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Everything posted by Bushido5

  1. Thanks rudi. That's weird it is the way I try it but it did not load my flight plan. Need to redo it again I might have screw up something.
  2. Thanks rudi this is what I have done however in such case the flight plan was not loaded in the g1000. And the only flight plan I have found in the g1000 memory was not the one I have saved. so is there a specific way to load the flight plan in the g1000 after that ?
  3. Hello maybe a stupid question but if I create a flight plan with little nav map in which folder shall I drop the flight plan to be able to load it in the G1000 ?
  4. Even if it is a g1000 it is still less complex aircraft than a liner so I would expect a price range more around 40 / 50$. but time will tell.
  5. Not too sure what I'm supposed to check here but I do not have activated the protection against ransomware in Windows. Shall I try a reinstall of the reality XP Gauge ? I have succesfully install it on the A2A Bonanza, the A2A Commanche and the Real Air Turbine Duke2, in none of the case I have the option to Restore the pannel.
  6. RXP GTN.gau: 18/11/24 13:36:19.523 16212 - ] # rxpGTN.dll version 18/11/24 13:36:19.523 16212 INFO ] RXP_GTN Menu.dll 18/11/24 13:30:11.004 15632 - ] # rxpGTN_menu.dll version 18/11/24 13:30:11.007 15632 INFO ] edit panel: B:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\Alabeo PA44_Seminole\panel\panel.cfg 18/11/24 13:36:17.766 19440 INFO ] 18/11/24 13:36:17.768 19440 INFO ] edit panel: B:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado C90 King Air\panel\panel.cfg 18/11/24 13:36:17.783 19440 ERROR] failed to copy: B:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado C90 King Air\RealityXP.GTN.ini to: C:\Users\Arnaud\AppData\Local\Temp\rxp500E.tmp 18/11/24 13:36:17.786 19440 ERROR] Le fichier spécifié est introuvable., code: 00000002 RXPGTNSim.dll 18/11/24 13:36:21.793 16212 - ] # rxpGtnSim64.dll version 18/11/24 13:36:21.793 16212 INFO ] 18/11/24 13:36:25.321 10608 INFO ]
  7. I do not have the restore option. I never had it. The only options available after having replace the gauge by the reality XP one are: Configure Replace Remove
  8. The A2A Comanche has a panel configurator where you can choose the default GPS, the Reality XP, the F1 or the MS. I only have the Reality XP one however in the A2A Panel configurator it is the only one I can't select, ut's greyed out. I have then select the f1 GPS option and then using the wizard remove the f1 by the Reality XP and ultimatly it's working but why is the A2A configurator do not recognise the Reality XP gauge ?
  9. I have an issue with the backup function that is not working at all. I have tryed to install the GTN 750 in the Alabeo PA44 Seminole using the autodetection and replacing the default GPS 500 by the GTN 750. I then decide to revert back to the original configuration so I select "remove all reality XP GTN" the issue is that now I don't have the default GPS anymore. And if I try to reinstall the GTN 750 I have an error message stating that the wizard did not detect any GPS gauge. So basically the wizard is not backing up the original panel it just erase the default GPS gauge. How can I get back the original panel of my Seminol (appart from re-installing) ? On the long run why the installer is not working as intended as of now I need to manually backup my panel.cfg as if I don't like the result I can't go back ? Thanks
  10. Ok so you confirm I can buy only one product and don't have to buy the two product for them to work ?
  11. Hello maybe a stupid question but can I buy only the GTN 750 without having to buy the GTN 650 ? I'm not clear if the two need to be bought in order to work and/or if they come bundle. In the RealXP shop it look like two different product however the manual is not that clear. In the flight one shop they come bundle hence my question. I would like to take the benefit of the current sales but I'm not sure what need to be bought. Thanks
  12. Is there any free video as a trial to get an idea of the product ? (haven't seen on your site but I might have overlook) I might be interested but I'm a bit reluctant without having the opportunity to have a first glance (and not being a native english speaker the accent could be an issue)
  13. FSLConfigurator - Several logic fixes - Affinity mask logic rules improvements Does this mean we will not have to re-launch P3D every-time and that the configurator will automatically assess the affinity mask based on our preference once and for all ? That "feature" really bugs me actually.
  14. Any new European airport compatible with p3d v4 to consider since last February ?
  15. I'm afraid REX is a bit late to the party and somehow miss the time to market... I have waited quite a long time for Rex Skyforce as a previous Happy customer of REX Essential but after two years of "coming very very soon" an abandon of REX Simair; a product line that is everything but clear and a change of my simulation plateform from FSX to P3D I decide to go to the current market leader i.e. AS16 / ASCA and Envtex texture (because it incorporate nicely with the live update feature of AS16 / ASCA) Considering AS16 / ASCA / Envtex is doing a great job I don't really plan to buy a new product that do more or less the same, I guess for someone that does not own already a weather engine it will be appealing but otherwise ...
  16. Thanks all for your reply. I concurs it looks expensive realxp is cheaper, on the other hand I'm not too keen on spending hours to integrate the gauge in the VC so the F1 solution might be a better option. Not in a hurry to buy this so might wait for a sale.
  17. For P3D V4 which one would you recommend ? I don't own any previous version.
  18. It's my first ever payware traffic add ons. I'm not an Ayatollah of true traffic so I don't care too much if the plane leave at 15h08 instead of 16h00, I was looking at an add on that put my airport to live with decent model, enough variety and correct airlines depending of the airport. So far I'm please, my airport are populated with the relevant airlines and the relevant aircraft. I have set traffic at 100% and 30 fps and there is a good amount of traffic with no noticeable performance impact. Can't compare with other product or with the previous one, but so far so good, I'm pleased with what I bought.
  19. It is a nice aircraft but not as detailed as the Q400 or the FSL to name aircraft you know and own. Also the avionics part is much lighter (mind you it is accurate) but if you like to play with the FMS navdata and so on you will be disappointed as there is none like in the real aircraft.
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