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Everything posted by Stormtrooper

  1. I used to race around my post in Korea with R/C Trucks back in the day. (90-91) Parent hood has since restricted my hobby, but i hope to get back into it soon. This time with R/C helos Tamiya Bigfoot painted as the CUCV my platoon was assigned.
  2. Some issues, but will get completed This one however, is like trying to restore a car without all the pieces
  3. Not sure if i want to release this 'what if' bird This one (Darker like the British Sentinel) or this one (More like a JStar aircraft)
  4. If you're referring to the IRIS bird yeah i'll take requests.. Otherwise it depends if i have the aircraft you want.
  5. I finished that one about the same time as the Sentinel. Repainting is easier then Avsim upload procedures lol. I can give the CRJ a shot haven't looked at it yet
  6. Up now http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=N90IGX&CatID=root&Go=Search
  7. Did you flip the alpha channel too?
  8. B-47-- http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?products_id=1484 Well i'm not worried about any aircraft being PMDG quality. I'm not an elitist to where i only fly those type of aircraft. In a market this small sometimes you have to suck it up and drive on and take what you can get. If you want better make it yourself
  9. I comprehend quite well thank you, but don't say it hasn't been done because it has.
  10. I like the Wilco Harrier myself. Short vid i made going from hover to forward flight....yeah i'm no ace pilot
  11. My slew speed has slowed down to what seems to be 1-2 knots where before i could go lightspeed forward backward etc. Anyone know how to change it? TIA
  12. Limited? They say they cover border to border http://www.megasceneryearth.com/store/cart.php?target=product&product_id=793
  13. http://www.area51sim.com/globemaster.html http://www.virtavia.com/gallery_C-17.html
  14. I have one for the Sentinel in my signature. The Global Express version i haven't uploaded yet.
  15. Back to link in original post.....Hey man those puppies have to breath ya know!!! I kid of course. If i saw a woman like that in combat i'd be shocked.
  16. Enough to spend hundreds of dollars to make it look good then fly around and take pretty screenshots Hey at least i'm honest.
  17. I bought EZDOK to set up a camera on a carrier so make some Naval Ops vids. First of all i can't get a carrier to stay still or appear at my default spot in free flight. Second EZDOK was a pain in the butt to work with....is Opus any better? Purchased shortly after release and have yet to make a vid :(
  18. Wow a lot more links then i've posted lol. Great job. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3282414/FSX_FS2004_Freeware_Payware_Li#Post3282414
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