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Everything posted by HenkA

  1. Hello Bryan, Just downloaded this update. Do I need to uninstall the previous version, prior to installing V1.2, or can I simply install it over the previous version? Thanks for an answerRegards, Henk
  2. That's fully correct, and I agree. And this is exactly what developers are doing today: sending us a lot of pictures.. Of course, I'm interested in updates about proceeding (and therefore in pictures too). In the case of the PMDG737NGX, this was already done in a very premarily stage.That is, in my opinion, not wise, and that is wat I find: Fooling around with the clients, and I still think, the client is the king: without buyers: no existence for PMDG (certainly not a wish of me btw). But by saying for instance: it can be next week, it can be 2013, I think the clients are not taken seriously. Sorry for this, but I wrote down my frustrations. Hope they are now up in the air, and hope the NGX will be also there very soon.Henk Altena
  3. AlexanderWith winning the race, I only mean: Perhaps the IFly 737NGX will be issued, before the PMDG 737NGX??? I saw some pictures of the IFly plane, and they look promising to me. Up until then, I even like, flying the PIC737 with FS2Crew Voice Commander.There is something else what I don't like. That is a certain tendency from the really good aircraft developers (e.g. PMDG, LevelD, IFly), to start a little fooling around with the Simmers. Perhaps, it was better when they should stop telling us they are working on a new project at a too early stage of developing.Henk Altena With fooling around, I did not mean the first of April (No problem for me), but I mean a rather structural fooling around.
  4. Hi,It's still 1st of April. However, I guess, perhaps IFly could win the race with their 737 NGX, and then (maybe), I don't even need this PMDG diaster for over three hundred dollar LOL.Henk Altena
  5. Hello RTH,Indeed, a post at the FSDT forum was in this case more appropiate. However (sorry to say), but up until now I (and many others) did never got a solution from the forum administrator of FSDT. AES forum could be another possibility. Of course, it could also have something to do with FSX. A couple of weeks ago, I bought FREEZ Zurich LSZH. I will install this add-on instead of FSDT, and look if I can get a normal push-back there.Anyway, thanks for the feed-back.Kind regards from Switzerland (it's evening right now here.Henk Altena
  6. Hello RTH,You are right with your experience that many times there are no push.back trucks at all. I noticed, that most of the times you can have a PB truck by putting the density slider of the airport traffic in the FSX settings all the way to the right.Last night, I made an experiment at LSZH: I took the default FSX Airbus, which don't have FS2Crew support. There was a push-back truck present at the right position. The I asked AES for push-back, and what happened........a second push-back truck appeared and performed the pushback. The first one did not do anyting. I never have this sort of things at Aerosoft's EDDF, EDDM, EDDS, EHAM and other airports. Everything works correctly there.Now you mentioned KJFK. Is this airport perhaps from FSDT too? Could it be a problem with FSDT-airports????Any suggestions, feed-back is much appreciatedHenk Altena
  7. Hello,I noticed a strange problem with the push-back at FSDT Zurich. I've AES installed, but always let FS2Crew do the push-back. The push-back is carried out by the ground crew, but without the push-back truck. The truck stays at the gate and does not move. It happens only by FSDT Zurich, no other airport shows this behaviour.Possibly a FSDT Zurich issue, possibly some conflict FSDT Zurich <-> FS2Crew????????????Does anyone has any idea about this behaviour???Henk Altena
  8. And, if it does not solve the problem: uninstall FS2Crew for the 747, uninstall PMDG 747, check your FSX/PMDG directory and delete the 747 stuff.Then reinstall PMDG747+ update, and FS2Crew.Anyway, the two programs work fine together. So, something is wrong in your system.
  9. Thanks for the answer. In those pictures, engines are not running. As I wrote in a previous post, in this stage, you can ask the FO (FS2Crew is running), to start the engines (4 and 3). Then the FO switches pack 2 and pack 3 to off and performs the flow to start the engines. So you're right, and in fact the packs should be at off, prior to start the engines. The FO does the job. As soon as all 4 engines run and stabilize, you can ask to switch the APU off. The the FO also switches the packs to normal again.Everything works fine.BTW, Alberto tells that he has this valve problem only as soon as he activates the FS2Crew gauge. I checked that out. I did not get any differences, i.e. pictures are identical if I don't activate FS2Crew.Henk
  10. Hereby the pictures, with FS2Crew activated, as you can see. The first picture is identical to the picture you posted. The second picture shows the overhead and eicas with the packs at normal. Hope this helps to convince you. Only difference is that I run FSX. Bryan, if you read this post, could you please tell why FS9 should behave different as FSX, if you run FS2Crew?Henk
  11. I really wonder. Did you try out my suggestion???? If not, I 'm asking you: Do you really want help?Tonight I will send you some pictures.Henk
  12. Alberto,Again: switch your packs to normal before you run the BEFORE START procedure. Then (but as fas as I could see from your picture, you did), after having switched the APU bleed air to ON, you wil have the air flow, as shown as green connections in your EICAS. If you don't set your packs to normal (what I can see in your picture), you won't get air flow.Try it out. I could send a couple of pictures to show it to you, if this does not solve your problem.Henk
