thru their forum. Yes, folder was wrongly set up. I'll fix my signature going forward. Tom
  5. Hi, I am having small problem with update of AIRAC to NGX thru NavDataPro. In FSX I had no issues, however in Prepar3d I cant get it to work. I did point NAvData to the navdata folder in PMDG one. I think this is not working. Files got updated in PMDG, but NGX is not reading them... Can someone help me? Tom
  6. Hi, This is rather strange. NGX is not responding to joystick inputs. All stock Prepar3d planes work fine and NGX is dead silent. Only throttle works ok... Anyone can assist? Tom -------------------------------- Solved. Pilot is a dumb*** that forgets to switch hydraulics ON. Ok, lets blame it on the fatigue this night ;-)
  7. Hi all, New to Prepar. I have a question. Can I install Perpar into separate designated drive? FS Global 2010. Is there anyone who has 2010 FS Global version on DVD and FTX compatibility add-on? Is it possible to add FS Global 2010 to Prepar v3 or do I have to purchase it from the scratch. And finally, is it worth of adding it at all? I will add FTX Global, vector etc... Kind regards, Tom
  8. Rumors. Any experience on how long such rumors can last? For example when pmdg drops one it takes years to mature :-)
  9. Hi, I think I'm slowly growing to idea of purchasing prepar and switch from Fsx. Currently I have fsx installed on nice SSD drive. My question is: can I install prepar on the same drive and erase fsx later or will there be any conflict. Tom
  10. I'll give it a try today. One more question. I usually load perf page thru automated link. Then I have option to either accept or modify. I guess I'll have to modify and insert values myself? Correct?
  11. If I understand you correct, then I can simply forget about pax and cargo loading in the fmc?
  12. Hi. I have a question related to loading 777 according to PFPX load sheets. In PFPX I can see two fields related to weights: 1. Cargo 2. Payload After I sed number of pax payload rises, this is clear. Then I add let's say 20000 lbs of cargo. Payload increases again. Let's say cargo is 20000 lbs, payload with pax is 10000 lbs which gives me a total of 30000 lbs. Now, how should I load this into 777. When I go to pax section of fmc loader, every time I increase number of pax there weight increases. Then I load cargo. How should I do it, should I load total payload calculated by PFPX or should I load pax and cargo separately? I can see that PFPX calculates average number of baggage that pax carry on. What does 777 do? Hope someone can bring some light into this issue. Up to now I was mainly using 777F and there it's preety straight forward as payload matches my cargo numbers.
  13. Hi David, Great guide. I have similar rig but with gtx970 and more ram. Anyway, I'd like to share with you my observations: LOD I recommend people with OOMs to reduce LOD to minimum 2.5. Personally I see no reason going higher. If you have ASN on, sky is cloudy you don't see terrain anyway. When you land you are busy managing the cockpit and following atc. Reducing from 4.5 to 2.5 gives me ca 400 VAS. That's huge. UT2 Many people use this add on which is great. I found that when I open second window to view AI it can cost me about 400 VAS. That's huge toll. If you have OOM never do that. It will kill your flight. CYYZ I don't have FT yet. I'm using modified afcad by Ray Smith. While GTA area is huge on VAS, huge. I eats more than LAX and EGLL Very often people complain on OOM and don't take into consideration how much vas certain adons take. UT2 for example takes about 300 VAS. I reduced to 75 and got it down to ca 200 VAS. My adons used 1. FTX Global, Vector, Open LC EU; 2. FTX Australia with all major airports + New Zealand; 3. FTX NA regions. Here I stop after global was released 4. Many Aerosoft airports - most enabled now but sometimes I disable. After applying your tweaks I found that "missing" 500 VAS I sometimes missed (ok 200 for real as 300 is a security barrier). And I'm using FSX. Wil move to prepared once it turns 64bit - if ever. FSX in DX10 with fixer works fine for me.
  14. I wanted to test some AI that I have added. Looks like my SBAI models are not shown in DX10, but the probelm is that they are not there at all... in DX10 thay should be blacked out, right?
  15. Hi, I am trying to quit DX10 and try Dx9 again. I have uninstalled libraries, DX10 is switched to DX9 in both FSX and Control Panel of Scenry Fixer. When I try to load FSX I have black screen (the one where I choose plane) and even if I try to load it, it simply crashes. Can someone help please? When I keep it on to DX10 - everything works... Kind regards, Tom
  16. And then they have OOM or unexpected fsx stopped working ( not because of pmdg but other stuff running along). Thank you all for input. I know now. Topic can be closed.
  17. Thank you for replying. I found some useful answers and few actually tried to understand me. Ok, I'll explain a bit more into detail. I like everything that NGX and 777 offers. All but simulation of failures and for example cabin pressurization. I take it as off line simulator, not a real life thing. Many of you like as real as it gets. I'd like pmdg to give me a choice of purchasing a plane for let say 40$ that will not simulate certain functions or one for 80$ that will have it all. I have both products. I have them since day one. I can fly, program and deal with failures as per the manual. It's great, but still a choice could be offered. I have other products offered as well. I prefer pmdg. And don't hate me too much. It was simple question. Pmdg did not answer - yet. Maybe they will. It would be a change to standard talks about oom's caused by people expecting too much from their systems and settings
  18. Hi, I wish that pmdg would release or consider releasing so called light versions of product. I'm not really interested in full ac simulation or failures in general, all I neec is to program, load and fly from a to b. Of course flying and air data and plane behavior is important. Did pmdg ever comment on that? Besides the above, I love flying 737 & 777.
  19. If they started now they might complete it in 2018... So?
  20. No worries, you are not the only one who got tricked.
  21. Maybe things changed. Maybe they don't care but I'm sure avsim cares about NOT promoting piracy. But maybe I'm wrong.
  22. Don't waste time posting about it. Pirate is a pirate. These posts will be gone soon - and good.
  23. ### AI was a pirated software...
  24. In other words: business. As long as there are people who pay it - and there will be - that's how long the price will evolve. However I'm "buying" the story that this is to compensate time spent on new version requirements. It's like buying new car, you still have a price to pay but dealer may offer a nice "offer" - here reduced price for certain period of time.
  25. Which ones? I don't keep any lists but I'm relating to freeware airports available on avsim. You have to do this bit by yourself and find out by trial and error. Summarizing. I have what is considered a very decent and well balanced equipment to run fsx. J can push it to Max and get high fps but guaranteed oom. Limit is that users expect toooo much from software which can't handle it - nor does prepared. Until one of those - and prepar is to be most likely the one - goes 64 bit, you have to learn how to balance. But of course no one will agree to my opinion. Chasing rabbits is more fun. So have fun. (I wish to see faces of those spending thousands of $ on new rig and the oom they'll get 5 seconds after plane is loaded in FTX PNW at the gate without any action - sliders to the right)
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