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Everything posted by Stormtrooper

  1. Same guy? https://www.facebook.com/SimSavvySimulations
  2. 30GB lol I wish mine were that small......no really
  3. For those referring to Motorsports earlier there are a great group of guys who race weekly here http://simhqmotorsports.com/
  4. ...and Jankees is one of the best so there ya go Keep up the awesome work btw sir.
  5. He seems to overly concerned with the cameras throughout that video.
  6. Interesting....there's a reference in the movie 'Planes' about the new livery for American. The aircraft in question says he likes it.
  7. Do they have a shorter version of the Q400 for FSX?
  8. I'm better with military aircraft ID wise, but civil aircraft i'm at a loss. Boeing 737? or Airbus 320? http://www.usairways.com/en-US/resources/images/aboutus/pressroom/US_Airways_Arizona_theme_plane.jpg
  9. Seems like the Q400 has a lot of fans lol.
  10. Hit Y then F4 then Y again....does the nose stay level?
  11. My Saitek recently gave up....first hint, the trim on all aircraft was all the way down (nose dives on take off or couldn't take off) Set up joystick to adjust trim then eventually the throttle gave out. Have to reset joystick to fix
  12. Debating buying anyone of these aircraft since i don't have a payware version in my library. Some i notice are older then others so i would like opinions on how well they look inside/outside. Serious discussion only please. Flight1 ATR--- http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=atr1 PMDG Jetstream--- http://www.precisionmanuals.com/pages/product/js4100.html PrecisionAerobus Fokker 50--- http://www.precisionaerobus.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=151&Itemid=112 (Partial to this one since i want to repaint it in the US Army Golden Knights livery) Majestic Software Q400--- http://majesticsoftware.com/mjc8q400/products.html Carenado B1900D--- https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.573556942721124.1073741888.129839447092878&type=1 Razbam EMB-120--https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s843x403/966632_530029830416993_446119019_o.jpg
  13. I edit my repraints in gimp and convert using DXTBmp. Find a paint kit and I can help you
  14. Not sure about paint kit, but there are a few repaints here http://www.maam.org/flightsim/enhance/b25_enhance.htm
  15. In the meantime http://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/6255/fsx-embraer-phenom-300-pp-xvj/
  16. I guess there aren't any aviation fans at this site.
  17. Some issues with red on top lining up and with the holidays I've been busy.....still intend on releasing when done
  18. I doubt Milviz will work on a 412 anytime soon since the CeraSim 412 is still a great model.
  19. Interesting, i'll try that out thanks
  20. Click in cockpit in different aircraft and the game pauses by inself. Have to hit P to go again. Just started happening recently. Haven't changed anything to do with pause in controls. Any ideas?
  21. Orbx has some of Italy covered. Info here http://forum.avsim.net/topic/381729-excellent-scenery-for-italy-switzerland/
  22. Anyone know of any or photoreal? I have Flight1's GEX that covers that area and it looks ok except in some places....just want something better TIA
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