  13. Hi Alberto,There is something funny in your overhead picture. All pack switches are OFF. As far as I know, you should switch all three pack switches to NORMAL, during PREFLIGHT. Then during the BEFORE START procedure, the FO switches pack 2 and 3 to the OFF position (pack 1 stays at NORM). Your task is then to press the APU Bleed Air switch, before going through the BEFORE START CHECKLIST, and start your engines. Have a look at the Flightguide, I wrote. As mentioned into the FS2Crew manual, the FO is "blind and a dummy": if the packs are off, the FO will probably switches the packs to NORMAL instead to OFF, and you will never be able to start the engines then!BTW I always make an autostart.Henk
  14. Ryan,Thanks for the quick answer. I already did not fully understand it. Though Scott is very convincing, and I encountered identical CTD's. Could there be another cause for those CTD's, always caused by module G3D.dll???Thanks alreadyHenk Altena
  15. Hi Scott,Very interesting. On a flight from EHAM to LSZH (with ASE loaded), I always get CTD's, due to the G3D.dll, after 45-50 minutes flight..So this JAVA philosophy is perhaps for me a solution? However, where can I find JAVA? I looked in the installed programs-list (Control Panel). There I don't find it. I looked also into the C:\Program Files (x86) directory. Also not there. Is JAVA automatically installed, when installing Winows7 64 bit? What's your advice in this. Thanks for any help.Henk Altena
  16. Petr,First of all: sorry for not have reading your post. If anything works for you, please let me know. Otherwise, I will send you a copy of my files.Henk
  17. Did some remapping with the second dat-file, Dario supplied us with (hope you don't mind Dario).Now the VOR/ADF switches work.Furthermore, I modified the programmable buttons of the COM part of the MCP-Combo. Assignments are:Button0 (the most left one): toggles Overhead panel on/offButton1: toggles FO panel on/offButton2: toggles FMC/CDU panel on/offButton3: toggles THR panel on/offButton4: toggles COM panel on/offButton5: not assignedButton6: decrease Autobrake (like with the LevelD-767)Button7: increase Autobrake (like with the LevelD-767)If you're interested in this dat-file, please let me know. I can mail it to you.Henk
  18. It will work. I reorganized all windows in the panel.cfg's a little bit, so it looks a little more logical. If you ever should uninstall and reinstall the Voice Commander, you will loose all of your CDU II windows, so prior to do so, first make a backup.Enjoy flying the new hardware.Henk
  19. Since I don't know, how to create links into a post, I have sent it to you by email. If there are more people interested, they can put it in this thread.Henk
  20. Bryan is right. As I also owns the CDU II, I saw this mess-up afte having installed the CDU. I changed every thing in the panel.cfg and in the panelvc,cfg file from both the 744 and the 744F. If you are interested, I could send you all the panel.cfg you need to have it properly installed. That saves much work for you.Let me hear if you are interested and then I can send it by emailHenk.
  21. The funny thing is, that when I wrote my keyboard.ini file, as a mix of the original MCP.Combo dat file and the FS2Crew keyboard.ini file, the VOR-ADF switches worked. Therefore I used the EFIS commands from the keyboard.ini file, as generated from running the panelinstaller with the original VRInsight PMDG744X.dat file.Well, not real important, but still funny.Henk
  22. Hi Robert,Thanks very much. Both your guidelines and Vincent's guidelines in the thread, I opened a couple of days ago work. This means, the supplied .dat-files are OK. Again, I apologize by the creator(s) of these dat-files (Dario??), for saying that they belong in the recycle.bin. That was wrong. A little bit of help from Dario on the other hand, should have prevent me from saying that. Finally a forum is meant to help and support each other.Therefore, many thanks for the help.Btw, do the VOR-ADF switches on the EFIS panel of your MCP-Combo work??Regards,Henk
  23. Every extra monitor, added to your system, goes at the cost of frame-rates. I should think, that if you exchange one monitor for another, it should not be so dramatically. Of course, your computer (CPU, GPU and memory) will play a role. Hope, you can live with the fact of losing frame-rates. I can understand, that the drop and drag of the CDU onto a touchscreen monitor is more simple in the beginning. But you have to do this everytime you fly an aircraft. With the CDU II it's a matter of a single-time installation, and re(sizing). Once you're satisfied, and redraw and save the settings, the next time you fly that aircraft, everything is OK. It's a matter of getting used.Btw, can you tell me what Airline extreme is??Henk
  24. Thanks Vincent,I did try it out, the way you told. And then it works indeed. However, I'm not able to activate the VOR-ADF switches on the EFIS panel in the MCP. So the modified *.dat files, circulating do their job, and I have to apologize for telling that those files should go into the recycle.bin, but still I choose for the way, I have choosen, to let the MCP work with the Voice commander. Then tihose VOR-ADF switches work.Thanks for you help anywayRegards,Henk Edit: I already own the CDU II for a couple of months, and it is real winner. Flow the PIC737, LevelD767, and now the PMDG747, without any problems. One thing, I do hate from FSX (and FS9), is having to use the mouse to handle functions for an aircraft, and the CDU II let me programm the FMC with the fingertips. You will certainly like the CDU.
  25. I guess, I become mad about this. But any further help from you is very much appreciated. I have a couple of further questions:From Dazz, I only saw two modified dat files, no keyboard.ini file. Could you tell me, where you got this ini file?Did you, after having installed the 747 Voice Commander run the FS"Crew PMDG747 Configuration.exe (it's a icon on your desktop). I assume you did. If so, did you also activate the button: 'FSX: Set PMDG Keyboard.INI file to FS2Crew' ?Thanks for an answer, and more thanks for the geed-backHenk
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