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Everything posted by philabos

  1. Just tried it again and it cratered on a network error at 36%. My speed is 10mbps, should be fine and always is except on this file.
  2. I think I can confirm the link on page one is dead. Download manager shows network errors after downloading less than half of the file. Tried twice. Any possibility of uploading it to Avsim?
  3. Did you get a completed file? It always starts, and always fails. I have tried Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. Also Icloud. If I can download a 12GB file without issue, this should be easy at 682MB.
  4. Yes.No joy. Finally did fix with a complete reinstall of W10. Even a W10 reset failed. Lesson learned.
  5. Have tried to download RC a number of times, it either fails or advises the file is no longer being shared. Any suggestions? BTW, I paid for this some years ago.
  6. Well, a self inflicted wound. Everything great for years and then without backing up the simconnect cfg and xml started messing with it for another application. After a day googling and trying many suggested fixes, I am coming to the conclusion the only way to fix this is a complete reinstall of FSX SE and P3D, which did not work. Simconnect continues to fail. Before I do any more damage, my plan is to not only remove the sim but every evidence of simconnect on my PC. There seem to be dll's, xml's scattered everywhere. Does this seem like a viable plan?
  7. I purchased the Steam Edition in June of 2016 and have had 2 crashes since that time.
  8. I have virtually the same add ons for FSX SE which looks great and the Steam Edition has worked flawlessly for me. If the boxed version was the only option, I would have dumped FSX long ago. even though I could not take my Overland planes with me. With the Steam edition, I think I still have the best of both worlds.
  9. I would also recommend Steam installed under C:\Steam, not Program Files(x86). Also strongly agree with the above comment, dual installs will create havoc. Nonetheless well worth the effort. Have run FSX SE for years now, one crash.
  10. I have to say I downloaded X-Life for AI traffic from JARDesign preparing to be disappointed. It's free, so why not try? I have used it at EGKK at was blown away by how good it looks. Accurate airlines, great sounds, at least from what I have seen so far. http://jardesign.org/x-life/www/
  11. I looked at this thread because I always have the same question. All of what has been said about FSX boxed is true. Drove me up the wall. Ever since I switched to FSX SE, darn near 100% reliable. Kind of OT because I am already an FSX SE happy camper, but thought I would comment just for the sake of balance. Maybe one day I will "upgrade". But probably not today.
  12. Thanks Maarten Tried your suggestions with no luck. Running GPS and FST alongside track aircraft fine. Have sent log file Thanks Warren
  13. Installed Simlauncher in FSX SE and all seems to run fine. My problem is every time I minimize Launcher, the map loses connection with FSX, i.e. it no longer tracks the aircraft. I can reconnect, but do not want to do that every time. Any suggestions appreciated.
  14. I am running FSX SE with ORBX, ASN, REX, My Traffic, FSCaptain. No issues. For the price, cannot go wrong.
  15. Running RC4 with FSX Steam Windows 10, no issues. Assume you already have msstdfmt.dll.
  16. Successful registration 1/5 Thanks
  17. Guess it is time for me to send a second request. When you move and change providers you can no longer use the original email address to request a new key for a new computer.
  18. Have heard nothing. Request sent Wednesday 12/23 Warren
  19. I purchased RC4 long ago and have an order number. However when I try to register I receive an auto reply that states the original did not come from my old email. Fine. Change email message sent to site as stated in FAQs. No response after 5 days. How long would it be expected to receive a reply?
  20. I use MyTraffic in conjunction with Air Traffic Manager which limits AI flights to 100 or so. I have seen 300+ flight around London for instance, which will bring FSX to its knees.
  21. Also make sure your nav is not set to gps instead of nav Have done this more than once myself
  22. Had the same problem with ORBX. Downloaded the flight registry repair tool from Flight1 and pointed it to my FSX SE install. Worked for me. http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library
  23. Virtualcol Dash 8 30% off http://www.sim-planet.com/en/fsx-downloads/1149-virtualcol-dash-8-series-fsx-p3d-downloads-virtualcol.html
  24. I am running ORBX Global, Vector, and LC Europe in FSX-SE and have had great results. The boxed version would crash every other day but with SE only crashed once in 2 months and that was because I did not update my ORBX Central. Everyone's system is different and I know people will say there is no advantage to SE, but for me it's been well worthwhile. ORBX also has a Steam support sub forum now to make things easier.
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