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Ron Attwood

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Everything posted by Ron Attwood

  1. Thanks for trying Dominique but first I must start the sim, then I could go to Data and then exit the sim. This whole thing makes me want to cry. Not a good look for a grown man.
  2. Well that was short lived. First start up = Press any button to start.
  3. There's already a thread about this. I had it myself and was beaten by it. I reinstalled the sim and now it works.....Until the next time!
  4. That's one way to clear out all the mess. Sim is working well again, I just haven't yet got the trust in it. I'll leave it for a few days before I start reinstalling all the aircraft I installed directly into the Community folder and not in Addon Organiser.
  5. I'm going to bite the bullet and reinstall MSFS. I'll clear out everything and start from scratch. Fortunately I'm retired so I have time on my hands. "£"$£$%%^&*!
  6. At least my Task Manager is working well. Albeit on overtime!
  7. Signing out and signing in has NO effect. A complete balls up.
  8. When will it end? I've got the same problem .......Dave just saved me writing the same thing.
  9. My fault entirely. Badly laid out post. Friends? 😁
  10. You'll like this one. I re-booted my PC and launched MSFS....Guess what. It did what it was supposed to do! Gaaaah! Dare I try to start it again without a reboot? Got to haven't I?
  11. They were my words. i.e. I was at the end of my tether.
  12. It seems that just you and I DAD have this problem. The rest of the world is serenely oblivious. Do you get that robotic voice at the beginning?
  13. Well I spoke too soon. It's back to updating again. v1.36.20 is that the correct version. My heart sinks when I fire it up and that bloody music is back.
  14. I woke up this morning, turned on my PC, launched MSFS and lo and behold IT WORKED as it should. setting all in order. I can only assume the it couldn't connect to the Cloud and so kept trying to update and basically got it's knickers in an almighty twist. Peace and tranquillity has resumed. 😎 Hallelujah
  15. Those are the words of a man at the end of his tether. You've obviously not had a nightmare update. However. This morning I started MSFS and it loaded as per normal! I can only assume that it was unable to connect with the famous Cloud, thereby all hell broke loose. But now all is well. The sun is out, the sky is blue. God is in his heaven and all's well with the world. 😁
  16. Or stop doing them all together! They've had their moments in the past but this one marks their finest hour. How can the cock up something so comprehensively? P3D is starting to look good!
  17. I've been having a never ending cycling of 'updating' reassigning stuff. I've NEVER had such a &*%^$O)(^$%% since I started using MSFS from day one. Who is running this show?
  18. It now reinstalls all those God awful Aviator club etc liveries and reinstalled everything I've just deleted! YOU WILL HAVE EVERYTHING WE THROW AT YOU!
  19. This goes down as Asobo's biggest 'word not allowed' up since MSFS's inception.
  20. Just to clarify what Chris said at the start of this thread.
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