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Everything posted by Lucass

  1. Hi Tomaz, did you resolve problem without uninstalling FSC? Regards, Lucas
  2. Hi Rob, thanks for reply. I've already get sugestion what should I do.... if it will not help I will do as you wrote Regards, Lucas
  3. Hello friends, could you take a look at my above post (#29)? Thank you.
  4. Hi friends, I also have issue with clouds - look at the screen: http://www.fotoszok.pl/out.php/t2033254_cloudcut.jpg What is the reason that clouds which are far away from my aircraft are sometimes cutted? (not always). I have ASN and REX4 2048 clouds optimized for DX10 DXT5 (TML in FSX.CFG file is set to 2048), DX10 Steve Fixer, GTX660Ti and i5 2500K 4.3GHz. There is other issue: sometimes, some clouds appears as if like exposed by invisible cover (it's hard to say, but I hope you know what I mean...). It regards only far-away clouds. And I suppose that both above issues are related (but I can be wrong of course..) ASN options: [General options] FSVersion=FSX AutomaticDownloadInterval=5 VATSIMDownloads=0 [Cloud options] EnhanceIMCConditions=1 MaximumCloudLayers=5 MaximumCloudDrawDistance=110 ForceBrokenToSeven=0 MinimumCloudDrawDistance=90 [Wind options (and effects)] InterLayerInterpolation=1 WakeTurbulenceStrength=70 [Visibility options] MaximumVisibilitySM=50 MaximumUpperVisibilitySM=150 I have all options "ON" in DX10Fixer in "Cloud Shader" window. Best regards, Lucas
  5. That I know... but is it safe to install AS2012 with ASN already installed?
  6. Hi, I have installed ASN (upgrade) and REX4 already, but I want to use ONLY wave animation from AS2012. Can I simply install AS2012 and load only wave animation texture? Lucas
  7. Look at my CFG above... " [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 .0.0] AntiAlias=1 Mode=1280x1024x32 "
  8. Hi, I also have strange graphic issue... I observed that there is no smooth gradient on dusk sky or water textures. Look at screenshots: (water near to beach) What is the reason? I have turn the bloom on, but turning it off didn’t help. I also have SweetFX, but delete it also didn’t help. My DX10SF settings are as below: Inspector: My CFG file: Lucas
  9. Hello friends, one more thing: yesterday, I observed following effect: http://www.fotoszok.pl/show.php/1997922_lightsonsky.jpg.html (city lights (I have UTX) on the sky) There is only in VC. I have turn the bloom effects on. Fixer settings: http://www.fotoszok.pl/show.php/1994251_sett.jpg.html (…with two exceptions: Headlights and Lights were both „Always On”.) Is it normal? If not..how to resolve it? Regards, Lucas
  10. Hi friends, help please... which option should I change to avoid this effect (see end of runway): (bloom effect is on) My present settings: Regards, Lucas
  11. Friends, I have DX10SF now, but I want to create fresh CFG file. Is it necessary to uninstall Fixer's libraries first? Regards, Lucas
  12. Hmm, I thought that EVERY FSX weather settings are overriden by ActiveSky … :huh: I have set in ASN min. cloud redraw 90nm and max. 120nm – probably too high :mellow: Exactly…almost all options in Fixer I have default. As I remember well, Cloud Cull is unticked…so I have to change it. I think that I also have to tick DISCARD FOGGED – what do you think? (Ps. Jet, could you send me your Fixer settings?) Jet, I really don’t know why, but I have 3-5 fps more, when I limit frames in NI (look at my previous NI settings screenshot)… so I don’t udnerstand what is advantage of limiting frames in FSX then in NI :mellow: I don’t expect this :wink: … I only want to have not less then 20-22 fps in VC in dense clouds :smile: . Ok., I’ll try raise FFTF. I tried with TML=1024, but there wasn’t improve. BUFFERPOOLS: Yes, I think that better results are without [bUFFERPOOLS] section.
  13. Help please, still have a problem with low fps in dense clouds :( I tried solution which described under link which I posted above, but still the same situation. I tried many variation of PoolSize and RT, even UsePools=0. Still the same... when I fly PMDG777 in dense clouds, frames are about 10-14. Ps. Is it normal when I set UsePools=0, GPU load was about only 30%? Look: Maybe it is due slow CPU? Anyway, maybe should I change something in Inspector or in FSX.CFG, but I don't know what exactly :( Let me allow paste Inspector settings: and CFG file: I don't know what else can I do (except buying new hardware ) Lucas
  14. Ok, friends…all above requests are unimportant - except one: when you wrote: „BP=0”, do you mean: 1. [bUFFERPOOLS] BufferPools=0 2. [bUFFERPOOLS] UsePools=0 3. [bUFFERPOOLS] PoolSize=0 Ps. Yep, nice monologue :smile:
  15. Me again... I'm after some tests... Unfortunately, there are still low fps in VC in dense clouds, independently on PoolSize and RT values. I think that I have another issue, which is described here: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/422104-please-try-this-when-you-have-low-fps-with-clouds-and-high-aa-settings/
  16. @Marc, you wrote: What exactly should I do in this point? Do you mean to delete \ShaderHLSL folder in main FSX dir.? Edit Sorry for OT, how can I install all REX4 textures simultaneously except wave animation... hmm? :unsure: - each texture separately?
  17. Hi friends, I have the same issue (big drop fps in VC when in dense clouds) but I have REX4. Could you confirm... Do I have only set stock wave animation, not water textures, right? And please tell me where (in which section of cfg file) should I enter BufferPool=0? - in [bUFFERPOOLS]? By the way, first time I see this entry...I have seen UsePools=0, but BP=0 never. Best regards, Lucas
  18. Evidently, on my system, far better when I set limit (30) in Inspector then in FSX - average 5 fps more. (I mean fps in VC of course) [and FFTF set on 0.12] Now, I'm going to start test with Bufferpools, because frames still drop in VC inflight in heavy rain and dense clouds.
  19. @Pe11e Thanks. As I wrote earlier, one of my issues are stutters (and low VC fps in some cases) but I have set "Use 3D application settings". Besides, I have the same GPU ...so I'll start testing from "1" value. I hope that is proper way
  20. @Jet one more (don't be angry :mellow: )... what do you have in "Maximum pre-rendered frames" in Inspector? - "3" - as in the How-to.doc or "Use 3D application settings"?
  21. @Chris Ad 2. I was not preciselly, sorry. I know that limit fps is necessary, but which way is better: in fsx options or via Inspector? Many people says: via fsx options.. but in my opinion via Inspector is smoother effect.
  22. It's very sad. Jet, are you able to answer for my 2 questions to Poul: 1. Does VSync 1/2 RefreshRate in Inspector is necessary? I don't fly in full screen mode. Besides, if I'm not wrong, VSync decreases frames...am I right? 2. Is it necessary to limit frames in FSX? When I do it in Inspector, I have few more frames (there is smoother). I'll be thankful. And what about with this: How it looks in your sim? Regards, Lucas
  23. That’s why I was a little surprised when Poul suggested tests with Stock 172. I also think that tests with PMDG are better solution. What do you mean: „IQ sliders”? Because my present FSX.CFG file was modified by venetubo and later changed according to Poul’s How-to.doc , I decided to generated fresh CFG file and made modification as Poul suggested… and of course I will start BufferPools testing. That’s my planned way… * * * Jet, Poul… one more question. I also have one issue – slow ground textures sharpening in external view (default textures + UTX). When I move camera to view another area (example from left to right side of aircraft), I have to wait 7-8 (or sometimes more) sec. to textures become sharpness. What can I do with this?
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